diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 467e3d3..ba02806 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -198,6 +198,23 @@
L.marker([-33.953655, 18.479379], {icon: Icon21}).addTo(map).bindPopup("
| 21 |
Plant Name | Dracaena draco |
Field Note | Able to be used for its natural red dye and currently used in skincare |
Image Link | |
L.marker([51.547940, -0.074682], {icon: Icon22}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 22 |
Plant Name | Momordica charantia |
Field Note | Reptilian skin, great seed patterning, challengingly bitter after taste |
Image Link | |
L.marker([50.858005, 5.698593], {icon: Icon23}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 23 |
Plant Name | Rubus ideaeus |
Field Note | Persistent and edible; I’m pretty sure this is a 'wild' raspberry |
Image Link | |
+L.marker([-29.530802, 31.215974], {icon: Icon24}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 24 |
Plant Name | Cassia fistula |
Field Note | These pods were ridiculously hard and near-impossible to slice open |
Image Link | |
+L.marker([52.343664, 4.908522], {icon: Icon25}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 25 |
Plant Name | Gleditsia triacanthos |
Field Note | The yellowing leaves were just about the only colour during winter |
Image Link | |
+L.marker([40.860722, -73.468930], {icon: Icon26}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 26 |
Plant Name | Cornus sp. |
Field Note | I was sadder that these trees weren't in flower |
Image Link | |
+L.marker([51.446604, 5.484122], {icon: Icon27}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 27 |
Plant Name | Acer saccharum |
Field Note | Spectacularly large trees planted alongside the campus |
Image Link | |
+L.marker([40.903190, -73.465805], {icon: Icon28}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 28 |
Plant Name | Zea mays |
Field Note | Can't quite remember the husk colour but I wasn't expecting the ear to be pink |
Image Link | |
+L.marker([52.352205, 4.894123], {icon: Icon29}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 29 |
Plant Name | Vitis vinifera 'Glenora' |
Field Note | These leaves have shoots quite late in spring |
Image Link | |
+L.marker([37.775976, -122.400948], {icon: Icon30}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 30 |
Plant Name | Chrysanthemum sp.s |
Field Note | 'Natural' blue |
Image Link | |
+L.marker([52.346398, 4.902453], {icon: Icon31}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 31 |
Plant Name | Yucca aloifolia |
Field Note | The most amazing brushes Hayden has ever painted with |
Image Link | |
+L.marker([-29.783744, 31.040163], {icon: Icon32}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 32 |
Plant Name | Unknown sp. |
Field Note | The hairs on the shoots are very itchy |
Image Link | |
+L.marker([52.343326, 4.906170], {icon: Icon33}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 33 |
Plant Name | Solanum tuberosum |
Field Note | It is disturbing that we do not know where most of our food comes from |
Image Link | |
+L.marker([51.536115, -0.073357], {icon: Icon34}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 34 |
Plant Name | Viola odorata |
Field Note | The veins on the petals are darker than you'd think |
Image Link | |
+L.marker([52.355617, 4.925726], {icon: Icon35}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 35 |
Plant Name | Prunus serrulata `Kanzan` |
Field Note | Such explosive colour, especially because the tree has no leaves |
Image Link | |
+L.marker([51.435553, -0.072554], {icon: Icon36}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 36 |
Plant Name | Prunus sp. |
Field Note | The clusters of anthers might be my favourite morphological trait on Prunus flowers |
Image Link | |
+L.marker([52.342610, 4.908676], {icon: Icon37}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 37 |
Plant Name | Aesculus hippocastanum |
Field Note | Mighty within a sea of brick buildings |
Image Link | |
+L.marker([51.503251, -0.101318], {icon: Icon38}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 38 |
Plant Name | Papaver somniferum |
Field Note | The more grim the concrete, the better the poppy |
Image Link | |
+L.marker([52.341871, 4.880304], {icon: Icon39}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 39 |
Plant Name | Verbascum densiflorum |
Field Note | Unwavering and relentless strength |
Image Link | |
+L.marker([51.561380, -0.07985], {icon: Icon40}).addTo(map).bindPopup(" | 40 |
Plant Name | Rosa sp. |
Field Note | This rose is slightly too perfect and suits being petals that have fallen |
Image Link | |