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553 lines (436 loc) · 25.4 KB

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553 lines (436 loc) · 25.4 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

Changelog format guideline

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Added new features.
  • Changed existing functionality.
  • Deprecated soon-to-be removed features.
  • Removed features.
  • Fixed bugs.
  • Security in case of vulnerabilities.


  • Add language information to messages and extract it automatically to know current language.
  • Should make iconColor() a utility function.
  • Length of persona name should be restricted to e.g. 32 characters to fit dropdown selection box.
  • Avatars should be scaled down to save storage space. Unless stored as separate files, only once.


  • ResizeObserver loop completed with undelivered notifications. quasarframework/quasar#2233 (comment)
  • Base_64 encoded images stored with messages cannot be shared after introducing blobs and objectURLs.
  • When removing a persona; should check if it is used in messages and alert user.
  • When settings are restored from last message, personas with same name or id are duplicated if prompt or avatar has changed in persona settings compared to persona in message.

v2.1.2 - 2024-12-26

  • Refactored settings related components to be located in Settings folder.
  • Created a GeneralSettings component for the general application settings tab panel.
  • Refactored the user avatar settings into its own component.
  • Added a feature in ProviderSettings which allows the user to configure and restart Ollama to make sure its accepts API calls from this application.
  • Refactored capabilities by splitting platform specific permissions into separate files.
  • Updated translations to align with current functionality.

v2.1.1 - 2024-12-25

  • Enhanced iCloud sync with improved conflict detection and resolution.
  • Added client identification solution for better sync coordination.
  • Added sequence numbering for precise sync ordering.
  • Added monthly backup preservation system.
  • Added sync metadata tracking per client.
  • Improved file locking mechanism for safer concurrent operations.
  • Improved timestamp precision using milliseconds.
  • Implemented more robust cleanup strategy for old sync files.
  • Added sync nowbutton to Cloud sync setting panel.

v2.1.0 - 2024-12-25

  • Added support for cloud sync of application data such as settings, personas, and conversations. This is available for Mac users using iCloud.

v2.0.3 - 2024-12-23

  • Updated application icon to be in line with Apple guidelines.

v2.0.2 - 2024-12-23

  • Fixed bug where Linux build failed, due to wrong Ubuntu version in release script.

v2.0.1 - 2024-12-23

  • Fixed bug where build could not be signed for Mac OSX due to wrong Tauri signing key environment variables in release script.

v2.0.0 - 2024-12-23

  • Migrated to Tauri v2.
  • Fixed notification issue for errors with no language translations.
  • Fixed issue application got stuck in loading state when no persona was selected.
  • Removed entitlements.mac.plist as it was already covered by entitlements.plist.
  • Removed tray icon support as it had no functionality.

v1.12.2 - 2024-06-02

  • Merged dependabot PR:s fixing some voulnerabilities.

v1.12.1 - 2024-06-02

  • Fixed issue in UserInput component where messages with whitespace characters only were sent.
  • Updated Tauri packages to latest versions.
  • Updated frontend packages to latest versions.
  • Changed model icon from mdi-brain to mdi-creation.

v1.12.0 - 2024-06-01

  • Updated prompt for conversation title generation to be more concise and to not use markdown.
  • Added streamed response setting to QuickSettings.
  • Changed user input to multi-row text box with auto-grow, allowing user to add new lines when pressing Enter. Ctrl+Enter sends the message.
  • Refactored Settings component. Created TextGenerationSettings and ImageGenerationSettings components.
  • Fixed conversation mode on/off settings visible in image generation mode.
  • Fixed issue where text generation models were shown in QuickSettings when image generation was active and user clicked the Dall-e chip.
  • Fixed issue where calling logger() with multiple arguments did not print to console.

v1.11.1 - 2024-05-28

  • Added API provider name to QuickSettings select options.
  • Added additional error logs for API responses.

