Bcrypt implementation in the Salesforce Apex language, based on the JavaScript library bcrypt.js
Besides incorporating a salt to protect against rainbow table attacks, bcrypt is an adaptive function: over time, the iteration count can be increased to make it slower, so it remains resistant to brute-force search attacks even with increasing computation power. (see)
The maximum input length is 72 bytes (note that UTF8 encoded characters use up to 4 bytes) and the length of generated hashes is 60 characters.

To hash a password:
String salt = Bcrypt.genSalt(10);
String hash = Bcrypt.hash('mypassword', salt);
// Store hash in Salesforce.
To check a password:
// Load hash from Salesforce.
Bcrypt.compare('mypassword', hash); // true
Bcrypt.compare('not_mypassword', hash); // false
Auto-gen a salt and hash:
String hash = Bcrypt.hash('mypassword');
// OR to specify the number of rounds
String hash = Bcrypt.hash('mypassword', 8);