diff --git a/atlas/modeles/repositories/vmObservationsMaillesRepository.py b/atlas/modeles/repositories/vmObservationsMaillesRepository.py
index d2ec6fdc6..da1b35765 100644
--- a/atlas/modeles/repositories/vmObservationsMaillesRepository.py
+++ b/atlas/modeles/repositories/vmObservationsMaillesRepository.py
@@ -93,42 +93,43 @@ def lastObservationsMailles(connection, mylimit, idPhoto):
return obsList
-def lastObservationsCommuneMaille(connection, mylimit, insee):
+def lastObservationsCommuneMaille(connection, obs_limit, insee_code):
sql = """
WITH last_obs AS (
- obs.cd_ref, obs.dateobs, t.lb_nom,
- t.nom_vern, obs.the_geom_point AS l_geom
- FROM atlas.vm_observations obs
- JOIN atlas.vm_communes c
- ON ST_Intersects(obs.the_geom_point, c.the_geom)
- JOIN atlas.vm_taxons t
- ON obs.cd_ref = t.cd_ref
- WHERE c.insee = :thisInsee
+ obs.id_observation, obs.cd_ref, obs.dateobs,
+ COALESCE(t.nom_vern || ' | ', '') || t.lb_nom AS display_name,
+ obs.the_geom_point AS l_geom
+ FROM atlas.vm_observations AS obs
+ JOIN atlas.vm_communes AS c
+ ON ST_Intersects(obs.the_geom_point, c.the_geom)
+ JOIN atlas.vm_taxons AS t
+ ON obs.cd_ref = t.cd_ref
+ WHERE c.insee = :inseeCode
ORDER BY obs.dateobs DESC
- LIMIT :thislimit
+ LIMIT :obsLimit
- SELECT l.lb_nom, l.nom_vern, l.cd_ref, m.id_maille, m.geojson_maille
- FROM atlas.t_mailles_territoire m
- JOIN last_obs l
- ON st_intersects(m.the_geom, l.l_geom)
- GROUP BY l.lb_nom, l.cd_ref, m.id_maille, l.nom_vern, m.geojson_maille
+ l.id_observation, l.cd_ref, l.display_name, m.id_maille, m.geojson_maille
+ FROM atlas.t_mailles_territoire AS m
+ JOIN last_obs AS l
+ ON st_intersects(m.the_geom, l.l_geom)
+ GROUP BY l.id_observation, l.cd_ref, l.display_name, m.id_maille, m.geojson_maille
+ ORDER BY l.display_name
- observations = connection.execute(text(sql), thisInsee=insee, thislimit=mylimit)
- obsList = list()
- for o in observations:
- if o.nom_vern:
- taxon = o.nom_vern + " | " + "" + o.lb_nom + ""
- else:
- taxon = "" + o.lb_nom + ""
- temp = {
- "cd_ref": o.cd_ref,
- "taxon": taxon,
- "geojson_maille": json.loads(o.geojson_maille),
- "id_maille": o.id_maille,
+ results = connection.execute(text(sql), inseeCode=insee_code, obsLimit=obs_limit)
+ observations = list()
+ for r in results:
+ # taxon = (r.nom_vern + " | " + r.lb_nom) if r.nom_vern else r.lb_nom
+ infos = {
+ "cd_ref": r.cd_ref,
+ "taxon": r.display_name,
+ "geojson_maille": json.loads(r.geojson_maille),
+ "id_maille": r.id_maille,
+ "id_observation": r.id_observation,
- obsList.append(temp)
- return obsList
+ observations.append(infos)
+ return observations
# Use for API
diff --git a/atlas/static/mapGenerator.js b/atlas/static/mapGenerator.js
index 58c5892cb..55b5fd750 100644
--- a/atlas/static/mapGenerator.js
+++ b/atlas/static/mapGenerator.js
@@ -435,7 +435,6 @@ function onEachFeaturePointLastObs(feature, layer) {
popupContent +
" " +
- tabEspece[i] +
- "";
- i = i + 1;
- }
- return stringEspece;
+function buildSpeciesEntries(taxons) {
+ rows = [];
+ taxons.forEach(taxon => {
+ href = `${configuration.URL_APPLICATION}/espece/${taxon.cdRef}`
+ rows.push(`${taxon.name}`);
+ });
+ return rows.join('\n');
function onEachFeatureMailleLastObs(feature, layer) {
- // Add class to be able to scroll the species list
- popupContent =
- "Espèces observées dans la maille: ";
+ title = `${feature.properties.taxons.length} espèces observées dans la maille : `;
+ rows = buildSpeciesEntries(feature.properties.taxons);
+ popupContent = `${title}`;
- layer.bindPopup(popupContent);
+ layer.bindPopup(popupContent, { maxHeight: 300 });
function styleMailleLastObs() {
@@ -584,37 +572,41 @@ function styleMailleLastObs() {
function generateGeoJsonMailleLastObs(observations) {
- // sort it because at each change of idMaille, the
- // list_taxon is reset so not all species are displayed
- observations = observations.sort((a,b) => compare(a, b))
- var i = 0;
- myGeoJson = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [] };
- while (i < observations.length) {
- geometry = observations[i].geojson_maille;
- idMaille = observations[i].id_maille;
- properties = {
- id_maille: idMaille,
- list_taxon: [observations[i].taxon],
- list_cdref: [observations[i].cd_ref],
- list_id_observation: [observations[i].id_observation],
- };
- var j = i + 1;
- while (j < observations.length && observations[j].id_maille == idMaille) {
- properties.list_taxon.push(observations[j].taxon);
- properties.list_cdref.push(observations[j].cd_ref);
- properties.list_id_observation.push(observations[j].id_observation);
- j = j + 1;
+ var features = [];
+ observations.forEach((obs) => {
+ findedFeature = features.find(
+ (feat) => feat.properties.meshId === obs.id_maille
+ );
+ if (!findedFeature) {
+ features.push({
+ type: "Feature",
+ geometry: obs.geojson_maille,
+ properties: {
+ meshId: obs.id_maille,
+ taxons: [
+ {
+ cdRef: obs.cd_ref,
+ name: obs.taxon,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ });
+ } else if (
+ !findedFeature.properties.taxons.find(
+ (taxon) => taxon.cdRef === obs.cd_ref
+ )
+ ) {
+ findedFeature.properties.taxons.push({
+ cdRef: obs.cd_ref,
+ name: obs.taxon,
+ });
- myGeoJson.features.push({
- type: "Feature",
- properties: properties,
- geometry: geometry,
- });
- // on avance jusqu' à j
- i = j;
- }
+ });
- return myGeoJson;
+ return {
+ type: "FeatureCollection",
+ features: features,
+ };
function find_id_observation_in_array(tab_id, id_observation) {
diff --git a/docs/changelog.rst b/docs/changelog.rst
index 2709dccf9..de856797d 100644
--- a/docs/changelog.rst
+++ b/docs/changelog.rst
@@ -2,6 +2,14 @@
+🐛 **Corrections**
+- Correction de la carte avec affichage par mailles de la fiche "Commune" (#533 par @jpm-cbna)
1.6.1 (2023-10-16)