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Evaluation of Performance Metrics


  1. The methods used to gain the following numbers to evaluate the models in different scenarios are far away from optimal. They are explained shortly at the end of the document, but should be revised to get more accurate results.
  2. The on-board results are recorded with the TFLite Interpreter only!

Board Metrics

Clock Frequency 100 MHz 216 MHz
Special Features - Double Issue, I/D-Cache -
Flash Memory 1.5 2 MB
SRAM Memory 256 512 kB

Memory Usage

Type / Example hello_world mirco_speech mnist Unit
Model Size (FLASH) 2 18 23 kB
TensorArena Size [HEAD+TAIL] (SRAM) 1 7 11 kB

According to this paper, the approximated Memory requirements for TFLite Micro are the following:

  • SRAM: ~4 kB
  • FLASH: ~37 kB

Number of Operations

The FLOPS (not FLOP/s) of the model graph should give an idea on how many additions and multiplications are needed for a single invocation on the network. The stated values are highly approximatively as they do not take every TF operation into account and are generated before quantization on the eras models itself.

hello_world mirco_speech mnist
41 FLOPS 689980 FLOPS 202810 FLOPS

Runtime Measurements

The time spend in different sections on the main program loop() is analyzed qunatitatively in the following section. The results are heavily influenced by the implementation of the network, as interrupts, serial communication and I/O-activity may be present during the measurements. Therefore and because of the reasons mentioned above, the relationship between the FLOPS and the invocation time is not linear.

All values have been collected by averaging over ~1 minute of runtime with the CMSIS-NN kernels enabled.

The program loop was splitted in the following intervals for all 3 examples:

Section / Example hello_world mirco_speech mnist Unit
F7: ~0
F4: 38
F7: 11
F4: 132
F7: 88
F7: ~0
F4: 49
F7: 52
F4: 34
F7: 13
F7: ~0
F4: ~0
F7: ~0
F4: 125
F7: 93

CMSIS-NN Optimizations

In the following, the differences in execution time for running the model with the cmsis-nn kernels turned ON/OFF are compared briefly. The extend of the improvement depends on the used operations in the graph because only the following kernels are currently supported:

  • add
  • conv
  • fully_connected
  • mul
  • pooling
  • softmax
  • svdf

For details on ARM's neural network optimizations, see: ARM-software/CMSIS_5

Results using the STM32F413HDISCOVERY are omitted because they are relatively similar to the F7 values


Setting / Board hello_world mirco_speech mnist Unit
CMSIS_NN=OFF ~1 413 (*) 52 ms
CMSIS_NN=ON ~0 52 13 ms
Difference (?) (-87) (-75) %
  • The model is unusable without the CMSIS-NN optimized kernels as the program loop does not run often enough to keep up with the incoming audio stream.

How to find/calculate the Numbers?

When using the TFLite Micro Compiler

When building an offline model using f.e. make convert FILE=model.tflite the compiler prints some relevant details on the memory usage. Look for ROM Summary and RAM Summary!

Model Size

Just use the size of the uint8_t array in

Tensor Arena Size

Set the folloing in your CMakeLists.txt:


The results will be printed via the serial connection, f.e. like this:

[RecordingMicroAllocator] Arena allocation total 904 bytes
[RecordingMicroAllocator] Arena allocation head 52 bytes
[RecordingMicroAllocator] Arena allocation tail 852 bytes
[RecordingMicroAllocator] 'TfLiteEvalTensor data' used 144 bytes with alignment overhead (requested 144 bytes for 12 allocations)
[RecordingMicroAllocator] 'Persistent TfLiteTensor data' used 128 bytes with alignment overhead (requested 128 bytes for 2 tensors)
[RecordingMicroAllocator] 'Persistent buffer data' used 212 bytes with alignment overhead (requested 172 bytes for 5 allocations)
[RecordingMicroAllocator] 'NodeAndRegistration struct' used 200 bytes with alignment overhead (requested 200 bytes for 5 NodeAndRegistration structs)
[RecordingMicroAllocator] 'Operator runtime data' used 12 bytes with alignment overhead (requested 12 bytes for 3 OpData structs)

For Details, see: tensorflow/lite/micro/docs/

Tipp: Further information can be collected via arm-none-eabi-size.


TF1 (Required for micro_speech training)

Make use of TF Profiler, f.e. like this:

  1. Export frozen model graph with type graph_def as saved_model.pb
  2. Import GraphDef File and run tf.profiler.profile(...)
from tensorflow.python.framework import graph_util

def load_pb(pb):
    with tf.gfile.GFile(pb, "rb") as f:
        graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
    with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph:
        tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name='')
        return graph
# ***** Load graph *****
g = load_pb('./graph.pb')
with g.as_default():
    flops = tf.profiler.profile(g, options = tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder.float_operation())
    print('FLOPS:', flops.total_float_ops)


Use modified version of evgps/flopco-keras found here:

  1. Define Model: current_model
  2. Run the following after freezing:
if True:
    import numpy as np
    from collections import defaultdict
    from functools import partial
    import copy

    def numel(w : list):
        out = 1
        for k in w:
            out *= k
        return out

    def compute_input_flops(layer, macs = False):
        return 0
    def compute_flatten_flops(layer, macs = False):
        return 0
    def compute_dropout_flops(layer, macs = False):
        return 0
    def compute_padding_flops(layer, macs = False):
        return 0
    def compute_activation_flops(layer, macs = False):
        return 0
    def compute_tfop_flops(layer, macs = False):
        return 0
    def compute_add_flops(layer, macs = False):
        return 0

    def compute_conv2d_flops(layer, macs = False):
    #     _, cin, h, w = input_shape
        if layer.data_format == "channels_first":
            _, input_channels, _, _ = layer.input_shape
            _, output_channels, h, w, = layer.output_shape
        elif layer.data_format == "channels_last":
            _, _, _, input_channels = layer.input_shape
            _, h, w, output_channels = layer.output_shape
        w_h, w_w =  layer.kernel_size

