The gear position indicator is a custom hardware project that interfaces with a 2003-2009 suzuki SV 650 and possibly 2004-2011 V Strom 650s (not yet tested) to display the gear position, current ambient temperature and charging system voltage.
The display is designed to look like the stock gauge cluster, it is a very slim light weight unit with an LCD display. The yellow backlight color was specificaly chosen to match the OEM backlighting.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
To build the firmware solution you will need Atmel Studio v. 7
To deploy the firmware you will need an in system programmer (ISP) attached to the microcontrollers using the following programming pins.
The schematic folder contains a Kicad schematic and board layout to build the hardware. Parts are surface mount and designed to be mounted to a single side circuit board for ease of build.
Power draw of the unit is less than 1/4 watt so there is almost no load to the bikes charging system.
A nokia 5110 LCD screen was chosen as this display offers a low price point combined with an excellent full sun readability.
Wiring interface is a simple three wire setup - ignition power, ground, and gear position level. The hardware is bolted to the head stock just in from of the stock gauge cluster. The mounting box is a black abs plastic project box.
This is the list of components required to build the gear position indicator.
- ATTiny44a - microcontroller
- LM2937 / LM2936 - 3.3 volt regulator
- nokia 5110 lcd display
- mcp9700 temperature sensor
- Capacitor 10uF ceramic
- 2 Capacitor 0.1uF ceramic
- 3 x Resistor 10K ohm
- Resistor 47k ohm
- BOX ABS BLACK 1.97"L X 1.97"W
This is what the finished product looks like on the motorcycle.