There is a consolidated database of the Harvard PGP available for download:
Available in the above link is a SQLite3 database (around 140Mb uncompressed) that holds information available from participant profiles along with data retrieved from participant GET-Evidence reports. Also available are the comma and tab space delimited files used to create the SQLite3 database. Data is periodically retrieved from the Harvard PGP site and the above link represents the most recent snapshot of the database taken.
The spreadsheets and SQLite3 database only represent most of the data provided by the participants profile, including phenotype data, health record information and genome file locations. URLs to full genomic data and participant uploaded data (such as 23andMe genotype data, etc.) can be found from participants profiles as well as consulting the appropriate entries in the above consolidated database. For an introduction to the above database and visualization tool, see the untap Introduction page.
Source code for download and presentation of the above database can be found on the untap repository.
Please feel free to email the Harvard Personal Genome Project staff if you have any questions or run into any problems.