Docker image helps to migrate your Massa Testnet Node and Client to Docker container
- Docker installed on your server
- Dockerfile from this repo
- config.toml from this repo
- node_privkey.key that you are backed up from your node
- staking_keys.json that you are backed up from your node
- wallet.dat that you are backed up from your node
- Download this Dockerfile and config.toml
- Edit config.toml, put your node server IP in routable_ip = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
- Put node_privkey.key, staking_keys.json and wallet.dat in same folder
- Run command:
docker build -t massa .
- check that "massa" image is builded:
docker images
- run image:
docker run --rm --name node -d -p 33035:33035 -p -p 31244:31244 -p 31245:31245 massa
- check that node container is running:
docker ps -a
- View logs of your Massa node:
docker logs node
You can grep logs of course:
docker logs node | grep "Started"
Client is builded with node. You have to use it to prepare everything for staking (if you want to stake): buy rolls and register with Massa Bot in Discord. But you can use client binary to connect to your node also.
docker exec -it node /bin/bash
When connected, switch folder to client and run client:
cd ~/massa/massa-client && /root/massa/target/release/massa-client
Exit client:
Exit container (it will still run, don't worry):