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Continuous Integration in pySDC

Any commit in pySDC are tested by GitHub continuous integration (CI). You can see in in the action panel the tests for each branches. Those tests are currently divided in three main categories : code linting, code testing and code coverage. Finally, the CI also build artifacts that are used to generate the documentation website (see, more details given in the documentation generation section.

Code linting

Code style linting is performed using black and ruff for code syntax checking. In particular, black is used to check compliance with (most of) PEP-8 guidelines.

Those tests are conducted for each commit (even for forks), but you can also run it locally in the root folder of pySDC before pushing any commit :

# Install required packages (works also with conda/mamba)
pip install black ruff
# First : test code style linting with black
black pySDC --check --diff --color
# Second : test code syntax with ruff
ruff check pySDC

🔔 To avoid any error about formatting (black), you can simply use this program to reformat your code directly using the command :

black pySDC

Some style rules that are automatically enforced :

  • lines should be not longer than 120 characters
  • arithmetic operators (+, *, ...) should be separated with variables by one empty space

You can automate linting somewhat by using git hooks. In order to run black automatically, we want to do a pre-commit hook which adds the modified files to the commit after reformatting. To this end, just add the following to a possibly new file in the path <pySDC-root-directory>/.git/hooks/pre-commit:


# get files that have been staged
export files=$(git diff --staged --name-only HEAD | grep .py | sed -e "s,^,$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/,")

# remove any deleted files because black will otherwise fail
for file in $files
        if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then
            files=( ${files[@]/$file} )

# apply black and stage the changes that black made
if [[ $files != "" ]]
        black $files
        git add $files

You may need to run chmod +x on the file to allow it to be executed. Be aware that the hook will alter files you may have opened in an editor whenever you make a commit, which may confuse you(r editor).

To automate ruff, we want to write a hook that alters the commit message in case any errors are detected. This gives us the choice of aborting the commit and fixing the issues, or we can go ahead and commit them and worry about ruff only when the time comes to do a pull request. To obtain this functionality, add the following to <pySDC-root-directory>/.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg:



export files=$(git diff --staged --name-only HEAD | grep .py | sed -e "s,^,$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/,")

if [[ $files != "" ]]
        export ruff_output=$(ruff check --quiet $files)
        if [[ "$ruff_output" != "" ]]
                git interpret-trailers --in-place --trailer "$(echo "$ruff_output" | sed -e 's/^/#/')" "$COMMIT_MSG_FILE"
                git interpret-trailers --in-place --trailer "#!!!!!!!!!! WARNING: RUFF FAILED !!!!!!!!!!" "$COMMIT_MSG_FILE"

Don't forget to assign execution rights.

As a final note, make sure to regularly update linting related packages, as they constantly introduce checking of more PEP8 guidelines. This might cause the linting to fail in the GitHub action, which uses the most up to date versions available on the conda-forge channel, even though it passed locally.

Code testing

This is done using pytest, and runs all the tests written in the pySDC/tests folder. You can run those locally in the root folder of pySDC using :

# Install required packages (works also with conda/mamba)
pip install pytest pytest-benchmark pytest-timeout coverage[toml]
# Run tests
pytest -v pySDC/tests

🔔 Many components are tested (core, implementations, projects, tutorials, etc ...) which make the testing quite long. When working on a single part of the code, you can run only the corresponding part of the test by specifying the test path, for instance :

pytest -v pySDC/tests/  # only test nodes generation

You can also run one specific test only like this:

pytest -v pySDC/tests/             # only test_nodesGeneration function
pytest -v pySDC/tests/[LEGENDRE]   # only test_nodesGeneration with LEGENDRE nodes

Running CI on HPC from pull requests

By syncing the GitHub repository to a certain Gitlab instance, CI-Jobs can be run on HPC machines. This can be helpful for benchmarks or when running on accelerators that are not available as GitHub runners.

For security and accounting reasons, a few extra steps are needed in order to run the contents of a pull request on HPC:

  • The pull request needs to have the tag "gitlab-mirror" assigned to it.
  • A person with write-permission for the Parallel-in-Time pySDC repository needs to trigger the workflow. Ask for someone with the required permissions to rerun the workflow if needed.
  • The workflow checks if the code can be merged. If this is not the case, the code is not mirrored and the workflow fails. In this case, please merge upstream changes, fix all conflicts, and rerun the workflow.

