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Game configuration details

erik-vos edited this page Feb 20, 2021 · 7 revisions

Game configuration details


This is an attempt to start setting up a more structured setup of Wiki pages to document the details of creating the per-game XML configuration files, in particular the more complex details. Initially my contribution may be little more than a number of separate topics about configuration issues that I had to deal with myself, but I have some hope that it could grow to a comprehensive overview at some point in the (maybe far) future. Of course, others are encouraged to contribute to this brave effort.

The idea is, that after the initial dust has settled down, this page will mainly consist of a short intro, followed by a Table of Contents with links to subpages on various topics. Unfortunately, the GitHub wiki does not seem to support the concept of subpages, so all of these will show up in the sidebar, which already is getting kind of overloaded. If someone knows how to improve this sorry condition, please do so. (On the Web I found a suggestion to create a separate branch in the repo for wiki subpages, and link to these from the table of contents.)

Whether the ToC will be structured by type of entity (Train, Company, Map etc) or by XML file I don't yet know, although the former looks more attractive to me.


1. Trains

2. Certificates and Shares

3. Stop properties

A next page may result from a new hard look I plan to have at the Special Properties with respect to which entities are the owner, the holder, the user and the recipient of any proceeds, such as selling bonus tokens. Like all things in Rails, everything starts with the 1830 way of doing things, which always is the default. Whilst working on 18Scan, I had great trouble to have Rails understand that in some games Specials can be used when still owned by a Player. I believe that this subject needs a fundamental revisit.

Note: I'm using monospace font for XML code snippets, and bold font for relevant entity names, which usually are also Java class names.

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