Simple & Lightweight library to allow the usage of the Builder Design Pattern for simple Spigot & Paper Components.
repositories {
maven {
name = "AtlasRepo"
url = 'https://repository.atlasworld.fr/repository/maven-public/'
dependencies {
implementation "be.raft.crafty:crafty-builder:${minecraft_version}-${crafty_version}"
Define minecraft_version
and crafty_version
in your gradle.properties file,
or simply replace them with the correct version.
Versions available here
Replace minecraft_version
and crafty_version
with the correct version.
Versions available here
See Test Plugin for examples. Code is fully documented, see the javadoc for method listing.
public static final ItemStack MY_CUSTOM_ITEM = new ItemBuilder(new ItemStack(Material.STICK))
.displayName("My Custom Item")
.setLore("This is the first line!", "This is the second line!")
public static final ItemStack POTION_ITEM = new ItemBuilder(new ItemStack(Material.POTION))
.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SPEED, 20*30, 0))
Anybody can contribute by opening a pull request. I would really appreciate if you want to make this code base better! I don't have any code guidelines, I will just ask you to fully document your code.