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Jeff Hammond edited this page Jun 16, 2016 · 14 revisions


Fortran implementations of the PRK should be written in ISO Fortran 2008, without reliance upon compiler extensions, with a few exceptions:

  • Preprocessing can be used, because the portable fallback is to use the C preprocessor if the Fortran compiler cannot handle this.
  • Directives can be used, because they are in comments and should have no effect if not supported.
  • OpenMP is not part of ISO Fortran, but Fortran OpenMP compilers have well-defined behavior, so long as one only uses Fortran features that are defined to be supported in OpenMP.


One importance note on the second point is that DO CONCURRENT is part of Fortran 2008 and its interaction with OpenMP is not defined. Thus, one should not use DO CONCURRENT with OpenMP. OpenMP supports simple DO loops and WORKSHARE for implicit loops (i.e. array notation), which should be used instead.

Side note: Intel Fortran maps DO CONCURRENT to something along the lines of omp parallel do simd. It is likely that other compilers will do this.

Fortran 2015

Support for Fortran 2015 coarray features are not yet widely available and may not be used.


The GCC Wiki has an excellent collection of links to standards documents.

Compiler Options

Syntax and Standards

In common/make.defs, use the following to get the right language support. In particular, one must explicitly preprocess Stencil.

Intel ifort -std08 -fpp -qopenmp
GCC gfortran-5 -std=f2008 -cpp -fopenmp
Cray ftn -e F -h caf -h omp


When developing, it is useful to build with the Intel Fortran compiler using

FLAGS="-O0 -g3 -warn all -traceback -check bounds"

where FLAGS is PRK_FLAGS when building in the top directory and DEFAULT_OPT_FLAGS in a specific subdirectory.

Coarray images

Intel compiler:



Using OpenCoarrays

This is working now. See our Travis scripts for details. may be useful.


# MPICH_* override because MPICH was built against GCC-5
export MPICH_CC=gcc-6
export MPICH_FC=gfortran-6
export MPI_DIR=/opt/mpich/dev/gcc/default # Jeff's Mac
git clone && cd opencoarrays && \
mkdir build && cd build && \
CC=$MPI_DIR/bin/mpicc FC=$MPI_DIR/bin/mpifort cmake .. \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/opencoarrays/mpich-dev-gcc-6 \
-DMPI_C_COMPILER=$MPI_DIR/bin/mpicc -DMPI_Fortran_COMPILER=$MPI_DIR/bin/mpifort && \
make -j4 && \
ctest && \
make install
# This is required because OpenCoarrays "caf" compiler wrapper does not capture absolute path.
export CAFC=$MPI_DIR/bin/mpifort

Cray Fortran

You need to set XT_SYMMETRIC_HEAP_SIZE to something much larger than the default to run nontrivial problems across more than one node (with one node, this setting does not matter). This is no different from SHMEM or UPC programs on Cray systems.

Below is a series of examples, the last of which segfaults because of inadequate symmetric heap space for the Cray PGAS runtime.

Requesting too much symmetric heap space is also a problem, because this space is allocated during job launch. Make sure that the symmetric heap space times the number of processing elements is less than the total memory available, and probably less than 50% of the total available.

jhammond@nid00292:~/PRK/git> OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 XT_SYMMETRIC_HEAP_SIZE=1G srun -N 2 -n 48 -c 1 ./FORTRAN/Transpose/transpose-coarray 10 12000 32
Parallel Research Kernels version     2.16
Fortran coarray Matrix transpose: B = A^T
Number of images     =       48
Matrix order         =    12000
Tile size            =       32
Number of iterations =       10
Solution validates
Rate (MB/s):  8392.037250   Avg time (s):   0.274546
jhammond@nid00292:~/PRK/git> OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 XT_SYMMETRIC_HEAP_SIZE=500M srun -N 2 -n 48 -c 1 ./FORTRAN/Transpose/transpose-coarray 10 12000 32
Parallel Research Kernels version     2.16
Fortran coarray Matrix transpose: B = A^T
Number of images     =       48
Matrix order         =    12000
Tile size            =       32
Number of iterations =       10
Solution validates
Rate (MB/s):  8865.425479   Avg time (s):   0.259886
jhammond@nid00292:~/PRK/git> OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 XT_SYMMETRIC_HEAP_SIZE=200M srun -N 2 -n 48 -c 1 ./FORTRAN/Transpose/transpose-coarray 10 12000 32
Parallel Research Kernels version     2.16
Fortran coarray Matrix transpose: B = A^T
Number of images     =       48
Matrix order         =    12000
Tile size            =       32
Number of iterations =       10
Solution validates
Rate (MB/s):  8801.282141   Avg time (s):   0.261780
jhammond@nid00292:~/PRK/git> OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 XT_SYMMETRIC_HEAP_SIZE=50M srun -N 2 -n 48 -c 1 ./FORTRAN/Transpose/transpose-coarray 10 12000 32
Parallel Research Kernels version     2.16
Fortran coarray Matrix transpose: B = A^T
Number of images     =       48
Matrix order         =    12000
Tile size            =       32
Number of iterations =       10
Solution validates
Rate (MB/s):  8431.348271   Avg time (s):   0.273266
jhammond@nid00292:~/PRK/git> OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 XT_SYMMETRIC_HEAP_SIZE=5M srun -N 2 -n 48 -c 1 ./FORTRAN/Transpose/transpose-coarray 10 12000 32
srun: error: nid00293: tasks 24-47: Segmentation fault
srun: Terminating job step 568052.39
slurmstepd: *** STEP 568052.39 ON nid00292 CANCELLED AT 2016-06-16T16:21:01 ***
srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish.
srun: error: nid00292: tasks 0-23: Segmentation fault
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