Cobalt Strike是一款常用于后渗透的神器,这个工具以团队作为主体,共享信息,拥有多种协议上线方式,集成了端口转发,端口扫描,socket代理,提权,钓鱼等。除去自身功能外,Cobalt Strike还利用了Metasploit和Mimikatz等其他知名工具的功能。
│ agscript 拓展应用的脚本
│ c2lint 检查profile的错误异常
│ cobaltstrike
│ cobaltstrike.jar 客户端程序
│ icon.jpg
│ license.pdf
│ readme.txt
│ releasenotes.txt
│ teamserver 服务端程序
│ update
│ update.jar
└─third-party 第三方工具
Cobalt Strike可以使用 AggressorScripts脚本来加强自身,能够扩展菜单栏,Beacon命令行,提权脚本等
Cobalt Strike通信配置文件是 Malleable C2 你可以修改 CS的通讯特征,Beacon payload的一些行为
Cobalt Strike可以引用其他的通讯框架ExternalC2,ExternalC2是由Cobalt Strike提出的一套规范/框架,它允许黑客根据需要对框架提供的默认HTTP(S)/DNS/SMB C2 通信通道进行扩展。
总的来说 CS的自定义功能很强大,使用起来很灵活后期,会讲到相关的使用。
Cobalt Strike 需要团队服务器才能使用,也就是teamserver。 需要文件 teamserver 与 cobaltstrike.jar 可以选择把他放在公网上面
执行 sudo ./teamserver
./teamserver <host> <password> [/path/to/c2.profile] [YYYY-MM-DD]
<host> is the (default) IP address of this Cobalt Strike team server
<password> is the shared password to connect to this server
[/path/to/c2.profile] is your Malleable C2 profile
[YYYY-MM-DD] is a kill date for Beacon payloads run from this server
在没有使用 自己的Malleable C2 profile情况下只填host 与 password即可
启动CS ./cobaltstrike.jar
其中user就是你想要输入的名字,password 为启动teamserver的密码
New Connection //新的链接
Preferences 偏好设置
Visualization 窗口视图模式
VPN interfaces VPN接入
Listeners 监听器
Sript Manager 脚本管理
Close 退出
其中 Preferences 可以删除 登陆记录的账户密码 与team server SSL ,其他的就是软件的一些颜色等。
Applications 用于显示 System Profiler 获取的目标浏览器,操作系统,flash版本
Credentials 显示所有已经获取的用户主机hash
Downloads 显示下载的文件
Event log 事件日志 记录团队 目标上线等记录
Keystrokes 目标键盘记录
Proxy Pivots 代理信息
Screenshots 屏幕截图
Script Console 加载自定义脚本
Targets 显示所有主机
Web log web服务日志
HTML Application 生成hta文件
MS Office Macro 宏office文件
Payload Generator 生成各种语言版本的payload
USB/CD AutoPlay 利用自动播放运行的被控端文件
Windows Dropper 捆绑器可将任意正常的文件
Windows Executable payload生成可执行文件 (一般使用这个)
Windows Executable (S) 把包含payload,Stageless生成可执行文件(包含多数功能)
Web Drive-by
Manage 开启的所有web服务
Clone Site 克隆网站
Host File 提供Web以供下载某文件
Scripted Web Delivery 为payload提供web服务以便于下载和执行
Signed Applet Attack 启动一个Web服务以提供自签名Java Applet的运行环境
Smart Applet Attack 自动检测Java版本并l利用已知的exploits绕过security
System Profiler 获取系统,Flash,浏览器版本等
Spear Phish 鱼叉式网络钓鱼
Activity report 活动报告
Hosts report 主机报告
Indicators of Compromise 威胁报告
Sessions report 会话报告
Social engineering report 社会工程学报告
Interact 打开beacon
dump hashes 获取hash
Elevate 提权
Golden Ticket 生成黄金票据注入当前会话
MAke token 凭证转换
Run Mimikatz 运行 Mimikatz
Spawn As 用其他用户生成Cobalt Strike侦听器
Browser Pivot 劫持目标浏览器进程
Desktop(VNC) 桌面交互
File Browser 文件浏览器
Net View 命令Net View
Port scan 端口扫描
Process list 进程列表
Screenshot 截图
SOCKS Server 代理服务
Listener 反向端口转发
Deploy VPN 部署VPN
Spawn 新的通讯模式并生成会话
Session 会话管理,删除,心跳时间,退出,备注
beacon> help
Beacon Commands
Command Description
------- -----------
browserpivot Setup a browser pivot session
bypassuac Spawn a session in a high integrity process
cancel Cancel a download that's in-progress
cd Change directory
checkin Call home and post data
clear Clear beacon queue
covertvpn Deploy Covert VPN client
