- Merge pull request #201 from tratteo/master
- Merge pull request #198 from mdanics/master
- Merge pull request #199 from mdanics/spiderfy_ontop
- Merge pull request #197 from tratteo/master
- Merge pull request #196 from ignatz/master
- Fix cluster rotation
- Merge pull request #194 from shrijanRegmi/master
- Merge pull request #192 from marselisborgit/master
- Merge pull request #182 from starshipcoder/dev-rebuild-issue
- Merge pull request #188 from altotunchitoo:flutter_map-6
- Merge pull request #184 from shrijanRegmi/master
- Merge pull request #175 from enricostrijks/master
- Merge pull request #173 from andreystavitsky/master
- Merge pull request #162 from proformance/fix_marker_ontap
- Merge pull request #164 from nploi/upgrade_flutter_map_v4
- Merge pull request #159 from ignatz/null-safe_latlngbounds
- Merge pull request #156 from abdulmeLINK/master
- Merge pull request #154 from philipgiuliani/patch-1
- Merge pull request #152 from ignatz/master
- Merge pull request #148 from ignatz/fast_traversal
- Merge pull request #141 from hahrot/patch-1
- Wait unspiderfy before to spiderfy another cluster
- Fix lint errors
- Merge pull request #132 from aytunch/null-check-bug
- Merge pull request #110 from Feynallein/master
- Merge pull request #130 from RicardoRB/master
- Merge pull request #125 from appsup-dart/flicker-issue
- Merge pull request #112 from thoKling/master
- #120 Bump flutter map 1.0.0
- Center cluster when spiderfy. Spiderfy when press cluster and current zoom is equal to fitBoundsOptions max zoom
- Fix #98: Loose marker alignment after upgrading library
- #94 Support Marker rotate, rotateOrigin and rotateAlignment options
Upgrade to flutter_map_marker_popup v2.0.0 which now supports showing multiple popups at once. The default behaviour when using popups remains single-popup but some breaking changes in PopupController were required:
- hidePopups -> hideAllPopups
- hidePopupIfShowingFor -> hidePopupsOnlyFor
- showPopup -> showPopupsOnlyFor
If you wish to show multiple popups at once you will want to change the default MarkerTapBehavior, see the documentation in PopupMarkerLayerOptions.
- Null safety update
- Fix deprecate warning
- Added marker_cluster_layer_widget
- #65 Ensure cluster is split when tapping it
- Upgrade flutter_map_marker_popup
- Upgraded flutter_map
- Added key so that states are preserved when map moves
- Removed extras property to marker
- Added disableClusteringAtZoom property to MarkerClusterLayerOptions
- Added extras property to marker
- Upgraded flutter_map to 0.10.1+1
- Added marker popup
- Added marker onClusterTap option
- Upgraded flutter_map to 0.9.0
- Update support for latest flutter_map and add support for AndroidX #27
- updated flutter_map
- added animationsoptions
- #24 Add optional onTap callback for Markers
- added analysis_options.yaml
- fix warnings
- fix positions
- spiderfyCircleDistanceMultiplier to spiderfyCircleRadius
- fix circle spiferfy
- splitted spiderfyDistanceMultiplier to spiderfyCircleDistanceMultiplier and spiderfySpiralDistanceMultiplier
- added to gesturedetector behavior opaque
- spiderfy marker animation starts to cluster point
- added anchorpos to cluster in example
- setState issue fixed ( #4 setState not supported )
- added example with marker that change position
- MarkerClusterGroupPlugin to MarkerClusterPlugin
- MarkerClusterGroupLayerOptions to MarkerClusterLayerOptions
- maxZoom and minZoom not required ( #2 MapOptions.minZoom required )
- refresh when change markers ( #4 setState not supported )
- fix when spiderfy
- flutter_map version 0.5.5+2
- options added anchorPos
- removed removeOutsideVisibleBound
- added option showPolygon
- polygon line are all cluster's markers and not cluster's child
- polygon under clusters and markers
- added some tests and configurated travis ci
- inital release