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Creating a MapTool Release

Jamz edited this page Mar 4, 2019 · 2 revisions

Follow the below steps to create a new "Release" which will create a .jar, .deb, .dmg, .pkg, .exe file.

  1. Go to GitHub Releases
  2. Click the [Draft a new release] button.
  3. Enter a semantic version number in the [Tag version] box, e.g. 1.5.0 or 1.5.1-rc.3
  4. Select the branch to build the release from
  5. Enter "MapTool " + release version (same as you entered in [Tag version]
  6. Enter a high level description for this release such as major feature or major bug fixes. Link to the file.
  7. Click [Publish release]

This will trigger the configured CI's to do a build & deploy. After a few minutes the release artifacts will begin to populate here.

Test the installs and if everything is ok, edit the release and uncheck [This is a pre-release]. This will mark this release as the "Latest Release".

*Note: Once you have marked this as a "Latest release", the GitHub API will return this commit SHA to our class which will prompt users that a new release is available.

Oh oh, I made a mistake, now what?

No worries mate. Just edit the Release. You can delete the artifacts if needed. If you change the Tag Name, it will trigger another build/deploy. You will probably want to change the Target to the branch (vs the current commit) if you had to make a code change and want to create a new build based on latest code from that branch.

_*Note: If you need to re-release using the same version, you need to delete the tag first before you can reuse it. The CI process is triggered on the Tag being created.