Size: 40 Bytes (0x28)
Offset | Type | Name | Description |
00 | Byte | Graphic index | |
01 | Byte | Item type | See below |
02 | Byte | Used ammunition type | See below (slings, bows or crossbows use this) |
03 | Byte | Gender | 0: Both, 1: Male, 2: Female (Only the 3 Sansri items have a value of 2, rest 0) |
04 | Byte | Number of hands | |
05 | Byte | Number of fingers | |
06 | Byte | Hit points | Adds to max HP |
07 | Byte | Spell points | Adds to max SP |
08 | Byte | Attribute | 0: None, 1+: Strength, ... |
09 | Byte | Attribute value | Value to add to the given attribute |
0A | Byte | Skill | 0: None, 1+: Attack, ... |
0B | Byte | Skill value | Value to add to the given skill |
0C | Byte | Spell school | 0: None, 1: White, 2: Gray, 3: Black |
0D | Byte | Spell index | 0: None, 1+ is the index inside the given school |
0E | Byte | Spell charges | Number of spells one can cast from the item |
0F | Byte | Ammunition type | See below (ammo itself uses this) |
10 | Byte | Defense | |
11 | Byte | Damage | |
12 | Byte | Equip slot | See below |
13 | Byte | M-B-W | Magic weapon level |
14 | Byte | M-B-A | Magic armor level |
15 | Byte | Special index | For special items it gives the type (see below), for text scrolls it is the text list index inside CODETXT.AMB (1 or 2) |
16 | Byte | Initial charges | |
17 | Byte | Max charge | |
18 | Byte | Item flags (see below) | |
19 | Byte | Skill 1 for malus | |
1A | Byte | Skill 2 for malus | |
1B | Byte | Malus 1 | |
1C | Byte | Malus 2 | |
1D | Byte | Text index | For text scrolls the index inside the given text list (0 is the first) |
1E | Word | Usable classes | Bitfield |
20 | Word | Buy price | |
22 | Word | Weight | In grams |
24 | Word | ItemID | Special marker for quest items (e.g., door keys) |
26 | Word | NameID | Item name, as index into the global string table |
- 00: Armor
- 01: Hat
- 02: Shoes
- 03: Shield
- 04: Melee weapon
- 05: Ranged weapon
- 06: Ammunition
- 07: Text scroll
- 08: Spell scroll
- 09: Potion
- 0A: Chain / Necklace
- 0B: Brooch
- 0C: Ring
- 0D: Special item (clock, compass, etc)
- 0E: Magical item (torch, etc)
- 0F: Key
- 10: Normal item (quest items, etc)
- 01: Cursed
- 02: Not important (can be dropped or left)
- 04: Stackable
- 08: Destroy after usage (keys and some quest items, potions and spell scrolls seem to omit this though)
- 10: Removable during fight (some equipment has this)
- 0: None
- 1: Neck
- 2: Head
- 3: Chest
- 4: Weapon hand (right hand)
- 5: Armor
- 6: Shield hand (left hand)
- 7: Right finger
- 8: Feet
- 9: Left finger
- 0: None
- 1: Stone
- 2: Arrow
- 3: Bolt
- 0: None
- 1: Compass
- 2: Unknown
- 3: Magical picture
- 4: Wind chain
- 5: Map locator
- 6: Clock