Wanchain aims to build a super financial market of digital assets. It is an infrastructure connecting different digital assets.
- Windows: Recommend Putty, https://www.putty.org/
- Mac OS: Using default terminal
If you already have DigitalOcean account, you can login into your account.
If you don't have DigitalOcean account, please sign up.
Choose an image
- Ubuntu: 18.04 x 64
Choose a size
- CPU: 1 GB
- SSD: 25 GB
- Transfer: 1000 GB
- Price: $5 / month
- CPU Optimized Droplets (Skip)
- Add backups (Skip)
- Add block storage (Skip)
- Choose a datacenter region
- Bangalore
- Select additional options (Skip)
- Add your SSH keys (Skip)
- Finalize and create
- Choose a hostname: Type a name you'd like or using default
- Click Create
You can choose the size you need, recommend 250G.
After create the Droplets, you will receive the email include:
- Droplet Name
- IP Address
- Username
- Password
Using terminal/putty to connect the droplet node
$ ssh root@<IP_ADDRESS>
NOTE: You must change your password at the first time you connect to the droplet node.
Download newest version from Wanchain
wget https://github.com/wanchain/go-wanchain/releases/download/v1.0.4/gwan-linux-amd64-1.0.4-b7ce29ea.tar.gz
Unzip the file
tar xvfz gwan-linux-amd64-1.0.4-b7ce29ea.tar.gz
Run the script to install Wanchain
cd gwan-linux-amd64-1.0.4-b7ce29ea
./gwan --datadir=<VOLUMN_PATH>
Using screen to run Wanchain node at background
screen -dmSL wanchain ./gwan --datadir=<VOLUMN_PATH>