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zgw edited this page Sep 22, 2018 · 12 revisions

Instructions for Loadtest

Running loadtest on QuarkChain is simple.

  1. Follow the instructions in README to setup environment and start a local cluster

    pypy3 quarkchain/cluster/ --mine
  2. Trigger loadtest through createTransactions JSON RPC which requests the cluster to generate transactions on each shard. numTxPerShard <= 12000, xShardPercent <= 100


    curl -X POST --data ‘{“jsonrpc”:“2.0",“method”:“createTransactions”,“params”:{“numTxPerShard”:10000, “xShardPercent”:10},“id”:0}’ http://localhost:38491


    python -c 'import jsonrpcclient; jsonrpcclient.request("http://localhost:38491", "createTransactions", numTxPerShard=10000, xShardPercent=10)'

    Then you should see the following output from

    MASTER: I0920 16:38:30.528915] {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "createTransactions", "params": {"numTxPerShard": 10000, "xShardPercent": 10}, "id": 1}
    SLAVE_S1: I0920 16:38:30.534065] [1] start generating 10000 transactions with 10% cross-shard
    SLAVE_S0: I0920 16:38:30.534153] [0] start generating 10000 transactions with 10% cross-shard
    SLAVE_S2: I0920 16:38:30.534152] [2] start generating 10000 transactions with 10% cross-shard
    SLAVE_S3: I0920 16:38:30.535326] [3] start generating 10000 transactions with 10% cross-shard
    SLAVE_S3: I0920 16:38:37.022581] [7] start generating 10000 transactions with 10% cross-shard
    SLAVE_S0: I0920 16:38:37.071729] [4] start generating 10000 transactions with 10% cross-shard
    SLAVE_S1: I0920 16:38:37.116436] [5] start generating 10000 transactions with 10% cross-shard
    SLAVE_S2: I0920 16:38:37.237476] [6] start generating 10000 transactions with 10% cross-shard
  3. Monitor the TPS using the stats tool.

    $ quarkchain/tools/stats --ip=localhost
                                          QuarkChain Cluster Stats                                      
    CPU:                8
    Memory:             16 GB
    IP:                 localhost
    Shards:             8
    Servers:            4
    Shard Interval:     60
    Root Interval:      10
    Syncing:            False
    Mining:             False
    Peers:    ,
    Timestamp                     TPS   Pending tx  Confirmed tx       BPS      SBPS      ROOT       CPU
    2018-09-21 16:35:07          0.00            0             0      0.00      0.00        84     12.50
    2018-09-21 16:35:17          0.00            0          9000      0.02      0.00        84      7.80
    2018-09-21 16:35:27          0.00            0         18000      0.07      0.00        84      6.90
    2018-09-21 16:35:37          0.00            0         18000      0.07      0.00        84      4.49
    2018-09-21 16:35:47          0.00            0         18000      0.10      0.00        84      6.10

Code Pointers

Loadtest Accounts

12,000 loadtest accounts are loaded into genesis alloc config for each shard.


JSON RPCs are defined in Note that there are two JSON RPC ports. By default they are 38491 for private RPCs and 38391 for public RPCs. Since you are running your own clusters you get access to both.

Command Line Flags

Command line flags are defined in Some interesting ones regarding loadtest:

  • --num_shards (default 8) defines the number of shards in the cluster (must be power of 2)
  • --num_slaves (default 4) defines the number of slave servers in the cluster. Each slave server can serve one or more shards. Since each slave server is an independent process, you may want to make this equal to --num_shards to utilize as many CPU cores as possible.
  • --minor_block_interval_sec (default 10) defines the target block interval on each shard
  • --mine enables mining as soon as the cluster starts. Mining can also be toggled at runtime through setMining JSON RPC.
  • --clean clears any existing data to start a fresh cluster from genesis