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V3.1 -- Actuation Model

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@hammar hammar released this 18 Nov 14:14

Version 3.1 is a feature release of REC that contains:

  • The new Actuation module, with north- and southbound message semantics for enacting actuations on systems.
  • Deprecation of the Room (Building module) and Premises (Lease module) type hierarchies, in favour of the RoomType and PremisesType classes, respectively. Named individuals of these classes are punned to the same IRIs as the now-deprecated classes, the latter of which will be removed in an upcoming 4.0 release.
  • Documentation on REC recommendations for alignments with owl:sameAs and owl:equivalentClass (outside of ontology, see GitHub repo).
  • Initial OWL2OAS annotations (work in progress, see governing how an OAS API will be generated from the REC OWL files. Will be fully functional by release 3.2.