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[EN] Engine's command line keys

ensign Curvedhand edited this page Nov 4, 2022 · 6 revisions

xr_3da (xrEngine.exe)

Key Description
-dedicated Enables dedicated server mode
-nosplash Disables splash screen
-splashnotop Disables TOPMOST mode for splash screen
-fsltx Sets the path to filesystem configuration file
-soc/-shoc Run in Shadow of Chernobyl mode
-cs Run Clear Sky mode
-cop Run in Call of Pripyat mode (default)
-unlock_game_mode Set free mode (You own mode)
-batch_benchmark <benchmark> Run selected benchmark
-openautomate <arg> Run OpenAutomate benchmark


Key Description
-mt_cdb Use main thread instead multi at CDB construction


Key Description
-auto_load_arch Force load archive at game start
-overlaypath <path> Replace path to root folder
-nolog Disables log
asdf (Debug and Mixed only)
-force_flushlog Forces log flush to disk on each Log() call
-swap_on_compact Swaps memory on mem_compact() call
-silent_error_mode BugTrap will just save error report without showing error window
-show_error_window Will show error window, where you can skip the error. Not related to -silent_error_mode key

xrEngine (xrEngine.dll)

Key Description
-center_screen Centers game window
-weather Enables weather editor
-tune Intel vTune integration
-nes_texture_storing Resources store necessary textures
-noprefetch Disables prefetch
-ltx <path> Path to user.ltx file
-r1 Forces static lighting (DX9)
-r2a Forces dynamic lighting (DX9)
-r2 Forces full dynamic lighting (DX9)
-r2.5 Forces enhanced full dynamic lighting (DX9)
-r3 Forces enhanced full dynamic lighting (DX10)
-r4 Forces enhanced full dynamic lighting (DX11)
-gl Forces enhanced full dynamic lighting (OpenGL)
-start/-load <args> Run game with args of internal console
-xclsx Disables red text (Appears on Debug and Mixed only)
-nogame Can skip game module loading


Key Description
-psp Enables PSP mode (Third person view)
-keep_lua Restart script engine at initialize ALife
-ignore_save_incompatibility Try load incompatible save file (Game can crash!)
-demomode <demo> Play demo file
-nointro Disables intro
-nogameintro Disables new game intro
-svcfg <file> Execute script at start game
-debug_ge Debug game events
-$ <args> Execute console commands at level start
-~ve Disables entity verifying


Key Description


Key Description
-noaref Disables alpha reference
-no_hom Disables HOM
-no_cdb_cache Disables HOM cache
-vtf Forces vertex texture fetch usage (For OpenGL renderer only)
-no_occq Disables occlusion testing
-ss_png Enables PNG screenshots instead of JPEG (For OpenGL renderer only)
-list_thm Lists THM files and LTX descriptions in the log
-game_designer Works on R1-R2 only
-lack_of_shaders Don't crash if some shaders are missing
-no_gl_context Don't set OpenGL context version, prevent crash on some drivers
-no_novtf Don`t use vertex texture fetch
-nodf24 Don`t check DF24 ATI texture format
-r4xx Emulates ATI-R4XX series GPU
-nonvs Disable NVidia stencil
-noramtex Disable load texture to RAM (DX9/DX11 only)
-smap1024 Shadow map quality
-smap1536 Shadow map quality
-smap2048 Shadow map quality
-smap2560 Shadow map quality
-smap3072 Shadow map quality
-smap4096 Shadow map quality
-smap8192 Shadow map quality
-gloss <val> Force set Gloss-factor
-sunfilter Choose normal linght code-path or filtered
-sjitter Use jitter in shaders
-noshadows Disables shadows
-tsh Use masking shadows in SMAP render phase
-mblur Enables motion blur
-nodistort Disables distortion
-nocolormap Disables color mapping (works only on R1)
-disasm Outputs disassembled shader in $appdata$/disasm folder
-skinw Use skin color in shaders


Key Description
-luadumpstate Lua state dump on crash (more detailed log)
-dump_bindings Dumps Lua script export and saves it in $appdata$ folder
-nojit Disables JIT scripts compilation
-lua_studio Connects the engine to GSC's LuaStudio script debugger. Doesn't work, because this program is GSC property and you cannot download it


Key Description
-nosound Disables sound
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