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3-第二节[Malleable C2 语法解析与文档].md

File metadata and controls

424 lines (296 loc) · 16.7 KB

0x00 profile语法分析

backoff.profile 为例来讲解

# Backoff POS Malware
# This profile takes steps to dress up the POST side of Beacon's C2 to
# look like Backoff. The GET side is left generic.
# Indicators from:
# Author: @armitagehacker
set sample_name "Backoff POS Malware";

set sleeptime "30000"; # use a ~30s delay between callbacks
set jitter    "10";    # throw in a 10% jitter

set useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0";

# the relevant indicators
http-post {
    set uri "/windebug/updcheck.php /aircanada/dark.php /aero2/fly.php /windowsxp/updcheck.php /hello/flash.php";

    client {
        header "Accept" "text/plain";
        header "Accept-Language" "en-us";
        header "Accept-Encoding" "text/plain";
        header "Content-Type" "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

        id {
            parameter "id";

        output {
            prepend "&op=1&id=vxeykS&ui=Josh @ PC&wv=11&gr=backoff&bv=1.55&data=";

    server {
        output {

# No information on backoff use of GET, so generic GET request.
http-get {
    set uri "/updates";

    client {
        metadata {
            prepend "user=";
            header "Cookie";

    server {
        header "Content-Type" "text/plain";

        output {

注释符号 # 选择赋值 set 用来设置一些程序的默认值 语句以; 结束,类似JavaScript.

代码中 set sleeptime "30000"; 即为设置心跳时间为30000毫秒,set jitter "10"; 为默认抖动系数(0-99%)

set useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0"; 设置 user-agent 其中的http-get与http-post基本为固定语法了。

http-get {
    set uri "/updates";

    client {
        metadata {


    server {
        header "";

        output {



0x01 文档


Data Transform Language


Statement Action Inverse
append "string" Append "string" Remove last LEN("string") characters
base64 Base64 Encode Base64 Decode
base64url URL-safe Base64 Encode URL-safe Base64 Decode
mask XOR mask w/ random key XOR mask w/ same random key
netbios NetBIOS Encode 'a' NetBIOS Decode 'a'
netbiosu NetBIOS Encode 'A' NetBIOS Decode 'A'
prepend "string" Prepend "string" Remove first LEN("string") characters


Statement What
header "header" Store data in an HTTP header
parameter "key" Store data in a URI parameter
print Send data as transaction body
uri-append Append to URI

终止语句将转换后的数据储存到Http头中,参数终止语句将转换的数据 print来最后发送这些编码的数据

print是 http-get.server.outputhttp-post.server.outputhttp-stager.server.output 的终止语句配合上文代码可以看出。

其他块使用 headerparameterprinturi-append termination语句,如果在http-post.client.output上使用header parameter uri append termination语句,beacon会将其响应分块到一个合理的长度,以适应事务的一部分。


Beacon的Profile语法可以多个地方使用 Strings

Value Special Value
"\n" Newline character
"\r" Carriage Return
"\t" Tab character
"\u####" A unicode character
"\x##" A byte (e.g., \x41 = 'A')
"\" \



Option Context Default Value Changes
amsi_disable null false (Attempt to) disable AMSI for execute-assembly, powerpick, and psinject
dns_idle null IP address used to indicate no tasks are available to DNS Beacon; Mask for other DNS C2 values
dns_max_txt null 252 Maximum length of DNS TXT responses for tasks
dns_sleep null 0 Force a sleep prior to each individual DNS request. (in milliseconds)
dns_stager_prepend null null Prepend text to payload stage delivered to DNS TXT record stager
dns_stager_subhost null .stage.123456. Subdomain used by DNS TXT record stager.
dns_ttl null 1 TTL for DNS replies
host_stage null true Host payload for staging over HTTP, HTTPS, or DNS. Required by stagers.
jitter null 0 Default jitter factor (0-99%)
maxdns null 255 Maximum length of hostname when uploading data over DNS (0-255)
pipename null msagent_## Name of pipe to use for SMB Beacon's peer-to-peer communication. ## is replaced with a number unique to your team server.
pipename_stager null status_## Name of pipe to use for SMB Beacon's named pipe stager. ## is replaced with a number.
sample_name null My Profile The name of this profile (used in the Indicators of Compromise report)
sleeptime null 60000 Default sleep time (in milliseconds)
spawnto_x86 null %windir%\syswow64\rundll32.exe Default x86 program to open and inject shellcode into
spawnto_x64 null %windir%\sysnative\rundll32.exe Default x64 program to open and inject shellcode into
tcp_port null 4444 TCP Beacon listen port
uri http-get,http-post [required option] Transaction URI
uri_x86 http-stager null x86 payload stage URI
uri_x64 http-stager null x64 payload stage URI
useragent null Internet Explorer (Random) Default User-Agent for HTTP comms.
verb http-get,http-post GET,POST HTTP Verb to use for transaction

以上都是简单的英语我也就懒的翻译了,使用URI可以将多个URI 指定为一个空格分隔的字符串,CS会自己处理。

Beacon HTTP Transaction

HTTP请求 参数

Request Component Block Data
http-get client metadata Session metadata
http-get server output Beacon's tasks
http-post client id Session ID
http-post client output Beacon's responses
http-post server output Empty
http-stager server output Encoded payload stage

HTTP Staging

Beacon是一个分阶段的payload,有效负载由stager下载并注入内存,在目标内存中有Beacon之前HTTP GET和HTTP POST不会生效。 Malleable C2的http-stager块可自定义HTTP分段过程。

http-stager {

      set uri_x86 "/get32.gif";

      set uri_x64 "/get64.gif";

uri_x86选项设置URI下载x86的payload,uri_x64选项设置URI下载64位的payload 。

Self-signed Certificates with SSL Beacon

HTTPS Beacon在其通信中使用HTTP Beacon的指示符,Malleable C2配置文件还可以指定Beacon C2服务器的自签名SSL证书的参数。

https-certificate {

      set CN       "";

      set O        "Bob's Malware";



