Please see the validator system setup for recommended machine specs
Althea L1 mainnet dress rehersal testnet has already launched, so this guide is for joining the already active testnet. The first setup is to setup the CLI
If you have a system architecture other than x86_64 Linux you will need to grab the source code and build your own binary. But the vast majority of users should be able to download the release below.
chmod +x althea-linux-amd64
sudo mv althea-linux-amd64 /usr/sbin/althea
The output of this command will generate priv_validator_key.json, which generates a different output each time it is ran even if the same input is provided. If you lose this file you will not be able to regenerate it and you will have to start a new validator. The default save location for this file will be ~/.althea/config/priv_validator_key.json
althea init mymoniker --chain-id althea_417834-4
The genesis file represents the current state of the blockchain and allows your node to sync up with the rest.
cp althea-l1-dress-rehersal-genesis.json-collected.json $HOME/.althea/config/genesis.json
Change the persistent_peers
field in ~/.althea/config/config.toml to contain the following:
persistent_peers = ""
We need to import the validator key. This is the key containing Althea tokens, don't worry about getting them that comes next
# you will be prompted for your key phrase
althea keys add <my validator key name> --recover
Or if your key is stored in a ledger device.
althea keys add <my validator key name> --ledger
If you need to view the address of your validator operator key, you can do so with the following command:
althea keys show <validator key name> --bech val
You should see an output like so:
- name: <validator key name>
address: altheavaloper<keystring>
We recommend using systemd to manage your validator and orchestrator processes.
systemd makes it very easy to increase the open files limit for validators and ensure auto restart on failure.
You can run althea start
without systemd, but if you do so be absolutely sure you have increased the system
open files limit.
sudo su
cd /etc/systemd/system
Now we have to stop and customize these services as appropriate
If you are running your validator as the root
user, the althea.service
file requires no modification
if you are running as a different user modify line 13 like so
Now that we have modified these services it's time to set them to run on startup
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable althea
sudo service althea start
If your services are not starting, you may want to try disabling it to see if it resolves the issue
sed -i"" -e "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/" /etc/selinux/config
setenforce 0
These lines will allow you to watch the logs coming out of your Althea full node as if you where directly attached to the process rather than using systemd.
journalctl -u althea.service -f --output cat
You will need to wait for your Althea node to fully sync before progressing in the instructions
You can issue the following command to check the sync status of the Althea Node
althea status 2>&1| jq .SyncInfo.catching_up
Value of 'false' means that it is now synced, 'true' means that sync is still in process.
Drop by the #validators channel in the Althea discord
post your althea1 validator address and recieve tokens to start your validator.
althea tx staking create-validator \
--amount=<your amount here, remember to subtract for the fee>aalthea\
--pubkey=$(althea tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker="put your validator name here" \
--chain-id=althea_417834-4 \
--from=myvalidatorkeyname \
--commission-rate="0.10" \
--commission-max-rate="0.20" \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
--gas=auto \
--min-self-delegation="1" \
--fees 20000000000000000aalthea
If you see one line in the response you are validating. If you don't see any output from this command you are not validating. Check that the last command ran successfully.
Be sure to replace 'my validator key name' with your actual key name. If you want to double check you can see all your keys with 'althea keys list'
althea query staking validator $(althea keys show myvalidatorkeyname --bech val --address)
You have an Althea L1 validator setup and running. Checkout the hackathon project index for any project you may want to participate in!