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Quick Start Guide

This guide provides an overview of the main resources for the Comms Router API, introduces the prerequisites and assists with enabling first application build.

Note: the commands listed below are designed to be used with a Unix shell. Some of them need to be modified in order to work on Windows.

Process to get up and running

  1. Setting up Voice
  2. Create a Router
  3. Create a Skill
  4. Create a Queue
  5. Create a Plan
  6. Create an Agent
  7. Create Tasks

Supporting documentation


1. Setting up Voice

An overview and Getting started guide for Voice can be found here

  • Create an application and associate it with your virtual number. Nexmo retrieves the initial NCCO from the answer_url webhook and sends the DTMF input to the eventUrl webhook defined in the initial NCCO
  • Create your NCCO using the IVR use case with the required Task and Agent capabilities (link to demo app) link it to your application (answer_url)
  • Create client application to manage Comms Router and Voice or install and use the Comms Router demo application

2. Create a Router

When creating a router you can either specify the router ref ID for example MY_ROUTER or leave blank and it will be automatically generated. All other resources are identified by the their ref ID. When creating a router the ref ID must be unique.

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/comms-router-web/api/routers/MY_ROUTER

3. Create a Skill

For more example of how to correctly format Skills read our Predicate expression guide for Skills, Agents and Queues.

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/comms-router-web/api/routers/MY_ROUTER/skills/MY_SKILL \
  -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
  -d$'{"name":"NAME", "description":"DESCRIPTION", "multivalue":"true", "domain":{"type": "enumeration", "values": ["1","2","3"]}}'

4. Create a Queue

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/comms-router-web/api/routers/MY_ROUTER/queues/MY_QUEUE \
  -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \

Note: When creating a Queue we recommend using PUT method as it is possible to add the Queue name in path as otherwise the routerRef parameter is required in the header to name the Queue.

5. Create a Plan

The following Plan called MY_PLAN has a description and rules which include tasks must have language == en and will be routed to MY_QUEUE with a priority and timeout set. If no Agents are available in this Queue or if tineout limit reached with no other Queues the Task will move to the DEFAULT_QUEUE.

In the example below make sure you have a Queue created otherwise it is possible to create a Plan without queue specifications. Let's create a Plan with a rule that will route Tasks requiring Spanish speaking Agent in our Spanish queue. Tasks that don't match this rule we will route to the English Queue.

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/comms-router-web/api/routers/MY_ROUTER/plans/MY_PLAN \
  -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
  -d$'{"description":"Description of MY_PLAN", "rules":[{"tag":"english", "predicate":"#{language} == \'en\'", "routes":[{"queueRef":"MY_QUEUE", "priority":3, "timeout":300}]}], "defaultRoute":{"queueRef":"MY_QUEUE", "priority":0, "timeout":0}}}'

6. Create an Agent

Agent can be created using a defined ref or allow this to be automatically created by the service. The example below creates a new user called ALEX who has a SIP URI and English en language capability. When creating an Agent the ref ID must be unique.

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/comms-router-web/api/MY_ROUTER/demo/agents/ALEX \
  -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
  -d '{"address":"sip:[email protected]","capabilities":{"language":["en"]}}'

If not specified an Agent's status will be set to offline by default. Other statuses include offline, ready, busy, unavailable.

List Agents


curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/comms-router-web/api/routers/MY_ROUTER/agents


    "ref": "alex",
    "routerRef": "MY_ROUTER",
    "capabilities": {
      "language": "en"
    "address": "sip:[email protected]",
    "state": "offline",
    "queueIds": [

7. Create Tasks

Below is a request to create a task MY_TASK that requires an Agent to be able to speak English. We assign to it the plan MY_PLAN using planRef parameter. The callbackUrl parameter specifies the user application entry point to be called by the router for activity related with this Task.

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/comms-router-web/api/routers/MY_ROUTER/tasks/MY_TASK \
  -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \

In addition to using a Plan to route Tasks, the router accepts direct Queue assignment by the user application.

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/comms-router-web/api/routers/MY_ROUTER/tasks/MY_TASK \
  -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \

List Tasks


curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/comms-router-web/api/routers/MY_ROUTER/tasks


    "ref": "MY_TASK",
    "routerRef": "MY_ROUTER",
    "requirements": {
      "language": "en"
    "userContext": null,
    "state": "waiting",
    "planRef": null,
    "queueRef": "MY_QUEUE",
    "agentRef": null,
    "callbackUrl": ""

By default all Tasks are in state waiting if all Agents are in state offline. To change an Agents status use the following command:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/comms-router-web/api/routers/MY_ROUTER/agents/ALEX \
  -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
  -d '{"state":"ready"}'

Task statuses are managed by the Comms Router and include: waiting, canceled, assigned, completed.

Task flow

Once the router assigns a Task an Agent the Agent status changes to busy. A call to the provided callbackUrl can be observed in

When the user application is done with processing a Task it must declare it as done:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/comms-router-web/api/routers/MY_ROUTER/tasks/MY_TASK 
  -H 'Content-Type:application/json' 
  -d '{"state":"completed"}'

The router then releases the Agent and they are available (ready) for other Tasks. In this example the agent ALEX can serve more than one Queue for example EN_QUEUE and FR_QUEUE, it will automatically get the other Task we created.

curl http://localhost:8080/comms-router-web/api/routers/MY_ROUTER/tasks
    "ref": "EN_TASK",
    "routerRef": "MY_ROUTER",
    "requirements": {
      "language": "en"
    "userContext": null,
    "state": "completed",
    "planId": null,
    "queueRef": "EN_QUEUE",
    "agentRef": null,
    "callbackUrl": ""
    "ref": "FR_TASK",
    "routerRef": "MY_ROUTER",
    "requirements": null,
    "userContext": null,
    "state": "assigned",
    "planRef": null,
    "queueRef": "FR_QUEUE",
    "agentRef": "ALEX",
    "callbackUrl": ""

To clean up the flow we should finish by making the Task complete.

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/comms-router-web/api/routers/MY_ROUTER/tasks/EN_TASK \
  -H 'Content-Type:application/json'
  -d '{"state":"completed"}'