ORMIR community template for readme.md file in a GitHub repository
by Serena Bonaretti, Donnie Cameron, Michelle Alejandra Espinosa Hernandez, Gianluca Iori, 2023
Version 1.0
- In the following, you will find suggestions on how to structure the readme.md file of your GitHub repository
- Instructions are in italics, and you can delete them when using this template
- Feel free to add figures and videos illustrating your package in any section
See some
file examples here: -
Delete the lines above when releasing your own
- Add badges here. Recommended badges are:
- Add 1-2 lines description of the package
- Add a table of content if relevant (see how to create a TOC in markdown/html here -link_to_nb_template_to_be_added)
Specify how to install your package, such as:
Install [package_name] by pasting the following line in a terminal:
pip install package_name
If you install from Anaconda:
Install [package_name] by pasting the following line in a terminal:
conda install package_name
If you want to contribute, start by cloning the repository:
!git clone https://github.com/[account_name]/[package_name].git
Navigate to repo folder:
%cd [package_name]
Install using pip:
!pip install .
A Python package can usually be imported in Python code and/or run from a command line as a script.
If you package is imported in Python code, add something like:
To use [package_name] in your code, import it as:
import package_name
If you package can be run from command line, add something like:
To run [package_name] from terminal, type:
package_name parameter1 parameter2
Please, take particular care of documentation and examples, so that other researchers can easily use your code
Use cases
- Directly here in the readme file (see example here)
- As links to notebooks (see example here_tbd). In this case, add links to binder whenever possible (learn how to link your GitHub repository to Binder, by reading this documentation or watching this video)
- As a link to a separate website (see example here_tbd)
- As a combination of the above
- Install as a developer [add link]
- Make your changes. If you want to coordinate the development with the main mainteners, write to [email protected]
- Commit your changes
- Send a pull request
- Guidelines on how to create API documentation in Sphynx here
- We definitely want our code to be cited! Specify here how. Example:
When using pyKNEEr, please cite code and paper:
- Code: Bonaretti S. pyKNEEr. Zenodo. 2019. 10.5281/zenodo.2574171
- Paper: Bonaretti S., Gold G., Beaupre G. pyKNEEr: An image analysis workflow for open and reproducible research on femoral knee cartilage. PLOS ONE 15(1): e0226501
- To know how to make your code citable by getting a Zenodo DOI, read this blog post or watch this video
- Although your GitHub repository contains a license, specify the license again for clarity
- If you are not familiar with open source licences, you can browse choosealicense.com, read the paper A Quick Guide to Software Licensing for the Scientist-Programmer, or watch this video (from minute 4)
- You can specify the legal aspects of your project. Here is an example:
This code is freely available only for research purposes. The software has not been certified as a medical device and, therefore, must not be used for diagnostic purposes. Commercial use of the provided code and the pre-trained models is strictly prohibited, since they were developed using the medical datasets under restrictive licenses.
Acknowledgments to collaborators and funding agencies