This project is an academic project that aims to implement a C-like tcpdump. We use the pcap C-library to get network frames and then parses them in order to display relevant informations about the data : transport protocol, ip-like protocol and applicative level relatives informations.
This project makes use of the pcap library to capture the frames
Clone the repository using
git clone
at the place of your convenience then enters the folder with
cd network_analyzer
Therefore, you can build the project with
make clean
You can whether choose to do a live analysis or use previously captured trames from a file, which will be referred as offline analysis.
./bin/sniffer -i interface_name -v verbose_level [-f filter]
The interface name refers to the one you can find with
e.g wlp2s0
Verbose level must be between 1 and 3, 1 being the less explanatory and 3 the more verbose
Filters are optional BPF filters and you can find syntax examples here
Therefore, a complete utilization could look like
./bin/sniffer -i wlp2s0 -v 3 -f "port 80"
In offline mode, you should take as input a file you have previously obtained from network analysers tools such as tcpdump or a packet generation tool like scapy
Example command
./bin/sniffer -o packet1.pcap -v 2