With the latest version of ansible (2.9), not all OpenStack modules have been developed by the community.
I created the two following OpenStack custom modules:
- os_volume_type: manage a volume type: create update, delete, encrypt and decrypt a volume type
- os_allocate_floatingip: create/update/delete a number of floating ips associated to a given network. The server existence with this module is irrelevent
Those modules have been developed using:
- Python 2.7
- OpenStack APIv3
Those modules are based on os_connect.py script that retrieves:
- OpenStack endpoints
- Token to authenticate to OpenStack services.
- Whether we need to verify SSL communication
This script should be added to Python path
Module os_volume_type:
- name: Create a volume Type
cloud: overcloud
volume_type_name: volumetype01
state: present
project: demo
extra_spec: volume_backend_name='backend01'
- name: Delete a volume Type
cloud: overcloud
volume_type_name: volumetype02
state: absent
Module os_allocate_floatingip:
- name: Create 10 floating ip addresses
cloud: overcloud
project: demo
state: present
count: 10
network: extnet
- name: Delete floating ip address
cloud: overcloud
project: demo
state: present
network: extnet