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Tribuo tutorials

Tribuo is a Java machine learning library, which makes it well suited to run with Conclave. It provides tools for classification, regression, clustering, model development, and more.

If you are new to Conclave, start by reading our documentation and hello world tutorial.

If you are new to Tribuo, follow the Classification Tutorial. It introduces the ins and outs of training and testing a model as well as loading and saving the model for future use.

Take your time to familiarize yourself with the following tutorials as it will make it easier to understand this project.

The scenarios that these tutorials explore is one where you want to train or utilise a model on a computer operated by a third party and where it is imperative that the third party cannot access the training data or the resulting models and that they cannot observe or influence execution. The tutorials demonstrate how to use Conclave to create secure enclaves that can operate in this manner, and how to access them remotely in a way that can verify that the models are indeed being executed in a mode that is protected from the owner of the computer on which they run.

To keep the communication between the client and enclave secure, Mail is being used. Each mail contains a serialized request for the enclave to execute some action, i.e., sending configuration parameters for training models and obtaining evaluation results. Kotlin's serialization is used to serialize requests and responses.


This project is compatible with Conclave v1.1. To run it, execute the following instructions:

  • Set the conclaveRepo property in or override it on the command line, so it points to your Conclave distribution.

On Linux:

  • Run ./gradlew host:run, which will launch the host and wait for the client to connect.
  • Run ./gradlew client:run --args "<productID> <codeSigner> <securityInfoSummary>", which will launch the client, connect to the host and execute all tutorials.

On macOS:

  • Run <path to conclave-sdk>/scripts/container-gradle host:run
  • Run <path to conclave-sdk>/scripts/container-gradle client:run --args "<productID> <codeSigner> <securityInfoSummary>"

On Windows:

  • Run gradlew -PenclaveMode=mock host:run
  • Run gradlew -PenclaveMode=mock client:run --args "<productID> <codeSigner> <securityInfoSummary>"

When running on a non-secure mode, --args can be set to "1 4924CA3A9C8241A3C0AA1A24A407AA86401D2B79FA9FF84932DA798A942166D4 INSECURE", if using the provided sample_private_key.pem. For mock mode, only the <productID> is required, while <codeSigner> and securityInfoSummary are ignored and set to 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 and INSECURE respectively in the code.

Enclave modes

The gradle property enclaveMode can be set on the host and client modules to switch between mock, simulation, debug or release modes.

The client/data/enclave-config.json, used in the Configuration tutorial, contains the paths where the enclave will expect the data files. The original file contains paths to the root (/) of the enclave's in-memory file system, but when running in mock mode the client code will substitute them to the absolute path of the client's data directory, since in mock mode the JVM's default file system is used. The client code will restore the file when the execution is successful in mock mode, however, in case an exception is thrown the file may not be restored and you may need to revert it manually. Check the MockFileManager class and the client.Configuration.configurationFile property to understand how the substitutions are being done.


This project is composed of the following modules:

  • client
  • common
  • enclave
  • host

The client module is responsible for connecting to the host, send requests to the enclave and log the responses.

The common module includes the data classes representing the requests and responses as well as the logic to process them.

The enclave module is responsible for receiving Mail, deserializing the requests coming from the client, processing them and serializing the responses back to the client via Mail.

The host module is responsible for starting the enclave and forwarding Mail between client and enclave.


Client/Enclave communication

The common package contains the interfaces and methods used in the communication between client and enclave. Each interface and set of methods represents a tutorial, meaning there is one for Classification, Clustering, Regression, Anomaly Detection and Configuration.


The client package contains a similar set of classes which implement the same interfaces. The common implementations contain the actual machine learning logic to be executed by the enclave, while the client implementations simply build and send requests, receive the responses from the enclave and keep track of relevant state. This pairing of classes creates a hand-crafted Remote Procedure Call framework between client and enclave.


When the client invokes client.Classification.dataStats(), the enclave will execute common.Classification.dataStats() and so on. For that to happen, the client and enclave need to share request and response data classes.

