A Latin square of order n
is a nxn
matrix consisting of n symbols (i.e., {1, 2, . . . , n}) in which each symbol occurs exactly once in each row and exactly once in each column. If some grids are empty, then the Latin square complete (LSC) problem of order n aims to complete the empty grids with n symbols to obtain an arbitrary legal Latin square.
Latin Square Completion is a Constraint Satisfaction Problem and hence is NP Complete in nature. This is because it can be solved only in non-deterministic polynomial time, but easy to verify in linear time (O(n)) time complexity.
It can be defined as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) as follows:
: Each cell in NxN matrix
: {1, 2, . . . , n}
: Each symbol (1-n) can occur exactly once in a row and column
In this project, we aim to explore various state space reduction techniques and heuristics which can be used to solve this LSC problem, using graph-coloring representation, to reduce the computational complexity of the problem.
- Transforming the problem as a Graph Colouring problem
Here, the nodes represt the cells, and the edges represent the constraints. The color of the node represents the value of the symbol in the cell.
- Reduction of Graph
We reduce the search space by filling those cells for which the domain is not greater than 1. This allows us to significantly reduce the search space.
- Best First Search
┣ 📂assets // Contains all the reference gifs, images
┣ 📂include
┃ ┣ 📄lsc.hpp // Header file for LSC
┃ ┣ 📄plits.hpp // Header file for PLITS
┣ 📂src
┃ ┣ 📄bfs.cpp // Breadth-First Search
┃ ┣ 📄dfs.cpp // Depth-First Search
┃ ┣ 📄bestfs.cpp // Best-First Search
┃ ┣ 📄plits_seq.cpp // Partial Legal and Illegal Tabu Search (PLITS), Sequential
┃ ┣ 📄plits_par.cpp // PLITS, Parallelised using OpenMP
┣ 📄Makefile
┣ 📄README.md
To download and use this code, the minimum requirements are:
- make: A build automation tool.
- g++: The GNU C++ compiler.
- Operating System: Windows 7 or later (64-bit) or Ubuntu 20.04 or later.
Clone the project by typing the following command in your Terminal/CommandPrompt
git clone https://github.com/PritK99/Latin-Square-Completion
Navigate to the Latin-Square-Completion folder
cd Latin-Square-Completion
Once you have installed the prerequisites and cloned the project, you can start using it. Follow these commands:
To compile all targets / algorithms, run
make all
To list all targets, run
$ make list
Targets (Algorithms):
- bfs (Breadth First Search)
- dfs (Depth First Search)
- bestfs (Best First Search)
- plits_seq (Partial Legal & Illegal Tabu Search)
- plits_par (Parallelised Partial Legal & Illegal Tabu Search)
To compile only a specific target / algorithm (from BFS, DFS, BestFS or PLITS {sequential & parallel}), run (e.g. for bestfs)
$ make bestfs
To execute any program, run (e.g. for bfs)
$ ./bfs
Note: When running the parallel PLITS algorithm, you can specify the number of threads as an argument. For example:
$ ./plits_par 4
To remove any executables, run
$ make clean
A Fast Local Search Algorithm for the Latin Square Completion Problem (AAAI 22) by Shiwei Pan, Yiyuan Wang, Minghao Yin