Releases: OutpostUniverse/OPHD
OutpostHD v0.8.7
[0.8.7] - 2023-04-09
Addresses a few bugs and provides some quality of life balancing.
- Basic cheat dialog window (can be brought up with Ctrl+Shift+F10)
- FreeBSD configuration to be able to build OPHD from source
- Resource values won't glow on first turn
- Adjusted cost of structures
- Adjusted cost of robots
- Mine yields have been increased
- PhysFS dependency removed
- Factory list box will now only show progress bars if a factory is actually producing something
- Alerts will be pushed if there are issues with Warehouse storage and capacity
- Alerts will be pushed when tasks are completed for robots and construction
- Alerts will be pushed when robot tasks are canceled
- Factory Report now shows actual description of products instead of placeholder text
- Moved factory product descriptions out of the code and into an external definition file
- Improved exception error messages for better end-user reporting
- Command Center will no longer collapse if there is no maintenance facility
- Game Over dialog's "Return to Main Menu" functions properly again
- Fixed potential crashing with certain UI element event handlers not being properly disconnected
- Fixed crashing in Factory Report view
- Fixed potential crashing in event handling that could lead to memory corruption
- Crime no longer generates until population is landed on the surface
- Trying to build a tube on a non-bulldozed tile will now issue a warning
OutpostHD v0.8.6
Addresses a number of bugs and usability issues between 0.8.x and 0.9.x branches.
- Added a button to the FileIO window that allows the user to open the savegame directory easily instead of having to manually navigate to it
- New and improved Planet animations in the planet selection state
- Fix an issue in the Take Me There button code that would allow users to exploit the structure window to build surface structures underground and vice versa
- Fix an issue in the path finding code that would prevent more than one mine from accessing a smelter
- Fix Mine Facility incorrectly setting 'mine exhausted' flag instead of storage pool being full
- Fix an out of bounds crash in the click handler for the notification area
- Fix a potential crash when enlarging the game window (map view now forces bounds validation)
- Fix a crash caused by incorrect behavior leading to null pointer dereference when selecting a robot that isn't actually available
OutpostHD v0.8.5
[0.8.5] - 2021-09-26
Introduces integrity decay and the Maintenance Facility.
- Maintenance Facility
- Structure Integrity & Decay
- Criminal Activity
- Structures will now slowly lose integrity (decay) over time
- Decayed roads will negatively affect route traversal times
- Maintenance Facility required to repair decaying buildings
- Improved descriptions of criminal activity
- Adjusted cost of structures to make it a little less punishing
- Factories will no longer push new products into warehouses that aren't operational
- Fixed misreported warehouse usage in full-screen warehouse UI
- Fixed display of tilemap overlays being cleared when turns are run
- Fixed a mistake in route cost calculation that caused extremely low movement of resources
- Fixed an issue that made it impossible to place robots before the Command Center was built
- Fixed an issue that caused roads to be set to an incorrect animation state during loading
- Fixed an issue where the "Take Me There" button on the Notification Window failed to set the tilemap depth
OutpostHD v0.8.3
[0.8.3] - 2021-06-6
Introduces the NotificationArea UI element to inform users of non-critical issues or notifications that don't interrupt gameplay and the user can look at and respond to at their leisure.
- Added a NotificationArea to display notifications
- Added a NotificationWindow to show detailed information about new notifications
- Added RadioButton and RadioButtonGroup
- Added Police Coverage overlay
- Certain conditions will now throw exceptions -- these are logic bugs that should be reported and not ignored
- Population changes (births and deaths) will now push notifications to the player
- Robot aging and failure will now push notifications to the player
- Robot self-destruct will now push a notification instead of display a message box
- Structure state changes (construction complete, destroyed, disabled, etc.) will now push notifications to the player
- Log output redirect crash
- Disabled or destroyed Smelters will now be ignored in truck routing
- Assigned trucks will now be saved/loaded properly from save games
- Recycling structure will now be properly highlighted red if insufficient resources are available to build it
OutpostHD v0.8.2
[0.8.2] - 2021-03-24
Introduces communcations range overlays, additional GUI quality of life improvements and a number of bug fixes that correct some subtle behavior issues.
