Discuss to determine the theme and background of the game
Identify the levels and write storyline of each level
Collect materials that may be used in each level
Determine the type of enemy and boss in each level
Player's basic functions include movement and attacks
Enemy: state machine, four types of attacks, hurt and death effect
Sprite material: make and control 2d movement animation
Map: collect materials and make tilemap
- Player: four types of bullets, three skills, special effects of some state changes
- Enemy: multi-unit a* pathfinding (based on grid)
- UI: hp and xp bar, weapons,player‘s item
- Sprite material: make and control 2d movement animation
- Map:room generation
Player: change sprite, and weapon
Enemy: pathfinding and attacking movement based on navmesh 2d
Sprite material: Completed the prefebs of players and all enemies with animation
Map: a complete map of a level with baked navmesh surfaces.
Integration: Integrate several parts, including player ,enemies and map and sprite animation.
- Enemy: added boss attack methods and skills , including different types of bullet and 4 skills
- Minimap: preliminary development minimap
- UI: start interface and transition interface
- Map: add decorations and obstacle.
- Enemy: random spawn in room
- RoomControl:update the door open/close logic and record entered rooms
- UI: Start scene、bossHpBar、key bar
- Integration: add animation in enemy, enemy outline effect, completed minimap
- Enemy: add patrol enemy/obstacle and change enemy spwan way and modify the class structure for enemy, enemy slow down logic , change sprites of boss bullet
- Player: buff fix, bomb item, fix bullet bugs
- GUI: end scene
GUI: pause scene, death menu
Player: Melee attack + offset bullet, update bullet track
Follower: add attack, movement, heal,idel
Enemy: change sprites, and using scriptableObject to record enemy attributes, add enemy wave spawer, Enemy attributes adjustment
Boss: design bosses for three levels
Room: Add Procedural Dungeon Generation, update door open condition
Map: add level2 and level3 map, add spike, swamp, update navmesh generation method
FogWar: complete fog of war
Testing, Fix bug and Building