Releases: NorESMhub/CAM
Releases · NorESMhub/CAM
CAM-Nor version in NorESM2.0.6 release
Small updates (model reproduces on fram still bit-for-bit the CMIP6 results) :
- correction in CCN diagnostics
- correction in COSP diagnostics
- new SSP5-3.4 compsets and emission driven SSP compsets
- correction in H2O emission file link for f09 for the extended (year 2100-2300) SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5 compsets
CAM-Nor version in NorESM2.0.5 release
Updated file
Modified config_compsets.xml (to garantee automatic download of AeroTab files for PTAERO compsets)
CAM-Nor version in NorESM2.0.3 release
Modified default pes settings for atmosphere-only simulations on Betzy machine
CAM-Nor version in NorESM2.0.2 release
Merge pull request #21 from DirkOlivie/cam_cesm2_1_rel_05-Nor Added cmip6 covid compsets
Setup updated to work with new ocean model name BLOM
Setup updated to work with new ocean model name BLOM
Initial setup for multi-repository CMIP6 version of NorESM2
Initial setup for multi-repository CMIP6 version of NorESM2