v1.11.0 - 2024-05-27

  • Added info about the API provider to the model selection in Settings and QuickSettings.
  • Added Swedish and Hungarian translations of provider settings texts.
  • Changed loading of API providers in Settings and QuickSettings to be reactive.

v1.10.0 - 2024-05-26

  • Added support for local LLMs using Ollama and OpenAI API-format.

v1.9.0 - 2024-05-23

  • Removed QMarkdown component using Prism.js.
  • Added markdown-it composable with highlight.js as code highlighter.
  • Added copy button to code blocks.
  • Changed streaming response handler to use the markdown-it composable.
  • Added then().catch() to copy/share conversation.
  • Added support for getting token usage from streamed responses.
  • Added info button to QuickSettings to show token usage.
  • Fixed text reference for image style vivid.
  • Fixed an issue where conversation title was not generated when streamed response was active.

v1.8.0 - 2024-05-21

  • Added conversation mode toggle to QuickSettings.
  • Changed conversation copy/share to export text instead of a JSON object.
  • Changed image action button highlights to square.
  • Updated tauri GitHub Actions script to latest, to fix missing builds for x86_64-apple-darwin.

v1.7.0 - 2024-05-20

  • Added copy, share, and delete actions to QuickSettings.
  • Removed Beta label from streamed responses setting.
  • Added UI support for API Provider selection in settings. However, only OpenAI is supported right now.
  • Arranged settings in tabs: General, API Provider, Text generation, and Image generation

v1.6.2 - 2024-05-19

  • Changed QuickSettings model selection to display available models.
  • Removed old models.

v1.6.1 - 2024-05-19

  • Updated Cargo dependencies
  • Added GPT-4o
  • Removed personas from individual messages to speed up loading and decrease storage space per message.

v1.6.0 - 2024-02-06

  • Updated dependencies to their latest versions.
  • Added GPT-4 Turbo

v1.5.4 - 2024-02-05

  • Added logger.js, a simple wrapper of calls to webview console logs and tauri-plugin-log-api.
  • Changed all logs to use logger.js.
  • Changed log level to 'info' and above in Tauri backend.
  • Fixed issue where "Stop generation" tooltip was shown instead of "Generating..." when generating images.
  • Fixed issue where "Stop" tooltip was not available in Hungarian and Swedish during text generation.
  • Changed "Stop generation" tooltip text to "Stop" to fit in tooltip box.
  • Fixed issue where loading spinner could hang when generation got aborted during image generation.

v1.5.3 - 2024-02-04

  • Added possibility to stop text generation by clicking the loading spinner.

v1.5.2 - 2024-02-04

  • Fixed bug where show/hide menu icon tooltip was missing, causing an error in language texts and also causing the menu to be always shown on Linux.
  • Aligned tooltip to the icons both when menu is hidden (toolbar mode) and when it's shown.

v1.5.1 - 2024-02-04

  • Added support for logs in production. Displayed in terminal, or stored in OS specific log folder. Linux: /home/alice/.config/; macOS: /Users/Alice/Library/Logs/; Windows: C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Roaming\

v1.5.0 - 2024-01-29

  • Added option to open/close left drawer.

v1.4.2 - 2024-01-29

  • Fixed issue where items from last year did not have a valid group in History list.
  • Moved 'Clear messages' in current conversation button from Toolbar to Quick Settings, to avoid clicking it by mistake.
  • Added new model gpt-4-turbo-preview with knowledge up until 2024-01-25.
  • Added the loading indicator in the input field to be visible also when streaming responses.

v1.4.1 - 2024-01-29

  • Updated Node and Cargo package dependencies to their latest versions.
  • Fixed CVE-2024-23331.

v1.4.0 - 2023-12-01

  • Updated dependencies to their latest versions.

v1.3.5 - 2023-11-27

  • Fixed error where streamed response messages were not stored in conversation.

v1.3.4 - 2023-11-26

  • Fixed error handling for interrupted response streams.
  • Fixed bug where conversation title was not generated.
  • Fixed bug where text color in light mode was changed correctly.

