Note that there are software tools for creation of EEPROM images and for flashing / dumping images from attached HATs.
HEADER <- EEPROM header (Required)
ATOM1 <- Vendor info atom (Required)
ATOM2 <- GPIO map atom (Required)
ATOM3 <- DT blob atom (Required for compliance with the HAT specification)
Bytes Field
4 signature signature: 0x52, 0x2D, 0x50, 0x69 ("R-Pi" in ASCII)
1 version EEPROM data format version (0x00 reserved, 0x01 = first version)
1 reserved set to 0
2 numatoms total atoms in EEPROM
4 eeplen total length in bytes of all eeprom data (including this header)
Bytes Field
2 type atom type
2 count incrementing atom count
4 dlen length in bytes of data+CRC
N data N bytes, N = dlen-2
2 crc16 CRC-16-CCITT of entire atom (type, count, dlen, data)
0x0000 = invalid
0x0001 = vendor info
0x0002 = GPIO map
0x0003 = Linux device tree blob
0x0004 = manufacturer custom data
0x0005 = Vendor documentation URLs
0x0006-0xfffe = reserved for future use
0xffff = invalid
Note that the UUID is mandatory and must be filled in correctly according to RFC 4122 (every HAT can then be uniquely identified). It protects against the case where a user accidentally stacks 2 identical HATs on top of each other - this error case is only detectable if the EEPROM data in each is different. The UUID is also useful for manufacturers as a per-board 'serial number'.
Bytes Field
16 uuid UUID (unique for every single board ever made)
2 pid product ID
2 pver product version
1 vslen vendor string length (bytes)
1 pslen product string length (bytes)
X vstr ASCII vendor string e.g. "ACME Technology Company"
Y pstr ASCII product string e.g. "Special Sensor Board"
GPIO map for bank 0 GPIO on 40W B+ header.
NOTE GPIO number refers to BCM2835 GPIO number and NOT J8 pin number!
Bytes Field
1 bank_drive bank drive strength/slew/hysteresis, BCM2835 can only set per bank, not per IO
Bits in byte:
[3:0] drive 0=leave at default, 1-8=drive*2mA, 9-15=reserved
[5:4] slew 0=leave at default, 1=slew rate limiting, 2=no slew limiting, 3=reserved
[7:6] hysteresis 0=leave at default, 1=hysteresis disabled, 2=hysteresis enabled, 3=reserved
1 power
[1:0] back_power 0=board does not back power Pi
1=board back powers and can supply up to 1.3A to the Pi
2=board back powers and can supply up to 2A to the Pi
If back_power=2 high current USB mode is automatically enabled.
[7:2] reserved set to 0
28 1 byte per IO pin
Bits in each byte:
[2:0] func_sel GPIO function as per FSEL GPIO register field in BCM2835 datasheet
[4:3] reserved set to 0
[6:5] pulltype 0=leave at default setting, 1=pullup, 2=pulldown, 3=no pull
[ 7] is_used 1=board uses this pin, 0=not connected and therefore not used
Binary data (DT blob fragment for board hardware).
For more information on the Devicetree atom contents, see the Devicetree Guide.
This optional atom can be an arbitrary length (up to the size of free space in the EEPROM) with vendor-defined format. The envisaged usage for this atom would be board-specific data such as calibration information, input/output level trimming, information about embedded firmware revision/features etc.
This optional atom must contain a valid JSON structure.
This JSON structure is intended to provide information to the end user such as usage guides, examples, schematics etc. The JSON format is used to allow ease of parsing by e.g. a helper application that notifies the user that additional information on this HAT is available on the internet.
There are mandatory nodes and optional nodes in the JSON structure.
"vendor-website" : "Vendor 'front page' of site, e.g.",
"product-webpage" : "Vendor product page - e.g. landing page or portal",
"product-description" : "Brief textual description of the HAT",
"product-schematic" : "Vendor-provided electrical schematic",
"product-drawing" : "Vendor-provided mechanical drawing",
"product-usage-guide" : "Quick-start or general usage guide",
Other arbitrary JSON nodes can be included in addition to the mandatory and optional nodes, but it cannot be guaranteed that a helper application will display these in a meaningful manner.