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Releases: Parallel-in-Time/pySDC

The Contributors' release

07 Oct 13:47
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This release marks quite a few changes to pySDC, from backends to frontends and the testing environment. Not all is finished, but it works reasonably stable, mostly tested and conveniently. Most notably, however, this release is the result of many contributions (see changelog).

The CI release (re-re-reloaded)

13 Dec 10:11
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CI pipeline is faster now (~40%) using mamba on top of miniconda. DOI creation back to normal.

The CI release (re-reloaded)

26 Oct 08:39
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Still trying to fix the DOI issue, no significant changes here.

The CI release (reloaded)

25 Oct 18:06
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Many fixes concerning supplementary files.

The CI release

21 Oct 06:14
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This release contains changes to the CI workflow and full Python 3.9 compatibility.

The internal overhaul release

11 Aug 08:30
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This release marks many internal improvements to the data structures (including breaking changes) and the CI pipeline. See the changelog for a more detailed list of changes.

The Performance Release

13 Sep 11:22
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This release marks the code used for the performance paper at CVS.

The 3.0 release

14 Feb 13:57
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This release marks some improvements and in particular some breaking changes of the API. See the changelog for details. This release is also the basis for the ACM TOMS paper.

Asymptotic convergence

21 Mar 06:48
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This release includes the codes to create the results used for the paper "Asymptotic convergence of the parallel full approximation scheme in space and time for linear problems". All scripts can be found in projects/AsympConv.

The TOMS release

08 Aug 05:31
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The TOMS release Pre-release

This release marks the version used to produce all results of the paper "pySDC - Prototyping spectral deferred corrections" submitted to ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (ACM TOMS).