function Tilesource(options, callback) {
// call callback when done.
// z, x, y is XYZ
Tilesource.prototype.getTile = function(z, x, y, callback) {
// when initialization is incomplete, this will fail always.
// obtains tile and calls callback:
function(err, tile, options) {
// err is set when the tile does not exist or when retrieval failed.
// otherwise, tile is a buffer containing the compressed image data
// z, x, y is XYZ
Tilesource.prototype.getGrid = function(z, x, y, callback) {
// when initialization is incomplete, this will fail always.
// obtains tile and calls callback:
function(err, tile, options) {
// err is set when the tile does not exist or when retrieval failed.
// otherwise, tile is a buffer containing the compressed image data
Tilesource.prototype.getInfo = function(callback) {
// when initialization is incomplete, this will fail always.
// obtains tile and calls callback:
function(err, data) {
// err is set when information retrieval failed.
// otherwise, data is a hash containing all the information.
function Tilesink() {
// Constructor is identical to the the Tilesource constructor.
// Tilesink and Tilesource should be one object.
Tilesink.prototype.startWriting = function(callback) {
// Opens the Tilestore in write mode.
// Call the callback function when done.
function callback(err) {
// err is null when write mode could be established successfully.
// err is an Error object otherwise.
// This function must be reentrant: Write mode may only be ended after the
// same number of calls to .stopWriting(). Use a counter to keep track of
// how often write mode was started.
Tilesink.prototype.stopWriting = function(callback) {
// Ends the write mode.
// Call the callback function when the request was successfully completed.
// This doesn't mean that write mode has been ended (see below).
function callback(err) {
// err is null when write mode could be established successfully.
// err is an Error object otherwise.
// When caching and batch-writing tiles, they must be committed to the tile
// store when this function is called, even when write mode is not ended.
// This is true for grids as well.
// This function must be reentrant: Write mode may only be ended after the
// same number of calls to .stopWriting(). Use a counter to keep track of
// how often write mode was started.
Tilesink.prototype.putInfo = function(info, callback) {
// Stores metadata into the tilesink. Info is a key-value hash with metadata.
// Implementations may decide to reject invalid keys.
function callback(err) {
// err is null when the metadata could be written successfully.
// err is an Error object otherwise.
Tilesink.prototype.putTile = function(z, x, y, tile, callback) {
// Stores a tile into the data store. Parameters are in XYZ format.
// `tile` must be a Buffer containing the compressed image.
function callback(err) {
// err is null when the write request was received successfully.
// This doesn't mean that the tile was already written to the data store.
// err is an Error object otherwise.
// Implementations may decide to cache multiple tile requests and only
// commit them to the data store periodically to improve performance.
// Therefore, users MUST NOT rely on this function to persist changes.
// If you want to make sure that all changes are persisted, call
// .stopWriting().
Tilesink.prototype.putGrid = function(z, x, y, grid, callback) {
// Identical to .putTile(), but grid is a JS hash containing the grid.