Description of the dataset
The Tuebingen cause-effect dataset contains the 108 datasets, every with 2 variables. The description of the data is the following:
the data represented here is a growing database with different data for testing causal detection algorithms. The goal here is to distinguish between cause and effect. We searched for data sets with known ground truth. However, we do not guarantee that all provided ground truths are correct. The datafiles are .txt-files and contain two variables, one is the cause and the other the effect. For every example there exists a description file where you can find the ground truth and how the data was derived.
Note that not always the first column is the cause and the second the effect. This is indicated in a meta-data file. There is also a weighting factor suggested for some pairs which are very similar if you want to calculate the overall performance.
Setup of the problem We have 89 datasets with variables Var1, Var2. The goal is to establish cause-effect relationships between 2 variables using the data.
### loading packages
list_of_datasets = read.csv("whitelist.csv")
Loading the Tuebingen datasets
whitelist = as.list(list_of_datasets)
## whitelist
## 1 1
## 2 2
## 3 3
## 4 4
## 5 5
## 6 6
# randomly pick 5 datasets for study comparison
selected = list_of_datasets[sample(nrow(list_of_datasets),5),]
## [1] 34 50 61 64 9
Here we taking a glimpse in the tubingen data
# here we extract the selected datasets to perform benchmarking
sel_to_str = as.character(selected)
elem_len= nchar(sel_to_str)
Transcribing the lengths of the array to form the file names
result = vector(mode="character", length=5)
for (i in 1:5){
text_int = "causal_tubingen"
elem_len = nchar(sel_to_str[i])
result[i] <- switch(elem_len,
"1" = paste(text_int,"00",sel_to_str[i],sep = ""),
"2" = paste(text_int,"0",sel_to_str[i],sep = ""),
"3" = paste(text_int,"",sel_to_str[i],sep = ""),
# The data used can be obtained from Here we collect automatically the names and descriptions.
filenames <- sprintf("", seq(1, 108, 1))
descriptions <- sprintf("", seq(1, 108, 1))
We are considering the datasets which have 2 variables: in the following we use the HSIC criterion to test for independence of the residuals and covariates
results <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2))
colnames(results) <- c("pair", "HSIC test")
# dropping the datasets due to
drop_f = c(17,64:68)
p_val = 0.05
n = 100
for (i in setdiff(whitelist$whitelist,drop_f)) {
# Ground truth files
if (i %in% c(86, 88)) {
expected = c(1, 2)
} else {
description_file = url(sprintf("", 1))
# Pair 86: x to y, 88 x to y
description1 = paste(readLines(description_file), collapse=" ")
description1 = gsub(" ", "", description1)
if (grepl(">[Yy]|[Yy]<", description1)) {
expected = c(1, 2)
} else if (grepl(">[Xx]|[Xx]<", description1)) {
expected = c(2, 1)
} else {
print("This shouldn't happen")
# print(expected)
# data_file <- url(sprintf("", i))
cause_effect_pair = read.table(filenames[i], header=F)
cause_effect_pair =[1:min(nrow(cause_effect_pair),n),]))
var1 = as.matrix(cause_effect_pair[,1])
var2 = as.matrix(cause_effect_pair[,2])
# Residual analysis based on HSIC test
# Fit the ridge regression model
fit_1 = krr(var1, var2, sigma = 1, lambda = 1)
#predict_1 = predict(fit_1, xnew =x1_seq )
fit_2 = krr(var2, var1, sigma = 1, lambda = 1)
#predict_2 = predict(fit_2,xnew = x2_seq)
# Calculate the residuals
residuals_1 = residuals(fit_1, type = "deviance")
residuals_2 = residuals(fit_2, type = "deviance")
hsic_12 = dhsic.test(residuals_1,var1)
hsic_21 = dhsic.test(residuals_2,var2)
# print(sprintf("Pair%04d",i))
# print(hsic_12$p.value)
# print(hsic_21$p.value)
if (hsic_12$p.value<hsic_21$p.value){
result = c(1,2)
else if (hsic_21$p.value<hsic_12$p.value){
result = c(2,1)
else {
result = c(1,2)
# Results
results[nrow(results) + 1,] <- c(i, all(expected == result))
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