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Global Penalization

A repository accompanying the paper on global penalization (using Clark's moment-matching algorithm). Provides implementation of the moment-matched approximation of qEI as well as benchmarks against other Bayesian Optimization acquisition functions.

Getting Started

Installation on Linux is straightforward.

  1. Create a new conda environment:

    conda env create

  2. Install the code in editable mode

    pip3 install -e .

  3. To develop the code (e.g. to be able to run unit tests), install additionally:

    pip3 install -r requirements_dev.txt

N.B. To install on Windows, we recommend using WSL2. Running on native windows would require building jaxlib, as binaries are not currently available for Windows.

Code profiling

Use the scripts in the profiling/ directory.

Running benchmarks

To run a benchmark on one of the scenarios:

python {scenario name} --batch_method {batch bayesion optimisation method name} --batch_size 5 --num_batches 40 --num_experiments 100

For example:

python branin --batch_method sequential-moment-matched-ei --batch_size 5 --num_batches 40 --num_experiments 100

To see what scenarios and Batch Bayes. Opt. methods are available, run:

python --help

Note: Some scenarios allow for specifying the dimensionality of the input with a --scenario_dim flag, e.g. cosines-additive, cosines-symmetric and cosines-additive-symmetric.

### Generated files

Each run of will save the relevant information from the run in an appriopriately named sub-directory in ExperimentResults. For instance, running on the branin scenario with local-penalization batch method with a batch-size of 5 will save the results in


Plotting results will save the data generated during the benchmark runs. To analyse these, you can visualise convergence of multiple configurations against one another to compare their relative performance.

To visualise convergence of several configurations, run with the names of the results directories of the runs that you want to compare. For example, say that you want to compare benchmark runs that were saved to ExperimentResults/cosines-symmetric/batch_method=local-penalization_batch_size=5_dim=4 and ExperimentResults/cosines-symmetric/batch_method=sequential-moment-matched-ei_batch_size=5_dim=4 respectively. To do so, you could run:

python ExperimentResults/cosines-symmetric/batch_method=local-penalization_batch_size=5_dim=4  ExperimentResults/cosines-symmetric/batch_method=sequential-moment-matched-ei_batch_size=5_dim=4

To see other options, such as changing where to save the plot, or axis scales, run:

python --help


Disallowed formats

Remember that Mathematica files should be saved to Git in the .wl format rather than .nb format. (Which doesn't store inputs and additional metadata. Wolfram Language files .wl can be opened and edited using Mathematica as ordinary notebooks). Similarly, try to store the code in .py files rather than .ipynb.


We store unit tests in the tests/ directory.

Use pytest to run them.

Code quality

We also have black and flake8 configured for line length 120. Use

pre-commit install

to install them as pre-commit hooks.

Use make all to run all checks.