v1.3.3 - 2023-11-26

  • Fixed performance degradation and occasional UI crash when using streamed responses (beta).

v1.3.2 - 2023-11-25

  • Fixed issue where loading indicator was not shown when generating images.
  • Added Beta badge for Stream response setting as it sometimes gets unexpectedly interrupted.

v1.3.1 - 2023-11-18

  • Changed loading indicator to be disabled when streaming response.

v1.3.0 - 2023-11-18

  • Added support for streamed responses to increase user experience.
  • Fixed issue where switching to a conversation with images while having text generation activated changed the text generation model to dall-e.
  • Fixed issue where image sizes not allowed by the API were set when restoring settings from igames generated by DALL-E-2.

v1.2.0 - 2023-11-14

  • Removed OpenAI API parameter options from persistent storage.
  • Added image style settings to Settings component.

v1.1.0 - 2023-11-09

  • Added new text generation model GPT-4 Turbo (gpt-4-1106-preview).
  • Added new image generation model DALL-E 3, along with image quality and image style settings.
  • Disabled image choices for now, as DALL-E 3 does not support it.

v1.0.1 - 2023-10-22

  • Updated Tauri packages to latest versions.

v1.0.0 - 2023-10-21

  • Upgraded all packages their latest versions.
  • Fixed CVE-2023-46115.
  • Fixed LICENCE file reference.
  • Updated database upgrade to operate directly and only on the database, not state values.
  • Updated database upgrade to be synchronous.

v0.25.3 - 2023-10-12

  • Added extra tests to check if database migration was successful.

v0.25.2 - 2023-10-12

  • Added extra tests for database migration and also error notifications.

v0.25.1 - 2023-10-12

  • Fixed issue where images displayed in popup dialog did not scale responsively with the window.
  • Fixed issue where model settings info was removed from a message unintentionally.
  • Fixed issue where invalid image references caused warnings in the console and longer image loading times.
  • Fixed issue where images were stretched when smaller than preset view size, making the images blury.
  • Fixed issue with database upgrades failing.

v0.25.0 - 2023-10-11

  • Fixed issue where showing conversation history was slow.
  • Changed size of displayed images to 256x256.
  • Changed number of images displayed per row to be responsive to application window width.
  • Added popup dialog for showing images in full size.

v0.24.4 - 2023-10-11

  • Fixed some database migration issues.

v0.24.3 - 2023-10-11

  • Fixed issue where avatar tooltip was displaying unnecessary information.
  • Added loading icon tooltip in input box.
  • Added new database version in database upgrade notification.
  • Added tooltip for avatars with no personas to show model name, e.g. DALL-E for image generation.
  • Fixed issue where images stored in messages could not be shared.

v0.24.2 - 2023-10-10

  • Added option to show orphaned messages in conversation history, if there are any.
  • Dependabot: Bump postcss from 8.4.27 to 8.4.31.

v0.24.1 - 2023-10-09

  • Added Swedish and Hungarian translation to database upgrade texts.
  • Fixed issue where database upgrade dialog was still shown after upgrade and app restart.

v0.24.0 - 2023-10-09

  • Removed unused assets.
  • Fixed bug where message timestamps were not unique.
  • Moved image binaries from messages to separate imageDB as blobs with image name as key.
  • Created migration script for the image data separation.

v0.23.1 - 2023-10-02

  • Changed icon set to svg-icons and removed unused imports to reduce bundle size.

v0.23.0 - 2023-10-01

  • (Re-)added application icons generated with TeamAI and DALL·E.

v0.22.4 - 2023-10-01

  • Reverted upgraded dependencies to their latest versions as of v0.21.3 to check if this is the reason for notarization errors.

v0.22.2 - 2023-10-01

  • Removed exemple persona prompts from TeamAI GitHub repository. Using team-ai-examples repo instead. To check if this is the reason for notarization errors.

v0.22.1 - 2023-10-01

  • Reverted to Tauri app icons, to check if this is the reason for notarization errors.

