diff --git a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/docs/README.txt b/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/docs/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a76b13cc..00000000
--- a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/docs/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-ili2ora - INTERLIS 2-loader for oracle
-Translates INTERLIS 2 data model definitions to an oracle schema.
-Loads INTERLIS 2 data into an oracle database.
-Unloads INTERLIS 2 data from an oracle database.
-ili2ora is licensed under the LGPL (Lesser GNU Public License).
-ili2ora is in beta/transition state.
-System Requirements
-For the current version of ili2ora, you will need a JRE (Java Runtime Environment) installed on your system, version 1.6 or later.
-The JRE (Java Runtime Environment) can be downloaded for free from the Website http://www.java.com/ .
-ili2ora was tested with Oracle 9.
-Installing ili2ora
-To install ili2ora, choose a directory and extract the distribution file there.
-Running ili2ora
-ili2ora can be started with
-java -jar ili2ora.jar [options] file.xtf
-Please send comments to ce@eisenhutinformatik.ch.
diff --git a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/ili2pg-4.6.1.jar b/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/ili2pg-4.6.1.jar
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index f6298ad6..00000000
Binary files a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/ili2pg-4.6.1.jar and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/libs/ili2c-core-5.2.3.jar b/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/libs/ili2c-core-5.2.3.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index 47af5d4d..00000000
Binary files a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/libs/ili2c-core-5.2.3.jar and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/libs/ili2c-tool-5.2.3.jar b/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/libs/ili2c-tool-5.2.3.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index bf9dd442..00000000
Binary files a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/libs/ili2c-tool-5.2.3.jar and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/libs/ili2db-4.6.1.jar b/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/libs/ili2db-4.6.1.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index 52e1de66..00000000
Binary files a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/libs/ili2db-4.6.1.jar and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/libs/iox-ili-1.21.8.jar b/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/libs/iox-ili-1.21.8.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a8ec290..00000000
Binary files a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/libs/iox-ili-1.21.8.jar and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/libs/postgresql-42.2.18.jre6.jar b/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/libs/postgresql-42.2.18.jre6.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index 5474379b..00000000
Binary files a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/libs/postgresql-42.2.18.jre6.jar and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/docs/CHANGELOG.txt b/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-5.2.0/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
similarity index 87%
rename from qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
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--- a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
+++ b/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-5.2.0/docs/CHANGELOG.txt
@@ -11,8 +11,134 @@ ideas/open issues/questions
- einfache Liste mit den neu erzeugten Vertexpunkte (aufgrund der Overlap-Bereinigung)
- Schalter für das "disablen" der Overlaps-Bereinigung. Bei vorhandenen gueltigen Overlaps erfolgen: a) Import mit NULL als Polygon, ohne Fehlermeldung, b) Import mit NULL als Polygon, mit Warning, c) kein Import, Fehlermeldung
+ili2db 5.2.0 (2024-11-03)
+- fixed "no dburl given" but dburl is not mentioned in the documentation (#539)
+- readme.txt in ili2gpkg-download (#531)
+- new function --exportMetaConfig (#516)
+- new function --createNlsTab (#350)
+- fix BOOLEAN with --createEnumTabs (#543)
+- support CHBase V2 Localisation smart mapping (#547)
+- new meta-attrs ili2db.ili.lang, ili2db.ili.translationOf
+- function --deleteData does not work with --createFk (#548)
+- fix filtering import of baskets from different models (#546)
+- ili2c-5.6.0
+- iox-ili-1.23.2
+ili2db 5.1.1 (2024-08-26)
+- fix --gpkgMultiGeomPerTable needed on export/import/validate (#542)
+- Add --plugins option (#235)
+- ili2c-5.5.4
+- iox-ili-1.23.1
+ili2db 5.1.0 (2023-12-06)
+- JSON-Mapping of Bag of Structure (#477)
+- Unique constraints are not generated (#493)
+- ILI2.4: Resolve generic domain from context or transfer (#472)
+- ILI2.4: Eindeutigkeitsbedingungen auf den einzelnen Transfer (#518)
+- ili2pg: if dbhost is not provided, ili2pg ignores dbport (#494)
