Reporting issues is very valuable to us.
- Ideas are a valuable source of contributions others can make
- Issues show where World of PADMAN is lacking
- By raising a question you show where the user experience can be improved
Thank you for creating them!
Pull requests are a great way to contribute your ideas to World of PADMAN. When deciding if PadWorld Entertainment merges in a pull request we look at the following things:
Is the intention clear? You should make it clear what issue you are trying to solve with your contribution. The pull request should shows us the action you have taken to solve it.
Is it of good quality? There should contain no spelling mistakes and be easy to read and understand.
Does it follow the contributor covenant? This repository has a code of conduct. We will remove things that violate this code.
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community. PadWorld Entertainment follows and applies the Code of Conduct as described in Contributor Covenant, version 2.1.