v0.22.0 - 2023-10-01

  • Upgraded outdated dependencies to their latest versions.
  • Added option to import exempel persona prompts from TeamAI GitHub repository.

v0.21.3 - 2023-09-29

  • Added additional OpenAI API error code handling.
  • Fixed issue where text generation model was set to dall-e in QuickSettings after image generation.

v0.21.2 - 2023-09-29

  • Fixed issue where all images were deleted when deleting a message with images.

v0.21.1 - 2023-09-29

  • Fixed updater related translations.
  • Fixed loading status not being updated correctly after image generation.
  • Fixed issue with timestamps where image choices were not deleted as expected.

v0.21.0 - 2023-09-28

  • Added support for toggling team work in QuickSettings.
  • Removed option for user input filtering in persona selection list in QuickSettings to simplify UX.
  • Changed availability of persona selection in QuickSettings to advanced mode.
  • Added support for displaying assistant name as tooltip when hovering over assistant avatar.
  • Updated with additional application description and features.
  • Added separator between messages to clearly responses responses from different personas.

v0.20.6 - 2023-09-24

  • Repositioned update check notification to the top of the window.

v0.20.5 - 2023-09-24

  • Fixed issue where update check notification got stuck in loading state when available update was not installed.

v0.20.4 - 2023-09-24

  • Fixed issue where English and Hungarian translations for checking for updates got mixed up.

v0.20.3 - 2023-09-24

  • Fixed issue where manually checking for updates was not working as expected.
  • Added indicator for image generation model in QuickSettings.

v0.20.2 - 2023-09-19

  • Redesigned QuickSettings to improve UX.

v0.20.1 - 2023-09-14

  • Added support for changing OpenAI model from QuickSettings.
  • Auto hide QuickSettings slider when not in use for 30 seconds.
  • Removed shadow below QuickSettings to make it more visually appealing.

v0.20.0 - 2023-09-14

  • Fixed bug where persona settings was not restored as expected when changing conversation.
  • Added support for selecting multiple personas.
  • Added support for displaying persona avatars in persona selection options.
  • Added support for displaying persona prompt as tooltip in persona selection options in settings.
  • Added support for displaying quick settings above/below user input based on chat direction.

v0.19.1 - 2023-09-08

  • Added indicators on hover to user avatar in settings.
  • Fixed missing persona avatar related issues in settings and in messages.

v0.19.0 - 2023-09-07

  • Added support for displaying assistant avatars in conversations and in settings.
  • Added support for assistant persona avatars.
  • Added support for user avatar.

v0.18.1 - 2023-09-05

  • Fixed bug where image completion message was not deleted when last image choice was deleted.
  • Fixed bug where second row of images loads after page scroll and ends up outside of page.
  • Fixed bug where page scrolled to end when message was deleted.

v0.18.0 - 2023-09-04

  • Added support for storing relevant settings with assistant messages.
  • Added support for restoring settings from last assistant message when changing conversation.
  • Added support for indicating current conversation in the conversation history.

v0.17.2 - 2023-08-27

  • Added missing translations for personas and speech.
  • Fixed issues where create new persona input fields were cleared on lost focus.

v0.17.1 - 2023-08-27

  • Fixed default locale formatting to be in line with language selector.
  • Changed loading spinner to be more visible and better indicate activity.

v0.17.0 - 2023-08-27

  • Fixed issue where text-to-speech state affected all messages.
  • Added visual indication of text-to-speech state.
  • Added optional speech-to-text to user input, along with macOS entitlements for microphone access.
  • Updated Privacy information to include text-to-speech and speech-to-text.
  • Changed language selector to display languages instead of language codes.
  • Fixed multiple system messages
  • Added toggle of text in input box based on selection of text/image generation.

v0.16.0 - 2023-08-17

  • Added option to read message text aloud using text-to-speech. Only English in this release.

v0.15.0 - 2023-08-14

  • Added support for persisting and displaying API parameters, usage statistics, conversation mode, and system message(s) with each message.
  • Fixed issue where image size was hard coded and settings did not have any effect.

