NKN is the next generation of peer to peer network infrastructure built upon blockchain technology backed by Cellular Automata theory aiming at revolutionizing the Internet with true decentralization and native token incentive mechanism.
- Windows: Recommend Putty, https://www.putty.org/
- Mac OS: Using default terminal
If you already have DigitalOcean account, you can login into your account.
If you don't have DigitalOcean account, please sign up.
Choose an image
- Debian: 9.5 x 64
Choose a size
- CPU: 1 GB
- SSD: 25 GB
- Transfer: 1000 GB
- Price: $5 / month
- CPU Optimized Droplets (Skip)
- Add backups (Skip)
- Add block storage (Skip)
- Choose a datacenter region
- Bangalore
Select additional options (Skip)
Add your SSH keys (Skip)
Finalize and create
- Choose a hostname: Type a name you'd like or using default
Click Create
After create the Droplets, you will receive the email include:
- Droplet Name
- IP Address
- Username
- Password
Using terminal/putty to connect the droplet node
$ ssh root@<IP_ADDRESS>
NOTE: You must change your password at the first time you connect to the droplet node.
Update Debian
apt-get update
Use the latest version
apt-get upgrade
If you are asked what you want to do with it just stick with "keep the local version currently installed"
Install dependencies
apt-get install -y make curl git
Look up the goland latest version of go and store the download path in "url":
url=`curl https://golang.org/dl/ | grep linux-amd64 | sort --version-sort | tail -1 | grep -o -E "https://dl.google.com/go/go[0-9]+\.[0-9]+((\.[0-9]+)?).linux-amd64.tar.gz"`
Download the file
wget ${url}
Unzip the file
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xvf `echo ${url} | cut -d '/' -f5`
Finally set environment variables correctly: Please enter line by line with pressing RETURN.
cat >> ~/.bashrc << 'EOF'
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
Re-source bash
source .bashrc
Create folder for NKN
mkdir -p ~/go/src/github.com/nknorg && cd ~/go/src/github.com/nknorg
Clone the NKN repository
git clone https://github.com/nknorg/nkn.git
Change directory to NKN source
cd nkn
Install glide package management
make glide
Download dependencies for building
make vendor
Build the source code with make
The configuration of a NKN Node is stored in the config.json file. Fortunately NKN already has a testnet configuration file for you which has only to be copied. Just type
cp config.testnet.json config.json
If you want to create a new wallet for NKN type:
./nknc wallet -c