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Staying In Bounds


Plutus imposes severe size limits on objects that exist on-chain, whether these are functions, values, or combinations of the two. Additionally, due to the way the Plutus compiler works, everything ends up being inlined, further increasing the potential sizes of everything. Therefore, it is important to be aware of how large your on-chain entities are, and ensure that they don't grow too large; this is especially true for library functions, or any functionality that will be used in many places.

Finding out the exact on-chain size of any given thing is doable, but a bit awkward. To make this easier, we have plutus-size-check, which is a tasty-based support library for testing on-chain entities for their size. It provides the ability to test whether an entity would fit on-chain at all, or within a user-provided size; together with tasty-expected-failure, it can be used to discover and document sizes without requiring them to fit.

This tutorial describes how to use plutus-size-check, using a running example. We also talk about several caveats of its use, allowing you to avoid common issues that would be hard to diagnose otherwise.

Worked example

Suppose we have the following module, defining a useful function to compute the sum of squares:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-specialize #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Foo (sumOfSquares) where

import Data.Kind (Type)
import PlutusTx.Prelude

{-# INLINEABLE sumOfSquares #-}
sumOfSquares :: forall (a :: Type) . 
  (MultiplicativeSemigroup a, AdditiveSemigroup a) =>
  a -> a -> a
sumOfSquares = ... -- super secret implementation

Since we expect this function to be used frequently, we want to know the size of its on-chain representation. We will use plutus-size-check to do this.

To use plutus-size-check for this purpose, we need to do the following steps:

  1. Compile sumOfSquares using the Plutus compiler to produce a CompiledCode.
  2. Wrap the resulting CompiledCode into a Script.
  3. Pass it to fitsOnChain or fitsInto to make a TestTree.
  4. Put the resulting TestTree into a tasty runner.

To do this, you will need to create a test suite which includes the following dependencies:

  • plutus-size-check
  • tasty
  • plutus-ledger-api
  • plutus-tx
  • plutus-tx-plugin

You may need other Plutus libraries as well, depending on what you're testing, but the list above is the minimum necessary. Throughout, we'll be working in a test module, which initially starts off like so:

module Main (main) where

main :: IO ()
main = _

Compiling sumOfSquares

We use the compile quasi-quoter from PlutusTx.TH for this purpose. As this produces a typed splice, we need to enable several extensions. Here is our first attempt:

{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Main (main) where

import Data.Kind (Type)
import Foo (sumOfSquares)
import PlutusTx.Code (CompiledCode)
import PlutusTx.TH (compile)

main :: IO ()
main = _

-- Helpers

compiledSumOfSquares :: forall (a :: Type) . CompiledCode (a -> a -> a)
compiledSumOfSquares = $$(compile [|| sumOfSquares ||])

This already raises two caveats to be careful of. Firstly, the TH staging restriction means that we cannot use compile on a definition in the same module. This doesn't trip us up here, but anything you want to compile must be defined in a different module to the one you use compile in. The second is more subtle: we cannot compile the definition as-is, as it relies on a polymorphic type variable, which will produce an error about a not being inlined. To avoid this, we need to instantiate a to a concrete type: in our case, Integer will do fine. This gives us the following revised definition:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Main (main) where

import Foo (sumOfSquares)
import PlutusTx.Code (CompiledCode)
import PlutusTx.TH (compile)

main :: IO ()
main = _

-- Helpers

compiledSumOfSquares :: CompiledCode (Integer -> Integer -> Integer)
compiledSumOfSquares = $$(compile [|| sumOfSquares ||])

For reasons of consistency, we should choose these 'concretifications' carefully: picking them without some kind of system in place will definitely create problems when comparing sizes of functions. We recommend using Integer for 'concretifying' type variables where necessary.

Wrapping into a Script

The next step is to produce a Script, which can be used by plutus-size-check. For this, we use fromCompiledCode, which is in Plutus.V1.Ledger.Scripts:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Main (main) where

import Foo (sumOfSquares)
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Scripts (fromCompiledCode)
import PlutusTx.Code (CompiledCode)
import PlutusTx.TH (compile)

main :: IO ()
main = _

-- Helpers

compiledSumOfSquares :: CompiledCode (Integer -> Integer -> Integer)
compiledSumOfSquares = $$(compile [|| sumOfSquares ||])

testingScript :: Script
testingScript = fromCompiledCode compiledSumOfSquares

The term Script is slightly misleading in this case, as it can wrap any CompiledCode, which doesn't necessarily have to be a 'script' in the Plutus sense of the term.

Making a TestTree and running

We can now finish the module and produce something runnable. As we don't (currently) have any knowledge of how large sumOfSquares is on-chain, we'll use fitsOnChain from Test.Tasty.Plutus.Size, which will check if it will fit into the 16KiB limit as such.