v0.14.4 - 2023-08-13

  • Fixed issue where persona dialog with many peronas took several seconds to load. It is now instant.

v0.14.3 - 2023-08-11

  • Added filtering to personas selection in settings.
  • Changed UX when adding new persona. Now, it is first edited, and added to the table only when saved.

v0.14.2 - 2023-08-10

  • Updated privacy information to link to OpenAI API data usage policies.
  • Added search to personas and imported awesome prompts tables.

v0.14.1 - 2023-08-03

  • Changed save button color to improve UX when editing conversation title.
  • Improved load speed of personas dialog from about 7s to less than 1s.
  • Added support for sorting the personas table, and also the awesome prompts table.
  • Fixed issue where import of awesome prompts had an empty last element.
  • Added indication that it is possible to remove awsesome prompts.

v0.14.0 - 2023-08-02

  • Fixed issue where Awesome ChatGPT promts could not be shown if all previous personas were deleted.
  • Fixed issue where default store values were not restored if missing in local storage.
  • Added default persona with default system message. It is always included, and not editable or deletable.
  • Added support for creating and editing personas. Available in advanced mode.
  • Added persona selection in settings dialog. Available in advanced mode. Displays description as tooltip.
  • Added translations for missing API error messages.

v0.13.0 - 2023-07-31

  • Added image generation parameters to settings dialog.
  • Fixed share image to be correctly formatted, PNG.
  • Fixed check of availability to share a message, now that images can have multiple choices.
  • Fixed issue where save button had to be pressed twice to save changes to conversation title.
  • Improved UX of selecting between text and image generation.

v0.12.0 - 2023-07-30

  • Added support for displaying multiple image choices.
  • Added individual image actions: delete and share.
  • Added native draggable support to images.
  • Changed images generation output to b64_json, as URL expire after an hour.
  • Fixed error caused when messages containing images were included when using conversation mode.
  • Fixed error where conversation with image generations got titles unrelated to the conversation.

v0.11.0 - 2023-07-24

  • Changed message action items' layout to horizontal.
  • Added check that sharing is indeed available and possible before showing share button.
  • Added option to generate image from user input. Needs more work, but ready for early testing.

v0.10.1 - 2023-07-24

  • Added option to share a message or an entire conversation using native sharing.

v0.10.0 - 2023-07-24

  • Added option to edit the title of a conversation.
  • Added option to copy a conversation to the clipboard.
  • Fixed bug where page was not scrolled correctly on new message to get it into focus.
  • Fixed bug where page scrollers were hidden behind user input field.
  • Changed window width that triggers left drawer to become hidden. Set it 600px.

v0.9.0 - 2023-07-23

  • Added action buttons to messages: copy and delete.
  • Changed history list delete button visual style to be aligned with message action buttons.

v0.8.4 - 2023-07-23

  • Added support for manually checking for updates. Enabled in toolbar in advanced mode.

v0.8.3 - 2023-07-22

  • Upgraded package dependencies.
  • Removed Mermaid diagram support due to security issues in dependencies and low prio feature.

v0.8.2 - 2023-07-22

  • Fixed bug where clicking scroll-to-top/ -bottom arrows did not scroll to top/bottom all the way.

v0.8.1 - 2023-07-22

  • Changed loading state to be visualized in input field instead of with skeleton.
  • Changed chat direction icon in settings to be more intuitive.
  • Added alternating background colors for messages to make it more visually appealing.
  • Improved UX of message list by scrolling to end of messages as soon as there is an update.

v0.8.0 - 2023-07-19

  • Moved top toolbar to left mini drawer.
  • Made the chat direction configurable (up/down).
  • Changed user input field to fill entire width of page.
  • Changed the user input field location to top/bottom of the chat window, depending on chat direction.
  • Fixed a rare bug where the chat title response had an optionally escaped leading and trailing apostrophes.

