Luke Carlson - Threejs project
For this assignment I built a version of the diamond square algorithm to generate my terrain from a PlaneGeometry. It seemed like a reasonable way to generate the terrain. You can see the code at js/diamond_square.js
For my particle system, I created a bunch of small red spheres that explode in random directions.
For controls, I used code from the PointerLockControl & webvr cube THREE.js examples. Those examples were super helpful for setting up my environment & world. That way I could test both with a headset in VR and on a laptop with the mouse (and keyboard to move around for debugging).
No assembly required, just load the index.html page (which will load my js/diamond_square.js algorithm and the external libs).
Note: it may take a moment to generate the terrain at the start
No, I think it is because there isn't much movement going on in the scene so there isn't an opportunity to get motion sickness
A lot of it was getting used to Threejs and the small quirks, like learning that number of vertices in a plane is (segments+1) * (segments+1)
I'd say the terrain generation algorithm took the longest. I originally went with some sort of smooth randomness but that didn't look as cool.
Now that I've finished the project I feel like I understand threejs a lot better so if I did the project again I would take it in a different direction and try to generate better terrain, trees, or look into flowing water.
There is a bug in the square section of DS that leads to some vertices not getting averaged correctly which is unfortunate and if I had a bit more time I'd fix that.
Not much, the difficulty in the project was mainly getting into threejs. You guys gave us extra time which was really helpful. I think it would be interesting to try to do a similar assignment again at the end of the semester and see how we progress