@def title="Benchmark"
More detailed benchmark, please check quantum-benchmark.
Benchmarks of a) Pauli-X gate; b) Hadamard gate; c) CNOT gate; d) Toffolli gate.
<img src="https://github.com/Roger-luo/quantum-benchmarks/raw/master/images/gates.png" alt="single-gate-benchmark" width="100%">
<img src="https://github.com/Roger-luo/quantum-benchmarks/raw/master/images/gates_relative.png" alt="single-gate-relative" width="100%">
b) Benchmarks of parameterized circuit. c) Benchmarks of parametrized circuit with batched registers (batch size = 1000).
qiskit state vector simulator does not support rotation x/z gate, thus there is no benchmark on the following circuits. PennyLane benchmark contains some overhead from error handling since we do not include measurement in this benchmark (#7) the performance of CUDA may vary on different machine (#6), although the difference is not very huge
<img src="https://github.com/Roger-luo/quantum-benchmarks/raw/master/images/pcircuit.png" alt="parameterized" width="100%">
<img src="https://github.com/Roger-luo/quantum-benchmarks/raw/master/images/pcircuit_relative.png" alt="parameterized-relative" width="100%">