Option Example Description
C US Country
CN Common Name; Your callback domain
L Washington Locality
O Strategic Cyber LLC Organization Name
OU Certificate Department Organizational Unit Name
ST DC State or Province
validity 365 Number of days certificate is valid for

Valid SSL Certificates with SSL Beacon

可以选择将有效SSL证书与Beacon一起使用。使用Malleable C2配置文件指定Java密钥库文件和密码。此密钥库必须包含证书的私钥,根证书,任何中间证书以及SSL证书供应商提供的域证书。 Cobalt Strike在与Malleable C2配置文件相同的文件夹中找到Java Keystore文件。

https-certificate {

      set keystore "";

      set password "mypassword";


Option Example Description
Option Example Description
keystore Java Keystore file with certificate information
password mypassword The password to your Java Keystore

以下是创建用于Cobalt Strike的Beacon的有效SSL证书的步骤:

1.使用keytool程序创建Java密钥存储文件。这个程序会询问“你的姓名是什么?” 确保使用完全权威的域名来响应Beacon服务器。另外,请确保记下密钥库密码,你以后会需要它。

$ keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore


$ keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -file domain.csr -keystore


$ keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias FILE -file FILE.crt -keystore


$ keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias mykey -file domain.crt -keystore

就是这样就生成Cobalt Strike的Beacon一起使用的Java Keystore文件。

Code Signing Certificate

Attacks -> Packages -> Windows Executable and Windows Executable (S)

提供签署可执行文件或DLL文件的选项,需要 代码签名证书和私钥指定Java Keystore文件

code-signer {
            set keystore "keystore.jks";
            set password "password";
            set alias    "server";

Option Example Description
alias server The keystore's alias for this certificate
digest_algorithm SHA256 The digest algorithm
keystore keystore.jks Java Keystore file with certificate information
password mypassword The password to your Java Keystore
timestamp false Timestamp the file using a third-party service
timestamp_url URL of the timestamp service

PE and Memory Indicators

Malleable C2 stage http-stager 控制Beacon如何加载到内存中并编辑Beacon DLL的内容。

stage {
            set userwx "false"; 
            set compile_time "14 Jul 2009 8:14:00";
            set image_size_x86 "512000";
            set image_size_x64 "512000";
            set obfuscate "true";
            transform-x86 {
                        prepend "\x90\x90";
                        strrep "ReflectiveLoader" "DoLegitStuff";
            transform-x64 {
                        # transform the x64 rDLL stage
            stringw "I am not Beacon!";

当接受后将字符串添加到beacon dll的.rdata部分,string命令添加一个以zero-terminated的字符串。stringw命令添加了一个宽(utf-16le编码)字符串, Transform-x86和Transform-X64阻止PAD和Transform Beacon的反射DLL阶段。这些块支持三个命令:prepend、append和strrep. prepend命令在beacon的反射dll之前插入一个字符串,append命令在beacon-reflective dll后面添加一个字符串,确保预先准备好的数据是阶段体系架构(x86、x64)的有效代码,c2lint程序没有对此进行检查,strrep命令替换beacon反射dll中的字符串。

stage块接受Beacon DLL内容的选项:

Option Example Description
checksum 0 The CheckSum value in Beacon's PE header
cleanup false Ask Beacon to attempt to free memory associated with the Reflective DLL package that initialized it.
compile_time 14 July 2009 8:14:00 The build time in Beacon's PE header
entry_point 92145 The EntryPoint value in Beacon's PE header
image_size_x64 512000 SizeOfImage value in x64 Beacon's PE header
image_size_x86 512000 SizeOfImage value in x86 Beacon's PE header
module_x64 xpsservices.dll Same as module_x86; affects x64 loader
module_x86 xpsservices.dll Ask the x86 ReflectiveLoader to load the specified library and overwrite its space instead of allocating memory with VirtualAlloc.
name beacon.x64.dll The Exported name of the Beacon DLL
obfuscate false Obfuscate the Reflective DLL's import table, overwrite unused header content, and ask ReflectiveLoader to copy Beacon to new memory without its DLL headers.
rich_header null Meta-information inserted by the compiler
sleep_mask false Obfuscate Beacon, in-memory, prior to sleeping
stomppe true Ask ReflectiveLoader to stomp MZ, PE, and e_lfanew values after it loads Beacon payload
userwx false Ask ReflectiveLoader to use or avoid RWX permissions for Beacon DLL in memory

Cloning PE Headers

Cobalt Strike的Linux软件包,包括一个工具peclone,用于从dll中提取头文件并将其显示为一个随时可用的阶段块:

./peclone [/path/to/sample.dll]

In-memory Evasion and Obfuscation






如果您担心在内存中初始化beacon dll的beacon阶段,请将cleanup设置为true。此选项将在不再需要信标阶段时释放与之关联的内存。

Process Injection

Malleable C2配置文件中的进程注入块可以注入内容并控制进程注入行为

process-inject {
            set min_alloc "16384";
            set startrwx "true";
            set userwx "false";
            transform-x86 {
                        prepend "\x90\x90";
            transform-x64 {
                        # transform x64 injected content
            disable "CreateRemoteThread";





Option Example Description
min_alloc 4096 Minimum amount of memory to request for injected content
startrwx true Use RWX as initial permissions for injected content. Alternative is RW.
userwx false Use RWX as final permissions for injected content. Alternative is RX.

0x02 文末
