A passwords manager for emacs. It builds upon the pattern described in the pattern described by emacs-fu and lets you copy your stored passwords to the clipboard easily.
You can install password-vault directly from melpa: M-x install-package password-vault
. Otherwise you can download password-vault.el
place it in your load path and either require it ((require 'password-vault)
) or write the autoloads by hand:
(autoload 'password-vault "password-vault" "" t nil)
(autoload 'password-vault-register-secrets-file "password-vault")
;; Module where you keep your passwords. ie:
(password-vault-register-secrets-file "passwords")
M-x password-vault
(setq freenode-nickserv-nick "DrSexyKittah"
freenode-nickserv-password "CanIHazSecrets"
wikipedia-password "Youllnevernowwhy")
- Use n/p keys to move across passwords/buttons.
- Use bottons Widgets, centered.
Copying is an act of Love, please copy.
PuercoPop [email protected]