    #     flops = h * w * output_channels * input_channels * w_h * w_w / (stride**2)
        flops = h * w * output_channels * input_channels * w_h * w_w

        if not macs:
            flops_bias = numel(layer.output_shape[1:]) if layer.use_bias is not None else 0
            flops = 2 * flops + flops_bias
        return int(flops)

    def compute_fc_flops(layer, macs = False):
        ft_in, ft_out =  layer.input_shape[-1], layer.output_shape[-1]
        flops = ft_in * ft_out
        if not macs:
            flops_bias = ft_out if layer.use_bias is not None else 0
            flops = 2 * flops + flops_bias
        return int(flops)

    def compute_bn2d_flops(layer, macs = False):
        # subtract, divide, gamma, beta
        flops = 2 * numel(layer.input_shape[1:])
        if not macs:
            flops *= 2
        return int(flops)

    def compute_relu_flops(layer, macs = False):
        flops = 0
        if not macs:
            flops = numel(layer.input_shape[1:])

        return int(flops)

    def compute_maxpool2d_flops(layer, macs = False):

        flops = 0
        if not macs:
            flops = layer.pool_size[0]**2 * numel(layer.output_shape[1:])

        return flops

    def compute_pool2d_flops(layer, macs = False):

        flops = 0
        if not macs:
            flops = layer.pool_size[0]**2 * numel(layer.output_shape[1:])

        return flops

    def compute_globalavgpool2d_flops(layer, macs = False):

        if layer.data_format == "channels_first":
            _, input_channels, h, w = layer.input_shape
            _, output_channels = layer.output_shape
        elif layer.data_format == "channels_last":
            _, h, w, input_channels = layer.input_shape
            _, output_channels = layer.output_shape

        return h*w

    def compute_softmax_flops(layer, macs = False):
        nfeatures = numel(layer.input_shape[1:])
        total_exp = nfeatures #
        total_add = nfeatures - 1
        total_div = nfeatures
        flops = total_div + total_exp
        if not macs:
            flops += total_add
        return flops

    class FlopCoKeras():
        def __init__(self, model):
            instances: list of layer types,
                supported types are [nn.Conv2d, nn.Linear,
                nn.BatchNorm2d, nn.ReLU, nn.MaxPool2d, nn.AvgPool2d, nn.Softmax]
            self.model = model
            self.flops = []
            self.macs = []
            self.get_flops = {
                        'ReLU': compute_relu_flops,
                        'InputLayer': compute_input_flops,
                        'Conv2D': compute_conv2d_flops,
                        'ZeroPadding2D': compute_padding_flops,
                        'Activation': compute_activation_flops,
                        'Dense': compute_fc_flops,
                        'BatchNormalization': compute_bn2d_flops,
                        'TensorFlowOpLayer': compute_tfop_flops,
                        'MaxPooling2D': compute_maxpool2d_flops,
                        'AveragePooling2D': compute_pool2d_flops,
                        'Add': compute_add_flops,
                        'Flatten': compute_flatten_flops,
                        'Dropout': compute_dropout_flops,
                        'UpSampling2D': compute_dropout_flops,
                        'GlobalAveragePooling2D': compute_globalavgpool2d_flops}

            self.get_stats( flops = True, macs = True)
            self.total_flops = sum(self.flops)
            self.total_macs = sum(self.macs)
            # self.total_params = sum(self.params) #TO DO 
            self.relative_flops = [k/self.total_flops for k in self.flops]
            self.relative_macs = [k/self.total_macs for k in self.macs]
            # self.relative_params = [k/self.total_params for k in self.params] #TO DO 

            del self.model        
        def __str__(self):
            print_info = "\n".join([str({k:v}) for k,v in self.__dict__.items()])
            return str(self.__class__) + ": \n" + print_info               
        # def count_params(self):
        #     self.params = [0]
            # self.params = defaultdict(int)
            # for mname, m in self.model.named_modules():
            #     if m.__class__ in self.instances:
            #         self.params[mname] = 0
            #         for p in m.parameters():
            #             self.params[mname] += p.numel()
        def _save_flops(self, layer, macs=False):
            flops = self.get_flops[layer.__class__.__name__](layer, macs)
            if macs:

        def get_stats(self, flops = False, macs = False):
            # if params:
            #     self.count_params()
            if flops:
                self.flops = []
            if macs:
                self.macs = []

            if flops:
                for layer in self.model.layers:
            if macs:
                for layer in self.model.layers:
                    self._save_flops(layer, macs=True)

    # MAC : Multiplication and ACcumulation
    # FLOP : Floating Point Operation
    stats = FlopCoKeras(current_model)
    print(f"Model 1 FLOPs: {stats.total_flops}")
    print(f"Model 1 MACs: {stats.total_macs}")


Enable Benchmarking in CMakeLists.txt:


The measures miliseconds for the Populate/Invoke/Respond phases for every iteration are printed on the serial terinal like this:

TIMESTAMP: 16039 ms
Ticks for Populate (cur/min/max/avg): 15/11/444/13
Ticks for Invoke (cur/min/max/avg): 49/48/50/49
Ticks for Respond (cur/min/max/avg): 6/0/21/13