These data classes representing the requests and responses are part of the common module. Using Classification as an example, there is a set of data classes in common/Classification.kt used for serializing the requests and responses:

  • InitializeClassification
  • DataStats
  • DataStatsResponse
  • TrainerInfo
  • TrainAndEvaluate

They are all annotated with kotlinx.serialization.Serializable annotation, delegating to Kotlin the serialization of each classes members. Some classes, such as DataStatsResponse, specify a custom serializer class, which can be found in the Serializers.kt file.


When client.Classification is initialized, it will start by initializing the irisDataPath and id fields:

     * Send the irises dataset to the enclave so that when [Classification] tutorial
     * is initialized the data is already available.
    val irisDataPath: String = client.sendResource(IRIS_DATA_FILE_NAME)

     * Sends a message to the enclave requesting the initialization of the
     * [Classification] tutorial.
     * The enclave returns the unique id of the tutorial to use when
     * executing the remote procedure calls.
    private val id: Int = client.sendAndReceive(InitializeClassification(irisDataPath, 0.7, 1L))

First, the client sends the iris dataset file, storing the file path of the file as per the enclave's in-memory file system in irisDataPath. Secondly, the common.InitializeClassification request is sent, which is used to create an instance of common.Classification in the enclave, which will be identified by the returned id. This creates a 1:1 relationship between client and enclave classes, sharing a common interface, where the client classes implementations send requests and cache the necessary returned responses, while the enclave will actually process and execute said requests, by executing the common.Classification logic.

Once common.Classification is initialized in the enclave, the client can use the id to submit further requests, which will be executed on the enclave's instance. The enclave keeps a HashMap of ids and instances on common.TribuoObject.objects in order to execute the requests on the right instance.

Aside from the first initialization request, further requests will be composed by the id and any necessary input parameters.


A lot of the client/enclave communication revolves around serialization, in particular, Kotlin's serialization. Most of the relevant serialization logic is in the TribuoTask.kt and Serializers.kt files, as well as in each categories' files and classes, for example, common/Classification.kt, where common.Classification and its related requests and responses are, such as, common.DataStats and common.DataStatsResponse.


When the client sends a request, it uses the Client.sendAndReceive function.

     * Serialize and send a request to the enclave and deserialize the response.
     * @param task the request to the enclave.
     * @return the deserialized response from the enclave.
    inline fun <reified R> sendAndReceive(task: TribuoTask): R {
        return decode(receiveMail().bodyAsBytes)

This function invokes the TribuoTask.encode() function, responsible for serializing the task into a ByteArray. The function then sends a Mail message, which will be processed by the enclave, waits until receiving a Mail with the response, which will be serialized, and invokes the decode function in TribuoTask.kt in order to deserialize the response to the correct type.

When the enclave receives a Mail message, it deserializes the body as a TribuoTask which uses Kotlin's Polymorphic Serialization to instantiate the correct request type. Once the task is obtained, it is executed via the TribuoTask.execute() function which returns a ByteArray with the serialized response which will be sent via Mail back to the client.

     * Deserialize the request sent by the client, execute it and mail the serialized result.
     * @param id An opaque identifier for the mail.
     * @param mail Access to the decrypted/authenticated mail body+envelope.
     * @param routingHint ignored
    override fun receiveMail(id: Long, mail: EnclaveMail, routingHint: String?) {
        val data = String(mail.bodyAsBytes)
        val task = format.decodeFromString(TribuoTask.serializer(), data)
        sendMail(mail, task.execute())

The messageModule on TribuoTask.kt defines all TribuoTask subclasses to be used on polymorphic deserialization as well as some contextual serializers for some Tribuo types. Some of the Tribuo types are and the contextual serializers leverage that by invoking inline fun <reified T> deserializeJavaObject(decoder: Decoder): T and inline fun <reified T> serializeJavaObject(encoder: Encoder, value: T) to serialize and deserialize those types.

