A list of free access books provided by ParrotOS linux distro.
Top Free eBooks for Web Designers & Web Developers: A Medium article showcasing free, insightful eBooks for Web Designers and Developers. Just to name a few:
JavaScript for impatient programmers: a modern guide to the most essential features
The Pragmatic Programmer: Ever heard of rubber duck debugging or don't repeat yourself? Andrew Hunt and David Thomas popularized these ideas within their book, The Pragmatic Programmer, as they first walk the reader through the type of mindset and tools one should implement before writing code. From there they delve deep into best practices for writing code (testing, refactoring, clean and performant code, using Big-O to estimate algorithm runtime, weighing costs and benefits before implementing something, etc.), followed by project management. Although it came out in 1999, it still holds its own as a practical and relevant book in the modern world.
Flavio Copes: Javascript, React, Node, Express, Vue: signup to an email newsletter required
JavaScript & JQuery by Jon Duckett: A well-designed visual guide to javaScript and jQuery. Exercise files are available to help the reader work through the examples provided in the book.
JavaScript: The good parts by Douglas Crockford: Well-articulated book explaining the fundamentals of JS
JavaScript: The definitive guide by David Flanagan: Reference guide focusing on core JavaScript language internals.
Learning JavaScript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani: Extremely well-written book demonstrating software design patterns with the help of JavaScript
Web Design Playground: HTML & CSS The Interactive Way: A book that takes you step by step from writing your first line of HTML to creating interesting and attractive web pages.
- The Road to learn React: a free ebook by Robin Wieruch where you build a Hacker News clone
- 30 Days of React: email newsletter and free 300+ pages ebook on React