v0.7.5 - 2023-07-14

  • Added application mode toggle for basic or advanced, to hide or show persona and team related features.

v0.7.4 - 2023-07-13

  • Updated component headers and width to have same UX.
  • Updated default size of the application to be HD Ready, i.e. 1280x720 pixels.
  • Added more detailed application information.
  • Fixed bug where messages were not deleted when clear messages button was clicked.
  • Fixed bug where icon color was being set with undefined function.

v0.7.3 - 2023-07-13

  • Fixed bug where newly created conversations could not be grouped in conversation history.

v0.7.2 - 2023-07-13

  • Fixed bug where messages could be listed on wrong order because of wrong timestamp format.
  • Fixed bug where dialogs could not be closed if window was too narrow.
  • Changed the format of timestamps in conversation history. This may affect the order of existing items.
  • Added localized grouping of conversation history based on age, with most recent on top.

v0.7.1 - 2023-07-03

  • Fixed bug where comma in the text broke imported prompts.

v0.7.0 - 2023-07-03

  • Added Personas component to manage personas.
  • Added support for importing Awesome ChatGPT prompts, which can be added and used as personas.
  • Added support for deleting personas.
  • Added but not yet implemented support for creating new and editing existing personas.

v0.6.0 - 2023-07-02

  • Moved application information to separate component.
  • Added new conversation button.
  • Added automatic generation of conversation title after first response.
  • Added persistence of conversation history.
  • Added support for deleting conversations from history.
  • Changed clear messages to now clear messages only for current conversation.

v0.5.0 - 2023-06-28

  • Added Show conversation history, although individual conversations are not saved yet.
  • Changed most icons to Material Design icons.

v0.4.1 - 2023-06-26

  • Fixed issue where user selected language was not loaded on application start.

v0.4.0 - 2023-06-26

  • Added new languages, Swedish and Hungarian, and language switcher in settings dialog.
  • Added brief application description shown when info icon is clicked.

v0.3.4 - 2023-06-26

  • Added more information about the application to the bundle configuration.

v0.3.3 - 2023-06-25

  • Changed colors slightly to better adapt to dark/light mode.

v0.3.2 - 2023-06-25

  • Added conversation mode setting, i.e. to send individual messages or entire conversation history.
  • Fixed issue where UI remained in loading state after error.
  • Added timestamp and conversationId to messages.

v0.3.1 - 2023-06-23

  • Message history is now persisted across application restarts.
  • Added a button to clear message history.
  • Fixed issue where user input was not cleared after being handled.

v0.3.0 - 2023-06-22

  • Added support for markdown and syntax highlighting in chat messages.
  • Added user and assistant avatars in messages.
  • Fixed some dark mode issues.

v0.2.0 - 2023-06-22

  • Added system tray icon. When clicked, the application is shown and focused.
  • Added improved description in
  • Added Messages component to handle display of messages.
  • Created OpenAI component to handle OpenAI API communication and related error notifications.

v0.1.5 - 2023-06-21

  • Added basic OpenAI API wrapper supporting chat completions.
  • Added simple visualization of question and answer.

v0.1.4 - 2023-06-10

  • Fixed typo in updater endpoint.

v0.1.3 - 2023-06-10

  • Changed back title bar style to visible as drag area was not wasy to find.
  • Added persistent storage using localForage.

v0.1.2 - 2023-06-07

  • Added settings component and store for application wide configuration.
  • Changed dark mode toggling to use the application settings store.

v0.1.1 - 2023-06-06

  • Fixed window flashing on startup.
  • Changed title bar style to overlay.
  • Fixed CVE-2023-34092.
  • Changed tooltip delay to get a better UX.

v0.1.0 - 2023-06-02

  • Removed Greet component that comes with the boilerplate.
  • Added Quasar as a Vite plugin.
  • Added Pinia for state management.
  • Added vue-i18n@9 for internationalization.
  • Added Dark mode toggle.
  • Added UserInput component.
  • Added tooltips to clickable icons.

v0.0.1 - 2023-05-26