Welcome to the Wander-Lust! This project is a full-stack web application allowing users to search for accommodations, book stays, and host properties. Built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js), the website includes features such as user authentication, property listings, booking management, and reviews.
The application is deployed to Render and can be accessed through the following link:
- Browse and search for accommodations
- Host properties with photos, descriptions, and pricing
- User authentication and profile management
- Leave reviews and ratings for properties
The application is built with:
- Node.js version 20.11.1
- MongoDB version 8.3.2
- Express version 4.19.2
- ejs version 3.1.10
- Bootstrap version 5.3.3
- FontAwesome version 6.5.2
- Mapbox API: used to show the map in the about us page
- Cloudinary: used to store listing images
- Passport: used for authentication
- joi: used for schema validation
- Express Validator: used for form validation