Implementation of Lollipop+ Dialer and Google Maps.
Added to your layout by
<include layout="@layout/widget_search_bar"/>
This overlays the full activity and shows the fragment which you have assigned by using setExpandedContentFragment
searchViewLayout.setExpandedContentFragment(this, new SearchStaticFragment());
If you want to animate your Toolbar too like the demo gif, you can enable it by using handleToolbarAnimation
Listen to search complete by:
searchViewLayout.setSearchListener(new SearchViewLayout.SearchListener() {
public void onFinished(String searchKeyword) {
Snackbar.make(searchViewLayout, "Search Done - " + searchKeyword, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Listen to layout collapse/expand by using setOnToggleVisibilityListener
. For eg the FAB in demo hides on expanded and shows on collapse.
searchViewLayout.setOnToggleVisibilityListener(new SearchViewLayout.OnToggleVisibilityListener() {
public void onStart(boolean expanded) {
if(expanded) {
} else {;
public void onFinish(boolean expanded) { }
- Push to maven
- Make view transition background programatically by asking for startColor and endColor
- Add a "Search" button in the expanded form. Currently, relying on keyboard.
- API for settings icons
- Granular setPadding using
Contribute by creating issues (tagged enhancement, bugs) in the repo or create a pull request.