cp Copy a file
dcsync Extract a password hash from a DC
desktop View and interact with target's desktop
dllinject Inject a Reflective DLL into a process
download Download a file
downloads Lists file downloads in progress
drives List drives on target
elevate Try to elevate privileges
execute Execute a program on target
exit Terminate the beacon session
getsystem Attempt to get SYSTEM
getuid Get User ID
hashdump Dump password hashes
help Help menu
inject Spawn a session in a specific process
jobkill Kill a long-running post-exploitation task
jobs List long-running post-exploitation tasks
kerberos_ccache_use Apply kerberos ticket from cache to this session
kerberos_ticket_purge Purge kerberos tickets from this session
kerberos_ticket_use Apply kerberos ticket to this session
keylogger Inject a keystroke logger into a process
kill Kill a process
link Connect to a Beacon peer over SMB
logonpasswords Dump credentials and hashes with mimikatz
ls List files
make_token Create a token to pass credentials
mimikatz Runs a mimikatz command
mkdir Make a directory
mode dns Use DNS A as data channel (DNS beacon only)
mode dns-txt Use DNS TXT as data channel (DNS beacon only)
mode dns6 Use DNS AAAA as data channel (DNS beacon only)
mode http Use HTTP as data channel
mode smb Use SMB peer-to-peer communication
mv Move a file
net Network and host enumeration tool
note Assign a note to this Beacon
portscan Scan a network for open services
powerpick Execute a command via Unmanaged PowerShell
powershell Execute a command via powershell.exe
powershell-import Import a powershell script
ppid Set parent PID for spawned post-ex jobs
ps Show process list
psexec Use a service to spawn a session on a host
psexec_psh Use PowerShell to spawn a session on a host
psinject Execute PowerShell command in specific process
pth Pass-the-hash using Mimikatz
pwd Print current directory
rev2self Revert to original token
rm Remove a file or folder
rportfwd Setup a reverse port forward
runas Execute a program as another user
runu Execute a program under another PID
screenshot Take a screenshot
shell Execute a command via cmd.exe
shinject Inject shellcode into a process
shspawn Spawn process and inject shellcode into it
sleep Set beacon sleep time
socks Start SOCKS4a server to relay traffic
socks stop Stop SOCKS4a server
spawn Spawn a session
spawnas Spawn a session as another user
spawnto Set executable to spawn processes into
spawnu Spawn a session under another PID
ssh Use SSH to spawn an SSH session on a host
ssh-key Use SSH to spawn an SSH session on a host
steal_token Steal access token from a process
timestomp Apply timestamps from one file to another
unlink Disconnect from parent Beacon
upload Upload a file
wdigest Dump plaintext credentials with mimikatz
winrm Use WinRM to spawn a session on a host
wmi Use WMI to spawn a session on a host
此部分不做翻译 讲在后期使用中介绍 也可在Beacon 使用help xxxx
本文介绍Cobalt Strike3.8版本的运行以及大体功能的翻译,后期功能演示可能会换成其他版本。(本文用时3个小时)