 * Deserializes a single [] to an instance of type [T].
inline fun <reified T> deserializeJavaObject(decoder: Decoder): T {
    val byteArray = decoder.decodeSerializableValue(ByteArraySerializer())
    ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray).use { bis ->
        ObjectInputStream(bis).use { ois ->
            return ois.readObject() as T

 * Serializes a single [] instance of type [T].
inline fun <reified T> serializeJavaObject(encoder: Encoder, value: T) {
    val byteArrayOutputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
    byteArrayOutputStream.use { outputStream ->
        ObjectOutputStream(outputStream).use { oos ->
    encoder.encodeSerializableValue(ByteArraySerializer(), byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray())

Requests and responses

When initialization requests are executed by the enclave, for example the InitializeClassification request, which creates an instance of common.Classification, their execute() implementation will invoke TribuoObject.encode(), which takes the TribuoObject's initialization function and returns the instance's id, serialized as a ByteArray.

TribuoObject.encode creates the instance by invoking the function, stores it in objects and returns the task's execute() result, which will be the serialized id. This pattern is followed by all initialization requests.

data class InitializeClassification(val irisDataPath: String, val trainProportion: Double, val seed: Long) : TribuoTask() {
     * Initializes a [Classification] instance in the enclave.
     * @return The unique id of the [Classification] instance.
    override fun execute(): ByteArray {
        return encode {
            Classification(id.getAndIncrement(), irisDataPath, trainProportion, seed)

abstract class TribuoObject(val id: Int) : TribuoTask() {
    companion object {
         * Initializes the [TribuoObject] and adds it to [objects].
         * @param function The [TribuoObject]'s initialization function.
         * @return The unique [id] of the [TribuoObject] instance.
        fun <T: TribuoObject> encode(function: () -> T): ByteArray {
            val t = function()
            objects[] = t
            return t.execute()

For the other requests, for example common.DataStats, their execute() function will invoke inline fun <T, reified R> encode(id: Int, function: (T) -> R): ByteArray, in TribuoTask.kt, which takes an instance's id and the function to execute on the instance.

 * Request for obtaining the training and testing dataset statistics.
 * @param id The [Classification] instance id on which to execute the request.
class DataStats(private val id: Int) : TribuoTask() {
     * Obtains the training and testing dataset statistics from the
     * requested instance.
     * @return The serialized statistics.
    override fun execute(): ByteArray {
        return encode(id) { classification: Classification ->

 * Obtains the [TribuoObject] instance from [TribuoObject.objects] on which to
 * execute the [function].
 * @param id The id of the [TribuoObject]'s instance to obtain.
 * @param function The function to be executed on the [TribuoObject]'s instance.
 * @return The serialized [function]'s return value serialized to a [ByteArray].
inline fun <T, reified R> encode(id: Int, function: (T) -> R): ByteArray {
    @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") val obj = TribuoObject.objects[id] as T
    return Json.encodeToString(function(obj)).toByteArray()

The encode function will encode the returned value from function, serialize it as a ByteArray and the enclave will send the response to the client.

When the responses arrive at the client they are deserialized by the inline fun <reified R> decode(encoded: ByteArray): R function, in TribuoTask.kt, which will deduce the correct type from the calling interface method shared by both client and common implementations, ensuring the correct type is used between client and enclave.

 * Deserializes a response to an instance of its expected type [R].
 * @param encoded Serialized response as a [ByteArray].
 * @return Instance of the response type.
inline fun <reified R> decode(encoded: ByteArray): R {
    return format.decodeFromString(String(encoded))

Sequence diagram

Using Classification and DataStats as an example, the following sequence diagram illustrates the message exchange between client and enclave, a common pattern for all the requests. Encoding and decoding on the client side have been omitted.


Serialization and Reflection configuration

Tribuo uses Java Serialization and Reflection, which requires configuration in order to work with Conclave.

To know more about how to configure them, check our documentation on reflection configuration files and serialization configuration files.

The files used on this project can be found on enclave/src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image/.


It is currently not possible to work with external models in Conclave.


The tutorials use the Iris and Wine datasets, from UCI Machine Learning Repository and also the The MNIST database of handwritten digits.

The data files have been obtained from:

Please refrain from accessing the The MNIST database of handwritten digits files from automated scripts with high frequency. Make copies!