This is a template for a Discord bot using DiscordJS and Discord's new slash commands
The bot uses a custom permission system and a user management with coins and levels using MongoDB/mongoose.
All commands should be in the command path specified in your config.json (default is ./commands)
Name: The name of the command
Category: The category of the command (deprecated) - default: Uncategorized
Options: The slash command options More on the Options - default: []
Permission level: The minimum required permission level to execute the command (default levels are 0 - 4 but you can adjust them manually) - default: 0
Currency cost: How much the command costs - default: 0
const Base = require("../base/Command");
class ExampleCommand extends Base {
constructor(client) {
super(client, {
name: "exampleName",
category: "ExampleCategory",
options: [
"name": "example_option",
"description": "Example option description",
"type": 3, // Type 3 is string
description: "Example commad description.",
permissionLevel: 2,
currencyCost: 10,
The run function gets the data of the user passed as an argument.
The command should resolve the string or embed you want to return to the user.
The options passed by the user can be accessed via this.args
run(userData) {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
resolve(`Example Option: ${this.args.example_option}, Current coins: ${userData.coins}`)
module.exports = ExampleCommand;
All events should be in the command path specified in your config.json (default is ./events)
The name of the file specifies the name of the event (Case sensitive)
The event gets passed all the parameters - in this case it's only the message one
const Base = require("../base/Command");
class MessageEvent extends Base {
constructor(client) {
this.client = client;
run(message) {
module.exports = MessageEvent;