- Tile highlight overlays for communication ranges
- Tile highlight overlays for truck routes
- Robot Inspector Window -- allows for changing robot orders and issuing robot self destruct
- FileIO Window now has a 'delete' button so save games can be deleted from within the game
- Change order of food counting and population update so that landing cargo/colonist landers at the same time doesn't result in an immediate game over
- Planet attribute and definitions moved out of the code and into external XML definition in the data files
- Air shaft now behaves as a four-directional tube
- Recycling Center now shows more information in the Structure Inspector window
- Fixed some computations in the population simulation that caused subtle behavior issues
- Fixed typos in some string literals
- Robots and structures can now be placed at the edges of the diamond map view
- Tile Inspector window can now be opened when right-clicking a tile on the edge
- Fix savegame issue where game breaks when loading a savegame saved on turn 0 before the seed lander is placed
OutpostHD v0.8.1
[0.8.1] - 2021-02-17
Introduces biowaste produced by residential units and some quality of life improvements in the GUI.
- Recycling Facility
- Biowaste accumulation
- GUI ToolTip's
- StructureInspector window now dynamically resizes to accommodate contents
- Middle mouse button and
shift + right mouse button
will now bring up Structure Inspector window regardless of structure type - Depleted food stores in the Command Center will be refilled each turn from the production of food producing facilities
- Morale will take a take a hit whenever biowaste in residences overflows
- Improve behavior of UI elements in full-screen Mine Operations UI
- Fix text overlap in Mine Operations Window
- Fix crash when opening the Structure Inspector Window on any structure that employs Scientists
- Fix crash when right-clicking a Robot Command Center
- Fix a mistake that tallied food totals before population consumption which resulted in incorrect value displayed in the HUD
- Fix Mine full-screen UI showing "no routes" when loading a game
OutpostHD v0.8.0
[0.8.0] - 2021-01-01
Improved mined resource management and a proper implementation of truck routing for mines and mine to smelter routes.
- Added 64bit build configurations. OutpostHD will now be available as 32-bit and 64-bit builds.
- Truck manufacturing has been implemented.
- Mine Operations Window allows assignment of trucks from Warehouse storage.
- Roads have been added. These are taken into account when calculating transport routes.
- Planets now define a mean distance from the host star.
- SaveGame version changes -- saves from older versions of the game are no longer supported.
- A LOT of internal code cleanup and improvements.
- Road Materials have been removed from the game.
- Resources are now moved via trucks from Mine Facilities to Smelters.
- Refined resources are now stored in Storage Tanks instead of in an accumulator value.
- Command Center now stores up to 250 units of Refined Resources.
- Command Center now stores up to 250 units of Food.
- Loss of resources or CHAP is no longer an instant game over as the Command Center now acts as a sort of buffer.
- Solar Panel energy production will vary based on mean distance from the host star.
- Fix a crash when going back to the Main Menu and starting a new game.
- Fix for weird values shown in Residential Capacity reporting.
OutpostHD v0.7.11
OutpostHD v0.7.11
Maintenance release. Addresses usability issues and a number of bugs that have been discovered.
- Help button to the Main Menu. This launches the OutpostHD Wiki in your default browser.
- Resource breakdown panel when hovering over resource HUD panel.
- Pin 'button' to keep population panel visible even if you're not moused over it.
- The AI Voice notifications for errors have been replaced with message boxes providing much greater detail about what the issue actually is.
- Robodozer's that 'die' during their task will no longer leave the tile it was on as 'bulldozed' and instead will revert it to its original terrain type.Robodozer's that 'die' during their task will no longer leave the tile it was on as 'bulldozed' and instead will revert it to its original terrain type.
- Cargo and Colonist landers are now restricted to landing within 5 tiles of the command center.
- Mine Production Window now shows the remaining time during mine shaft extension.
- Structure Inspector Window now shows remaining turns until construction is complete.
- Structure Inspector Window now shows the current age of a Structure.
- Placing a Robodigger on a Mine will ask the user if they want to sacrifice the mine instead of just automatically placing the robot.