+- ili2c-5.4.0
+- iox-ili-1.22.0
+ili2db 5.0.1 (2023-09-25)
+- ili2c-5.3.3
+ili2db 5.0.0 (2023-09-09)
+- ili2pg: fix support of SCRAM authentification in PostgreSQL (#448)
+- ili2gpkg: Update sqlite lib (Apple M1) (#421)
+- remove ToXtfRecordConverter.isMsAccess (#303)
+- remove option --structWithGenericRef (#497)
+- JRE 1.8
+- org.postgresql:postgresql:42.6.0
+- org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc:
+ili2db 4.11.1 (2023-08-22)
+- ili2gpkg: new option --gpkgMultiGeomPerTable to create multi geom col tables (#511)
+- Failed to query extended many-to-many associations (smart2) (#521)
+- ehisqlgen-1.16.0
+ili2db 4.11.0 (2023-04-24)
+- fix references with mixed case INTERLIS.UUIDOID (#507)
+- fix issues with duplicate coordinates (#510)
+- fix validate fails if external connection is used (#514)
+- fix delete empty dataset (#513)
+- fix additionalModel in the --validConfig on validation not found (#509)
+- Provide metaConfig info in the database (#508)
+- ili2h2gis: fix bigint schema import
+- iox-ili-1.21.18
+ili2db 4.10.1 (2023-02-28)
+- fix Bug --delete Flag im mehrsprachigen DMAV01 Modell (#504)
+- iox-ili-1.21.17
+ili2db 4.10.0 (2022-12-30)
+- ili24: LIST/BAG mit primitiven Typen (nicht nur mit Strukturen) (#471)
+- support --option NULL (#500)
+- implement --metaConfig (#392)
+- support ilidata:basketId as import file argument (#480)
+- create mandatory reference check with --coalesceCatalogueRef (#481)
+- iox-ili-1.21.15
+- ili2c-5.3.2
+ili2db 4.9.1 (2022-11-02)
+- remove Swing reference from Main (#496)
+- fix error when using --update function (#450)
+- iox-ili-1.21.13
+- ili2c-5.3.0
+ili2db 4.9.0 (2022-08-24)
+- new option --verbose
+- new option --logtime
+- new meta info about ili attr type ch.ehi.ili2db.typeKind (#469)
+- fix bigint import (#464)
+- fix enum itfCode on ili-import (#478)
+- support ALL OF enum-domain (#476)
+- new option --createMandatoryChecks to create DB constraint for Reference attributes (#475)
+- fix JRE 1.6 compatibility
+- iox-ili-1.21.12
+- ili2c-5.2.8
+- ehisqlgen-1.15.0
+ili2db 4.8.0 (2022-04-29)
+- API: added Ili2db.getDatasets()
+- API: make AbstractMain.getDbUrlConverter() public
+- rename option --importBatchSize to set JDBC batchSize (#458)
+- rename option --exportFetchSize to set JDBC fetchSize (#458)
+- use batchSize to INSERT/UPDATE xtf/itf-data (#458)
+- new option --disableBoundaryRecoding to fix imported geometry (#437)
+- save --nameLanguage to t_ili2db_settings
+- use translated enum model element name for dispName in enum tables (#460)
+- export: fix ALL OF missing translations of values German to French (#439)
+- iox-ili-1.21.10
+- ili2c-5.2.6
+ili2db 4.7.0 (2021-12-28)
+- create metainfo about possible classes in a topic (#216)
+- create metainfo about BID domain (#440)
+- set length of description field in ENUM tables to 'unlimited' (#429)
+- import polygons from XTF as boundary lines (#269)
+- check that --createBasketCol is used (if required) (#130)
+- add used TransferDescription to Settings as ch.ehi.ili2db.model
+- API: add getCustomMappingStrategy()
+- ili24: implement MULTISURFACE/MULTIAREA (#410)
+- ili24: implement MULTIPOLYLINE (#409)
+- ili2gpkg: create spatial index (#391)
+- mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.49
+- iox-ili-1.21.9
+- ehisqlgen-1.14.1
+- ili2c-5.2.5
ili2db 4.6.1 (2021-11-10)
diff --git a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/docs/LICENSE.apache b/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-5.2.0/docs/LICENSE.apache
similarity index 100%
rename from qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/docs/LICENSE.apache
rename to qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-5.2.0/docs/LICENSE.apache
diff --git a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/docs/LICENSE.lgpl b/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-5.2.0/docs/LICENSE.lgpl
similarity index 100%
rename from qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-4.6.1-bindist/docs/LICENSE.lgpl
rename to qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-5.2.0/docs/LICENSE.lgpl
diff --git a/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-5.2.0/docs/README.txt b/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-5.2.0/docs/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..434aa8d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qgepqwat2ili/bin/ili2pg-5.2.0/docs/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ili2db - imports/exports interlis transfer files to a sql db
+Translates INTERLIS 1+2 data model definitions to a SQL schema.
+Loads INTERLIS 1+2 data into a SQL database.
+Extracts INTERLIS 1+2 data from a SQL database.
+ili2db is licensed under the LGPL (Lesser GNU Public License).
+ili2db is in stable state.
+System Requirements
+For the current version of ili2db, you will need a JRE (Java Runtime Environment) installed on your system, version 1.8 or later.
+The JRE (Java Runtime Environment) can be downloaded for free from the Website