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Releases: Parallel-in-Time/pySDC

The PETSc release

23 May 18:21
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Version 2.4 adds support for petsc4py! You can now use PETSc data types (pySDC ships with DMDA for distributed structured grids) and parallel solvers right from your examples and problem classes.

The matrix-PFASST release

17 Nov 07:40
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Version 2.2 contains matrix-based versions of PFASST within the project matrixPFASST. This involves quite a few changes in more or less unexpected places, e.g. in the multigrid controller and the transfer base class. The impact of these changes on other projects are negligible, though.

Parallel SDC

13 Mar 09:43
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This release contains the code for generating the results for the publication "Parallelizing SDC across the method", see project parallelSDC, and demonstrates two strategies for parallelizing SDC over M quadrature nodes.

pySDC, version 2

24 Nov 06:56
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This release contains major changes to the code and its structure:

  • Complete redesign of code structure
  • Introduction of tutorials
  • New all-inclusive controllers
  • Collocation-based coarsening
  • Testing and documentation
  • Many more minor changes

The fast-wave-slow-wave release, v2

31 May 09:56
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This release contains all the code to create the results and plots for the paper "Spectral deferred corrections with fast-wave slow-wave splitting" by Daniel Ruprecht and Robert Speck.

Fault-tolerant PFASST v2

27 Oct 08:15
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This is the release for the paper "Fault-tolerant parallel-in-time integration with PFASST", containing all routines, data and plotting scripts to reproduce the results presented there.

The fast-wave-slow-wave release

02 Feb 13:18
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This release contains all the code to create the results and plots for the paper "Spectral deferred corrections with fast-wave slow-wave splitting" by Daniel Ruprecht and Robert Speck.