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Main (main) where

import Foo (sumOfSquares)
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Scripts (fromCompiledCode)
import PlutusTx.Code (CompiledCode)
import PlutusTx.TH (compile)
import Test.Tasty (defaultMain, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.Plutus.Size (fitsOnChain)

main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain . testGroup "On-chain size" $ [
  fitsOnChain "sumOfSquares" testingScript

-- Helpers

compiledSumOfSquares :: CompiledCode (Integer -> Integer -> Integer)
compiledSumOfSquares = $$(compile [|| sumOfSquares ||])

testingScript :: Script
testingScript = fromCompiledCode compiledSumOfSquares

To save some space, we can inline testingScript as well:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Main (main) where

import Foo (sumOfSquares)
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Scripts (fromCompiledCode)
import PlutusTx.Code (CompiledCode)
import PlutusTx.TH (compile)
import Test.Tasty (defaultMain, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.Plutus.Size (fitsOnChain)

main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain . testGroup "On-chain size" $ [
  fitsOnChain "sumOfSquares" . fromCompiledCode $ compiledSumOfSquares

-- Helpers

compiledSumOfSquares :: CompiledCode (Integer -> Integer -> Integer)
compiledSumOfSquares = $$(compile [|| sumOfSquares ||])

We now have a runnable test suite. This will produce output similar to what's below, except for the size (which is fictionalized):

On-chain size
  sumOfSquares fits on-chain:                     OK
    Size: 1001B (~1KiB)

Now that we have a measurement, we can 'pin it in place' to avoid size regressions, using fitsInto:

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Main (main) where

import Foo (sumOfSquares)
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Scripts (fromCompiledCode)
import PlutusTx.Code (CompiledCode)
import PlutusTx.TH (compile)
import Test.Tasty (defaultMain, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.Plutus.Size (fitsInto, bytes)

main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain . testGroup "On-chain size" $ [
  fitsInto "sumOfSquares" [bytes| 1001 |] . fromCompiledCode $ compiledSumOfSquares

-- Helpers

compiledSumOfSquares :: CompiledCode (Integer -> Integer -> Integer)
compiledSumOfSquares = $$(compile [|| sumOfSquares ||])

Now, if we refactor or modify sumOfSquares in a way that exceeds this size, our tests will fail, indicating the current size in the process.

Common caveats, issues and solutions

TH staging restriction

This is a limitation of the Plutus compiler and GHC both; the former relies on typed splices, and the latter has the staging restriction. What this means in practice is that code such as the following will not compile:

foo :: Integer -> Integer
foo = ... -- some definition

compiledFoo :: CompiledCode (Integer -> Integer)
compiledFoo = $$(compile [|| foo ||])

To solve this, place foo in a separate module to compiledFoo.

Polymorphic compiles

This is also a limitation of the Plutus compiler. Consider the code below:

-- This won't work
compiledBar :: CompiledCode (a -> a -> a)
compiledBar = $$(compile [|| someThing ||])

This code will fail to get through the Plutus compiler, complaining about a not being inlined. To avoid this problem, ensure that you 'concretify' your type variables like so:

-- Fixed
compiledBar :: CompiledCode (Integer -> Integer -> Integer)
compiledBar = $$(compile [|| someThing ||])

If you plan to compare function sizes amongst each other, be consistent with your choice of 'concretification' type. We recommend using Integer if you have no better choice available.

Applying arguments to compiled functions

Some tests require 'compositional' data, where functions need to have 'baked in' arguments provided by non-constants. This is common when testing validators or minting policies that take arguments beyond their datum and/or redeemer. The 'obvious' way of doing this can yield compilation problems:

-- Assume bar :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer and baz :: Integer
-- Both of these are defined out-of-module
compiledFoo :: CompiledCode (Integer -> Integer)
compiledFoo = $$(compile [|| bar baz ||]) -- This will likely not compile

If this is the case, you need to use applyCode from PlutusTx.Code:

compiledBaz :: CompiledCode Integer
compiledBaz = $$(compile [|| baz ||])

compiledBar :: CompiledCode (Integer -> Integer -> Integer)
compiledBar = $$(compile [|| bar ||])

compiledFoo :: CompiledCode (Integer -> Integer)
compiledFoo = compiledBar `applyCode` compiledBaz

This is a limitation of the Plutus compiler, as well as a requirement of the size-measuring interface provided by Plutus (which must be given CompiledCode).

Expected failures

Sometimes, you may have on-chain entities whose sizes are too large to fit on-chain, or into a specific limit, but you want to track their sizes in a testable way. Usually, this is needed for future-proofing or simply to find out what the size actually is at the moment. The easiest way to do this is to use tasty-expected-failure:

import Test.Tasty.ExpectedFailure (expectFail)

myBrokenSizeTests :: TestTree
myBrokenSizeTests = testGroup "Some of these break" [
  expectFail . fitsOnChain "Too big" . fromCompiledCode $ something,
  fitsOnChain "But this is OK" . fromCompiledCode $ somethingElse,


Using plutus-size-check, we can ensure that our on-chain entities will fit into the limits imposed by Plutus, and protect against regressions in the size of functionality. This is particularly critical when defining functionality that will be used in many places, due to Plutus' prolific inlining requirements. While this is not without its limitations, this guide specifies how to avoid them, while still getting the ability to test script size with confidence.

Further reading