🔔 Note that direct pushes to Parallel-in-Time/pySDC will always trigger the HPC pipeline on Gitlab

Regardless of why the Gitlab pipeline was triggered, the following holds true:

  • The return-state from Gitlab is transmitted to GitHub (Success/Failure) leading to the same result in GitHub
  • Logs from Gitlab are also transferred. The full logs of all jobs can be read from within GitHub. For better overview, these are folded, so unfolding is needed before reading.
  • Artifacts from Gitlab jobs are also transferred back to GitHub
  • Information, such as coverage is transferred to GitHub, but not yet merged across multiple GitHub workflows. Therefore, there is no complete summary of e.g. coverage-reports across all jobs in all workflows.

⚠️ The coverage report from the HPC tests is not yet merged with other reports. The test coverage will not show up on the respective website or in the badge. We are working on this.

HPC test environments

In order to run tests on GPUs, please use the pytest marker cupy.

If you want to create a new HPC test environment, the following steps need to be completed:

  • Create a new slurm job-script in etc/juwels_*.sh. The name and location of the file is important.
  • Adapt .gitlab-ci.yml to include the new job-script. For this, add a name in the job "test_JUWELS" in the section parallel: matrix: SHELL_SCRIPT. The name there must match the name of the newly created file. As a starting point it is recommended to copy and adapt an existing file (e.g. etc/

Code coverage

This stage allows to checks how much of the pySDC code is tested by the previous stage. It is based on the coverage library and currently applied to the following directories :

  • pySDC/core
  • pySDC/projects
  • pySDC/tutorial

This analysis is done in parallel to the test each time a pull is done on any branch (main repository or fork). You can look at the current coverage report for the master branch or compare the results with previous builds. Codecov will also comment on any pull request, indicating the change of coverage.

During developments, you can also run the coverage tests locally, using :

echo "print('Loading');import coverage;coverage.process_startup()" >
coverage run -m pytest --continue-on-collection-errors -v --durations=0 pySDC/tests

🔔 Note that this will run all pySDC tests while analyzing coverage, hence requires all packages installed for the code testing stage.

Once the test are finished, you can collect and post-process coverage result :

coverage combine
python -m coverage html

This will generate the coverage report in a htmlcov folder, and you can open the index.html file within using your favorite browser.

⚠️ Coverage can be lower if some tests fails (for instance, if you did not install all required python package to run all the tests).

Coverage exceptions

Some types of code lines will be ignored by the coverage analysis (e.g lines starting with raise, ...), see the [] section in pyproject.toml. Part of code (functions, conditionaly, for loops, etc ...) can be ignored by coverage analysis using the # pragma: no cover, for instance

# ...
# code analyzed by coverage
# ...
if condition:  # pragma: no cover
    # code ignored by coverage
# ...
# code analyzed by coverage
# ...
def function():  # pragma: no cover
    # all function code is ignored by coverage

Accepted use of the # pragma: no cover are:

  1. Functions and code used for plotting
  2. Lines in one conditional preceding any raise statement

If you think the pragma should be used in other parts of your pull request, please indicate (and justify) this in your description.

Documentation generation

Documentation is built using sphinx. To check its generation, you can wait for all the CI tasks to download the docs artifacts, unzip it and open the index.html file there with you favorite browser.

However, when you are working on documentation (of the project, of the code, etc ...), you can already build and check the website locally :

# Run all tests, continuing even with errors
pytest --continue-on-collection-errors -v --durations=0 pySDC/tests
# Generate rst files for sphinx
# Generate html documentation
sphinx-build -b html docs/source docs/build/html

Then you can open docs/build/html/index.html using you favorite browser and check how your own documentation looks like on the website.

🔔 Important : running all the tests is necessary to generate graphs and images used by the website. But you can still generate the website without it: just all images for the tutorials, projects and playgrounds will be missing. This approach can be considered for local testing of your contribution when it does not concern parts containing images (i.e project or code documentation).

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