- Robot info HUD will now only draw after the SEED Lander has been placed and the Command Center is available on the map.
- Fullscreen mode has been removed so that OutpostHD plays nicely with the native window manager due to the use of native message boxes.
- Window state is now saved on closing (maximized or not).
- Window size is now saved on closing.
- Reason for a structure going Idle is now detailed in the Structure Inspector window.
- Reason for a structure being Disabled is now detailed in the Structure Inspector window.
- Changing depth level while in Robot insert mode will no longer clear insertion mode.
- Right-clicking on a Warehouse that's under construction will now bring up the Structure Inspector Window instead of the Warehouse Inspector.
- Right-clicking on a Mine Facility that's under construction will now bring up the Structure Inspector Window instead of the Mine Operations Window.
- Fixed a mistake in the Population Panel that displayed housing incorrectly before the the Command Center was built.
- Fixed an issue in the GraphWalker that could leave some tiles marked as connected when they shouldn't be has been resolved. Fix provided by Sirbomber.
- Fixed an issue in MainMenuState that could lead to the UI buttons being clicked inadvertently when skipping the splash screens.
- Fix failure to load when saving a game with a newly built Robot Command Center that doesn't have any robots assigned to it yet.
- Fix an issue that left structures manually set to idle permanently disabled if they lost their connection to the CC even if the connection was restored.
OutpostHD v0.7.10
This is a maintenance release that addresses issues that were missed in the v0.7.9 release.
- RobotCommand::addRobot() will no longer throw an exception if a robot appears to match an already existing robot. It will instead write this to the log and request that the user report the issue to the developer.
- Fixed an oversight which neglected to remove a dead robot from a Robot Command Center. This would lead to an abrupt program termination with the message "RobotCommand::addRobot(): Adding a robot that is already under the command of this Robot Command Facility."
- Fixed a logic mistake that failed to draw the mouse tile highlight when the connectedness overlay was turned on.
- Fixed an issue which caused energy usage being displayed incorrectly when a savegame is loaded.
- Fixed a mistake which allowed the player to place Colonist and Cargo landers on Turn 0 if the SEED Lander had been placed.
Full Download
You can get the full download with Windows binaries and assets on The Outpost Universe Forums:,5718.0.html
OutpostHD v0.7.9
[0.7.9] - 2019-01-20
User interface overhaul and maintenance.
- CheckBox Control.
- Full-screen Factory/Production UI.
- Full-screen Warehouse UI.
- Added an unencumbered classical recording of Mars, the Bringer of War.
- MineOperationsWindow now uses CheckBox controls instead of toggle buttons.
- Double-clicking on Factories will pull up the full-screen UI.
- Double-clicking on Warehouses will pull up the full-screen UI.
- Lots of internal cleanup that should improve memory usage.
- Tweaked the SplashScreen state animation.
- SplashScreen and MainMenu states now use the Mars sound track in the background.
- Setting minimum resolution to 1000x700. I know, kind of a weird one but this is intended mostly for windowed modes to run properly on low-resolution displays (1366x768).
- Structures that are disabled now indicate why they were disabled.
- Buldozing a mine facility on top of a completely exhausted mine will also remove all of the mine shafts underneath.
- Bulldozing a Warehouse will ask the user to confirm if there isn't enough storage space to move products to other Warehouses.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the planet description from displaying.
- Fixed an oversight that caused ListBox to sort all of its items regardless of whether it was in sorted mode or not.
- Addressed a usability issue with the underlying NAS2D library that sometimes resulted in incorrect sizing and positioning of UI elements when resizing the game window.
- Fixed 'Quit' button in Planet Selection view being positioned incorrectly on window resize.
- Fixed a mistake in robot aging logic that resulted in a dangling pointer dereference. Thanks to OPU user jem7650 for bringing this to my attention!
- Fixed an animation state issue that would force the AirShaft sprites that are underground to use the surface animation.
- Fixed a crash issue that occurred when an exhausted mine facility is bulldozed.
Full Download
You can get the full download with Windows binaries and assets on The Outpost Universe Forums:,5718.0.html