A curated list of tutorials, projects, and third-party tools to be used in conjunction with the open source MyHDL hardware design language.
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MyHDL Reference Manual - The go-to document for the MyHDL language.
Hello World - Shows how a demonstrator design that was originally coded in VHDL can be done in MyHDL.
Flip-Flops and Latches - Explains basic MyHDL usage with small, widely-known circuits.
Bitonic Sort - Presents possibilities for describing hardware structures in MyHDL, focusing on a classic sorting function.
PygMyHDL Tutorials - A sequence of Jupyter notebooks that use PygMyHDL (MyHDL + simple wrapper) to describe, compile, download and run several digital logic circuits on the low-cost iCEstick FPGA board.
Johnson Counter - Presents the design of a reversible, glitch-free, 4 bit Johnson counter.
Stopwatch - Describes the design of a simple stopwatch.
Cordic-Based Sine Computer - Presents the design of a sine and cosine computer.
Hardware Sorters - A Jupyter notebook describing, simulating, and comparing two hardware-based circuits for sorting a list of numbers.
Exploring Random Number Generators with MyHDL - Illustrates the advantages of using MyHDL and Python in designing and testing a random number generator (RNG).
myhdlpeek - A Python package that lets you monitor and display signal waveforms from your MyHDL digital design in a Jupyter notebook.
PygMyHDL - A Python package that places a thin-wrapper around MyHDL to make it a bit easier for beginners to get started.
Ovenbird - A tool for merging the MyHDL workflow with Vivado.
MyHDLXilinxUnisimLib - MyHldXilinxUnisimLib lets you use Xilinx Unisim components within a MyHDL project.
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