Add a new Maven module for the new Minecraft version:
- Copy an existing module and rename: Module folder, package folder and inside the pom (artifactId and name).
- Update the CraftBukkit dependency inside the pom of the new module.
- Add the module in the root pom.
- Add a dependency entry for the new module in the pom of the dist module.
- Update the NMSHandler class:
- Package name.
- Output of #getVersionId.
- Update all NMS version specific imports and references.
- Check all NMS version specific code:
- Methods or fields might no longer exist or might have been renamed.
Add a new build entry in '.travis.yml'.
New mobs:
- Test if they can be used for shopkeepers.
- Add a note about potential issues in SKLivingShopObjectTypes.
- If there are no severe issues, add them to the by default enabled living shop types.
New features for new or existing shop objects (mobs, signs, etc.):
- Consider adding them to the editor menu of that shop object.
- Add new editor buttons and messages.
- Consider adding them to the editor menu of that shop object.
New blocks or items:
- Check the ItemUtils if there are any material lists that need to be updated.
- Containers, supported containers, rails.
- Check the ItemUtils if there are any material lists that need to be updated.
If there are major differences, consider dropping support for older Minecraft versions.
- Remove corresponding Maven modules.
- Update Bukkit/Spigot/CraftBukkit dependencies inside the parent pom.
- Check for legacy data migrations which could be removed now.
- Check if there are new Bukkit features which can replace portions of the existing NMS specific code.
- Use the EntityType enum to get the name of default enabled mobs inside the Settings.
- Build and test the new version.
- Make sure the changelog is complete. Fill in the release date.
- Update the version ('revision') in the parent pom (remove the '-SNAPSHOT' tag).
- Commit, build and deploy.
- Add a new git tag for that version.
- Update the version in the parent pom for working on the next version. Re-add the '-SNAPSHOT' tag.
- If not yet done, add a new entry inside the changelog for the next version.
- Commit.
Update the wiki, depending on the changes of the update:
- Default config.
- Permissions page.
- Commands page.
- Shop setup pages.
- Images of the default shopkeeper editor.
- 'Known issues' page.
Update the project pages, if required: dev.bukkit.org, spigotmc.org
Update translations repository, if there have been message changes:
- Add a new folder for the new version.
- Copy the default language files into it.
- Write changelog: Copy previous changelog, replace contents, adjust the formatting.
- Upload to dev.bukkit.org.
- Post a comment about the update.
- Upload to spigotmc.org.